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Everything posted by Brewman

  1. Brewman


    Can't believe nobody mentioned McCoy's chargrilled proper man crisps. Also in the running are Tayto, Kings, NikNaks,burger bites.
  2. Bought a blade of Midnight and a catty off Sheffield Catapults with no issue.
  3. Try this book : A guide to canning, freezing, curing and smoking meat, fish and game. By Wilbur F. Eastman Jr.
  4. Congrats, I was cheering her on, shame she didn't get the gold but good on her. Not bad to look at either.
  5. Finalist for the Darwin awards there.
  6. I like my chilli so I laughed my balls of at that one.
  7. Great idea cheers,,,, thinking about it,,, I bet you could use the plastic milk cartons you get from supermarkets ,,, just cut the top off. You could do that as well, got the idea from my uncle for left over stock so applied it to meat. Tescos blue tie handled freezer bags are good as they don't stick to anything.
  8. To many lefties in the audience, every excuse from the work shy fcukers.
  9. We are Europe's gimp who does as we're told.
  10. 1 litre juice cartons with the top cut off, will hold cut up meat perfectly once it's in a bag. Handy blocks and don't stick.
  11. Where did you get the extra wide mirror? Lol
  12. Is it? As Jig said,the rest of the country won't reap or get a small share of the rewards.
  13. Fcuk me,I nearly dropped me beer and there was me thinking what I'm going to do with my lamb leg. Looks proper tasty mate, less crisps more room for meat.
  14. Decent chest freezer and it'll last months if not years if bagged properly with as much excess moisture removed.
  15. Brewman


    Congrats Joe777 it's all ahead of you, happiness like you'll not have known, (a bit tanked and sentimental)
  16. Brewman


    In pub having pints, they taste mighty fine...
  17. I liked him in that one where he fought the English so Scotland could be independent. Braveheart I think it was, Joe67 should know.
  18. Upto just before the recession about 45% of the working population paid little or no tax which meant they over borrowed then the crash happened so the government started to punish everyone to make up for their fcuking up.My mother has had about 25% deducted from her pension by the criminal class and no raises when she paid tax for over 50 years. They'll smile and say welcome while they have their hands in your pockets. The old quaint friendly romantic dream of Ireland is dead and buried. It's an expensive hole not worth the risk.
  19. Brewman


    My beer day is tomorrow probably the only one in February so really looking forward to it.
  20. Don't just stand there, shoot those fcuking pigeons for shitting on me.
  21. Brewman

    For Malt

    You're persistent I'll give you that but I can't see it ending well though ;-)
  22. You pay for everything!!! Iwas born and brought up there and have lived the same amount of time in the UK. I would have to earn twice my salary to have a comparable standard of living. You pay to see the doctor so if you have to see the doc regularly it's not cheap unless you have some serious insurance. Car fuel is a little cheaper but car tax is at least twice the price. Food is in general at least a third more expensive. Asda in Strabane and Enniskillen are always in the top 5 busiest Asda stores because that many people from the south use them. Beer is at least 20 % more a
  23. Evening folks as the title says but not the mincers of a particular persuasion but mincing machines. I was looking at a Buffalo CB943 for about £120 which seems alright for my price range. Does anyone have experience with it or something else. Cheers Brewman
  24. Cracking read, sounds like a proper boys time away. Lucky sod.
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