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Everything posted by Brewman

  1. Brewman


    cut me to he quick that did Sure iced water runs through your veins lol
  2. Brewman


    Welcome home, you'll be happier there with your clan. All the best and take your time and enjoy the summer, hope your good lady is de-stressing now. Nice to have a decent mod now lol
  3. Make f****r eat the pup's shite and tape his mouth shut with duct tape so he chokes on his own puke whilst pouring bleach into his eyes. That's just for starters. Then jam him in the door and slam it breaking various body parts ie his legs multiple times causing lots and lots of fractures resulting in the limbs having to be amputated. Oh and replace the bleach with a mix of tabasco habanero sauce and petrol. Let it sting for a while before lighting the petrol. See how fcuking hard Liam is then the fcuking cock sucker.
  4. A bit of chocolate sauce and they would taste grand. Lol
  5. Brewman


    Excellent brilliant news brought a smile to my face. All the best for you and Liz and the rest of the clan. Gods speed.
  6. £100,000 fine and a warning from the club. Ouch.
  7. He's not dead yet but will be if he doesn't leave the country. Dead man walking.
  8. 200 mls is about a tenner for pure not concentrate on amazon UK if that helps. Liverine I think it's from.
  9. Brewman


    Get well soon and all the best for your family.
  10. Harriet Harmon is an arrogant unapologetic remorseless kunt who has through her lack of action knowingly assisted paedophiles to try and legitimise themselves. I have never said this about anyone but I hope she gets painfully terminally ill sometime soon. An absolute waste of space and a despicable disgusting individual.
  11. It's class, anything to beat a scouser.
  12. F**k me, Brewz! I bet you enjoyed writing that almost as much as I enjoyed reading it! Let it Out, Brother! Reading stuff like that really winds me up, why don't the fuckwits protest out side Tescos or Sainsburys, because they have no balls. They were bullied at school or were the munter of the year who even a desperate fella wouldn't have touched them with a barge pole when pissed. This is their way of getting even. Fcuking pathetic wastes of space threatening to put people's livelihoods at risk. Absolute wastes of space who should be arrested and charged for the theft of oxygen. Abso
  13. The muppets threatened a boycott of businesses either side which is just plain spite from scum so I think that's why he gave in so can't really call them fannies for that. They morons moved to the country what do they expect. I read the whole article and it is beyond belief what some of the so called protesters who are supposedly grown adults such as "it must be hard for kids who have pets to see dead animals" or words of that effect. Kids aren't squeamish only their soft as shit wankshaft ballbag parents who pass absolute shite onto them. Arsehole, they really get on my goat. Fcuking hipo
  14. What would one of them smelly hoors weigh? Looks hard enough work. Cracking story mucker.
  15. Nice one Wales, good try by Warburton. We just need to beat England tomorrow and we're sucking diesel rightly.
  16. Thanks for your comments Gnasher, Better late is definitely better than never as a lot of kids who grew up in the country and did these things either no longer live there or don't appreciate it. Finding an affinity for it now with the benefit of maturity and life's experiences isn't a bad thing and if you can pass that onto someone else young or old even better. I moved to London at 16 so all the country stuff went out the window for a good few years. That was until friends of mine moved their horses out to Totteridge past Mill Hill. Beautiful part of the world it was. Every Saturday and
  17. Evenings folks, last installment I promise. Every summer I used to head up to my aunt and uncles in Tyrone for 2 or sometimes 4 weeks. They lived just off the main road but in a big farming area. It was here I got out hunting with a dog, my uncle's pointer bitch who had an extremely high prey drive and excellent at catching bunnies. My cousins weren't interested in going out so me and Sheba would go ourselves. Well we came across a field teeming with them, now Sheba was trained to the gun so she was the experienced one out of the both of us. We'll we stayed in cover above the holes so
  18. fook that the things you could buy for a penny Pennies,two pence pieces and the odd five pence piece. With the 2p because it was bigger it would get battered several times, sellotape helped lol. That's the stories I won't be sharing with the kids.
  19. Newkid, you have me on a roll here all these stories are bringing back memories. On my field trips during the better weather I'd have my survival hammock with me, a radio and some sausages,small tins of beans and some bread. After cooking my fayre(fancy spelling) I'd lie in the hammock listen to the radio rocking myself using string tied to another tree, absolute bliss. I remember building a raft from a pallet that we filled with as much floating stuff as possible there was always one plank who fell in and it wasn't me lol. Then there was the turning over of orchards which I planned with
  20. Lived on the edge of the town just near the countryside, the beach was about a mile away and the hills and forest about 2 with plenty of fields in between. My dad wasn't one for the outdoors or spending time with me for that matter always on the beer. I suppose it was his culture and it was the same in his social circle. Not making excuses that's just how it was. From my bedroom I could see the hills so I had a hunger for them so when I was old enough I practically spent as much time as possible. I did all the young boy stuff making dens, sneaking up on rabbits etc. For my 10th or 11th birt
  21. absolutely none, they're all a bunch of soap dodging trampy fcuked up ass holes Jaysus Big G best you get off that fence before it hurts your hole lol
  22. How many badgers will the flood cull at no extra expense? Who will the antis whinge at now? I wonder if any will drown gallantly saving Mr Brock.
  23. I buy mine over the counter and for my sister's dogs as well. I know all the staff at the vet's so don't know if that makes a difference.
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