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Everything posted by Brewman

  1. Subway haven't excluded anyone, you still have the choice to buy or not. I don't think for a minute they haven't checked the figures and this is nothing more than a financial decision. You can make up bizarre theories how its came about but tbh, I only see a sandwich franchise changing a menu to get more bums on seats.So they haven't excluded anyone? I've read it wrong then. I can still go in and get my chicken and bacon ranch....? Or my Italian BMT lol
  2. Not at all, I'm more concerned about the the changes to the educational system and how government and local councils police etc have dumbed down the negative effects of islamists from child sex gangs to their own patrols honour killings and their protests against soldiers etc. My point about Subway is how they have potentially excluded non muslims by introducing halal which is barbaric and unnecessary and the removal of pork products. If it was the other way around white people or Christians would be accused of bigotry.
  3. I know it's only a menu on a shop but when is the end? When all pork products are banned from schools? from restraunts? from supermarkets?r This is not an Islamic country (not yet anyway) the banning of ANY product to satisfy a fanatical minority don't sit right with me if it's no problem to anyone else then that's up to the individual.In 20 years time will I need to go to a specialty meat producer to by non Halal pork from "under the counter" in a brown paper bag?Death by a thousand cuts mate...I know what your saying mate. If the government change the menu then yes, I agree, it's something t
  4. Subway are removing Pork products from 185 premises in the UK and Ireland and supplying halal only in them. This from listening to their muslim customers supposedly. They will be losing my custom now and thousands of others as well. I'm not able to put the link up from the Daily Mail.
  5. At least it won't go tits up!!
  6. You have just been diagnosed terminally ill with a few months to live. You are of sound mind and of reasonable physical health with no financial issues or other worries for your family after you're gone. The question is this: You have the means and opportunity to take out either a large group of radical islamists putting their cause in the UK back decades or a large group of corrupt public officials who have been responsible for the permitting of the moral and financial rape of the country to benefit their kind at the serious detriment of the majority of the working and elderly population.
  7. You have just been diagnosed terminally ill with a few months to live. You are of sound mind and of reasonable physical health with no financial issues or other worries for your family after you're gone. The question is this: You have the means and opportunity to take out either a large group of radical islamists putting their cause in the UK back decades or a large group of corrupt public officials who have been responsible for the permitting of the moral and financial rape of the country to benefit their kind at the serious detriment of the majority of the working and elderly population.
  8. A brilliant way with words Jig, how do you get rid of the manky pelts when you've skinned them?
  9. Arrogant twat wouldn't listen to the locals. What a tosser.
  10. Plenty considering he shitt on millions of people.
  11. Brewman

    New Son

    Congrats, happy days and hope all are doing well.
  12. Brewman

    Maria Miller

    I think Dave did the right thing in backing her as now it just brings more press attention to the fact he is a TWAT and that he and his party are corrupt bullies. The more the tosser and his followers do things like this the more people will turn to UKIP. The tosser is that arrogant he is blind to reality and that people have never been so disgusted with the coalition than ever before. This close to elections and he is behaving that pompous it's laughable. The general public won't be so quick to forget.
  13. Good teacher, I'm on the donor list since I can remember. No point it going to waste. I donated bone marrow. and platelets a few years ago. Twas sore as fcuk but worth it.
  14. Lol. I must get off that fence the splinters are starting to get on my nut. In seriousness how many jobs have they cost along with all the other leftie cnuts and eroding life long traditions going back years. The same tossers are willing to let anyone in to the country where ironically hunting is a way of life for every other nationality. Antis = inbred incestuous dirty scummy oxygen thieven scumbagso, hope this clears up any ambiguity.
  15. If rats were averaging that size in the uk. Would only be matter of time before the antis would want the hunting of rats banned! Antis are dirty unwashed filthy smelly hoors so wherever they live I bet the rats aren't to far away. If they were that big they could chew on the anti fuckhead community. See if they wouldn't like hunting then. Dirty scummy fcukers arrogance just seeps out of them. And just to clarify it's not the rats I'm on about.
  16. How about a dangerous cat act banning total ownership of all cats.
  17. Oh fcuking yes what a climax to a tournament, doesn't get better than that. I'm gutted for the English folk on here lol
  18. Ye say that now but at the time you might have a totally different perspective especially when you have a family and young kids. He must have some strength of character. You don't know what resolve,fight and resilience you have until you call upon it in dire and difficult circumstances.
  19. I second that, sausage salad, sausages and jelly, sausage soup, sausage kebabs yep the list is endless lol.
  20. Better a dog than a child but the wolf should be shot especially if it's got that much nerve to do what it did.
  21. Really scraping the bottom of the biscuit barrel there fellas.
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