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Everything posted by Brewman

  1. Keep your head up pal my little girl was born three months premeture and had a big operation at a month old she was giving 24 hours to live a few times but pulled through and was in incubater for three months them docters and nurses do be great im sure your little girl will pull through little girls are big fighters atb mate All the best to the 2 of you I hope they grow up healthy and strong. I can't begin to imagine what it is/was like going through that.
  2. Personally I can't imagine living in a country where the state can summarily execute you in the street for the heinous crime of putting your hands in your pockets. Land of the free indeed I couldn't imagine being a police officer going to work everyday wondering if someone is going to shoot me just because I've decided to pull there car over that day. 7 cops killed at traffic stops in 2015. 7 out of however many million traffic stops across the US. Pretty good odds IMO. Pretty shit odds in my opinion, try telling that they're good odds to their families. What about the famil
  3. Personally I can't imagine living in a country where the state can summarily execute you in the street for the heinous crime of putting your hands in your pockets. Land of the free indeed I couldn't imagine being a police officer going to work everyday wondering if someone is going to shoot me just because I've decided to pull there car over that day. 7 cops killed at traffic stops in 2015. 7 out of however many million traffic stops across the US. Pretty good odds IMO. Pretty shit odds in my opinion, try telling that they're good odds to their families.
  4. He health of my wife and children with a decent roof over our heads. Everything else is a bonus really.
  5. All the best for your mucker hope he finds a suitable donor. I've been on the register for 14 years now and donated bone marrow once and some platelets the year after. Best thing in my life I could have done for somebody..
  6. Mustn't forget the wham bars.
  7. I can't believe nobody has mentioned strawberry laces, there are one of my favourites. All this sweet talk is making my mouth water. All the best Trapperman hope it works out and is successful for you and your good lady.
  8. I'd like to thank you for coming, I'd like to thank some for not being able to make it, Unfortunately some were not able to make it, And unfortunately some if you were able to make it. Then point to a few mates/relations who can take a joke. Always a good ice breaker.
  9. His sister died a couple of weeks ago. Several years ago I was speaking to a couple of lads who worked for the uspca and I asked them about tosspot and they turned the air blue, nothing good to say at all. Apparently he had an IT background.
  10. Never know, could have just died ie a bird type heart attack etc.
  11. Go Wales all the way, youse can do it.
  12. Belated birthday wishes mucker.
  13. for fucks sake. you Mods need a like button. that's about the hundreth time I have agreed with your political standpoint regarding the referendum l.Yes Walshie has many likes from me lately maybe he should get into politics, i hear there is a vacancy coming up.Walshie for PM?He's got my vote. Forget Walshie, only one man gets my vote for PM f****n' hell that made me laugh I cant wait to show the missus that when she gets home from work. He's clearly the best man for the job First post i have liked from you bgd In this life anything is possible. Newsflash..... Silversnake is no
  14. First of all GL where's the invites? Looking tasty and colourful as always. On the question of sourcing local, My lamb comes from a farm about a mile away as does some pork the rest from elsewhere in Northern Ireland , My eggs from down the road or from about 8 miles away, My oil from a mile away, My beef northern Ireland, All game locally, Fresh fish from Northern Ireland, Veg as much as possible local, Beer local or UK. Unfortunately chicken isn't free range and chances are from abroad ie Thailand, hoping to rectify that. I do my best to support local businesses and farmers
  15. English spoken and no criminal record that would be 90% of THL f****d lol Allegience to the Queen before allegience to God? is that what your suggesting Max you havent thought this through you Sing GOD save our Queen yet you want allegience to her who needs saving by God FFS get real.a good point, Britain has lost ouch with Christianity they need to reach out againI would disagree with you there Len, I would say Christianity has lost touch with modern Britain just like the catholic church leaving touch with Joe public down south.
  16. Class photo mucker. Poacher turned gamekeeper? Lol
  17. I disagree, the working immigrants in the UK are contributing to our nation. Why the fcuk should they be punished??Obviously our own people should be given first dibs on jobs but we all know how lazy a lot of Brits are when it comes to work. My best friend is Hungarian - been here 10 years, worked from day 1, paid his taxes, never claimed a penny back and has done well for himself. Why should he be penalised in any way ? That is the kind of ethic we should be trying to instill in our youngsters ! why will he be punished, your just making stupid leftie statements, England is an island of migra
  18. Tiercel already covered that in another thread mucker.
  19. I disagree, the working immigrants in the UK are contributing to our nation. Why the fcuk should they be punished?? Obviously our own people should be given first dibs on jobs but we all know how lazy a lot of Brits are when it comes to work. My best friend is Hungarian - been here 10 years, worked from day 1, paid his taxes, never claimed a penny back and has done well for himself. Why should he be penalised in any way ? That is the kind of ethic we should be trying to instill in our youngsters ! why will he be punished, your just making stupid leftie statements, England is an island of
  20. ulster is going nowhere mate, our vote was split, a hundred thousand vote difference really, and a border poll here will not be successful Ireland already has 1/3 of Ulster and gets on just fine, has a robust economy and will benefit again from a Brexit. I'm not sure the UK can afford to support 6 counties as a separate country without the EU funding that has been pouring into the region since the good Friday agreement. The Brexit was a great result for Nationalists, in Ireland. At the time of the Good Friday Agreement Ian paisley demanded that the Irish concede sovereignty to 6 counties. It
  21. ulster is going nowhere mate, our vote was split, a hundred thousand vote difference really, and a border poll here will not be successful Ireland already has 1/3 of Ulster and gets on just fine, has a robust economy and will benefit again from a Brexit. I'm not sure the UK can afford to support 6 counties as a separate country without the EU funding that has been pouring into the region since the good Friday agreement. The Brexit was a great result for Nationalists, in Ireland. At the time of the Good Friday Agreement Ian paisley demanded that the Irish concede sovereignty to 6 counties.
  22. What the Fcuk is wrong with some people? We got what we voted for so why all the whinging? Why do some fcukwits still have to trundle out the same old shite. Why we got may not benefit us right away but I'm certain that my kids and their kids will benefit from this excellent result. If we want what's best for us and keep shite at bay, so what it called looking after your own. Only a ballbag would put others in front of their own. You wouldn't help someone else's kids putting your own at risk, same applies to your country and communities and if you do put others before your own then t
  23. There is even petition to get Sadi kahn to call a referendum to make London a seperate state. Just arseholes doing stuff out of stupidity and boredom.
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