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Everything posted by Brewman
Oh yes, it's a wrench this one. Watched it as a kid at cinema. Got it on DVD now. Atb Just looked it up on wiki it made me feel like shedding a tear.
Law Abiding Citizen, the wrong person died. I've just retyped as just told the ending. I cried at that one.
This is the first wave of an invasion from people so different they are literally aliens. I think Scotland was the tester and if they are tolerated within certain parameters with a certain level of criminal acts committed by them and against them then there will be a larger influx, I would say on a much larger scale. Scameron and Co. Ltd will allow this to barter for concessions from the EU which will benefit his class of wealthy tory types. Sturgeon and Co are well out of their depth and don't have a clue how to deal with this problem. Not Scotland First coming from them now.
I remember that post you made G.L. as I can remember thinking how tragic for your friend and the family he lost so near to Christmas. Suicide is neither brave or a cowards way out. Victims feel as if they're in a hole and it's getting deeper and darker and can't see anyone to help them. It is due to mental illness that could be there from birth or brought on by something traumatic at the time or in the past from they're childhood eg abuse. It's very hard to understand if you haven't been there and difficult to explain if you have and didn't carry it out. There is still to much stigma and d
Go one further and mince a whole load of pork to near liquid dimensions so it can be hosed under high pressure over them. I think it would be quite a successful method.
R.I.P. Diesel faithful and loyal servant.
The 'innocent refugees' once they're settled and have their own ever growing community or communities will crow and crow and push islam upon us and will have plenty of extremists among them. They always have and always will. The furtherance of islam and the prophet is paramount to them.
I believe this is the very beginning of WW3 just it won't be like WW2/WW1. The extremists are every where and will never be excluded from mainstream islamic communities. It won't take much for the home grown extremists to find a set of bollocks and try their luck. They will have a small following at the beginning but the more momentum they have then the more moderate muslims will stop sitting on the fence and will follow like faithful sheep but like sheep with teeth. And because it is a fanatical extremist religion when it takes hold diplomatic methods won't work or threats of force or pea
Sounds perfectly sensible to allow people with a long and proven track record to carry a concealed weapon......its the day course Andy Mcnab wannabee,s im not so sure of. you would need special trained sas type who would be prepared to go in to fire fight floating 3 in a car diff areas..every cop her is armed always have been but about 3yrs ago 3 cops drive into an ira checkpoint on the northern side of the border reversed and hightailed it back to the nearest barracks,an embaressed chief constable later explained at a press converence it was to risky to take them on,imagine this happening in
I'm not aware if you've read previous topics on immigration/asylum seekers but the overwhelming opinion on THL would be that uncontrolled immigration is a majorly large problem. It probably hasn't been brought up in this topic as its just taken as a given that everyone has that opinion.
Jig I just spent the last 20 minutes watching that and it sent a shiver down my spine. The worrying thing is the colossal amount of left wing nieve idiots who are part of the problem. None of those fcukers will be marrying my daughters. There are a lot of so called refugees who need to be culled. Some may think it's an extreme possibly a racist suggestion but I'm fairly certain it will become reality.
Scotland beware, there will be something big planned before Christmas. May not be just London that has to be on seriously high alert. Mark my words.
According to sky news police have started a raid on the concert hall. Edited to 2 attackers killed by police. Excellent work may many more of the scum die shortly.
poor people, god help them. Heartbreaking.
At least 6 different shooting incidents.
At least 60 dead now.
Was just saying the same thing to my pal, all these attacks recently in France show their intelligence agencies have a lot of improving to do IMO. Surely France can't be that much higher on their target list than other Western European countries, it's just that they're a softer target for whatever reason. They have a very large population of piss poor muslims around Paris in the suberbs so makes it easy for terrorists to blend in and difficult for the security services to infiltrate. I think cities with large muslim populations will become targets. Other shootings being reported as I t
Thankfully she wasn't and she's ok mucker.
Now up to at least 40. RIP.
Politicians need to start growing a pair of bollocks each and face this head on. People will start dieing by the hundreds before we know it. Prevention is better than cure. Corbyn you oxygen thieving ball less wonder of a cnut why don't we just respect their human rights and bring them to trial but give them bail in the meantime you WWANKER.
You're in the trees all cammed up, that's why we can't see you.