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Everything posted by Brewman

  1. Roast beef, onion and egg mayonnaise makes a good combination as does prawn in mayo with chopped apple and celery.
  2. That's probably aimed at me I think katchum.Well let me just say this.ive never grassed anyone up in my whole life and don't like grasses either. I'm no angel but if I have broke the law it hasn't harmed anyone flicking a lamp here and there. But when it comes to charity and folk ripping other very nice generous folk off for there hard earned money. Then I don't personally give a feck about the scamming twats. And would love to read about him in his local paper or the cmw being found guilty of fraud. It might be only £20 that someone has given him.but they have grafted for a few hrs to earn
  3. And pay them how many hundreds of millions in aid every year which of course won't be spent developing weapons to use on infidels. Hmmmm
  4. It has to be a typo must be £600. Who the fcuk would pay 6k for that?
  5. One thing that struck me as a bit odd was not even a pm or post to thank people individually.
  6. My old job was breaking in the 42 virgins for the jihadi suicide bombers. I had to chuck it in as they were the dirtiest smelliest fattest ugliest munters you could ever come across. Now I know why those hoors get them, because there's no going back once they're there. They can fcukin well kept the tramp hoes.
  7. Same with my kids and that's without all of Merkels immigrant mates knocking around. Thats just nonsensical for a parent to do.
  8. That is just plain stupid. What an absolute tit.
  9. Fcuk sake Larry easy on us Ginges mucker, just call him a kunt the next time. All this Gingerist hate speech is really starting to affect me nerves.
  10. Looks like he's trying to finger her arse in some of the photos.
  11. One of my all time favourite tunes.
  12. If they take them in then the islamists end back where they come from. If the affluent arabic nations refuse to accept them then they spread west to Christian nations thus spreading islam further. They also don't want scruffy shite blotting up their clean expensive elite countries. Everything is done in the furtherance of islam they don't give a toss about the person just the religion and it's prophets etc.
  13. I think the term "obsession" is overused. I prefer to think of it as my life's mission...... I'm with you on this one Blackbriar.
  14. Dont forget she was only a white girl, she knew the risks, she was asking for it, showed to much skin, was wearing make up, smiled provocatively, was a western slut etc etc. This type of thing is happening to often to be kept hidden. Even liberals are starting to get the bigger picture of what Merkels debacle is really about.
  15. Channel 4, what are they like in Dublin? Haven't been in Dublin City for a long time.
  16. Just watched it after downloading it, it really wound me up. A real shower of shite. I laughed though when the white convert nearly got sat on his arse by the real muslim on Edgware Road.
  17. Brewman


    If in the cathedral quarter don't forget the John Hewitt, great pub and great beer.
  18. Well there's no chance me being the richest man in the graveyard and that's for sure.lol
  19. I'm sorry to hear about your good lady but at least she was initially treated at the scene so there was less movement to the break area. Hopefully that was a help in sorting her leg. Make sure she does all the stretches and what the physio says as someone else mentioned previously the ligaments take longer to heal. All the best mucker.
  20. I wouldnt say ive given up but ive certainly accepted this is a battle i will never win on a personal level......the goal for our generation as individuals was to be able to walk down places like the Edgware Rd and feel like we are at home yet that vision has never been further away than what it is today.......ok you win some you lose some......but when the people who sold out on groups like us back then are the very same people who today try to put us on some kind of guilt trip for not standing shoulder to shoulder with them,it does seem like somewhat of a liberty.....call them naive,say they
  21. I understand where you're coming from but "just have to learn the hard way." is that not a case of giving up without a fight.I've read most of your posts in the general chat over the last few years apart from football and I wouldn't have you down as someone to just accept fate. As with the knuckle dragging scum that people would have labelled the likes of you or me, I lived just off Edgware Road from 1991 at age of 16 seen all the muslims then and how they behaved but they would get a shock now and then in the local if they pushed their luck. I think a lot of people didn't actually witness wha
  22. I was 26 when I was out with the bro in one of our locals a couple of miles away. We were sitting at the bar when a blonde woman about 43 quite attractive and fit in a nice pair of tight jeans squeezed past me and was still pressed against my leg while she was at the bar. She smiled and apologised and I thought nothing of it until she went back to her table and saw she had plenty of space on the other side. I looked around to where she was sitting and got a little smile. Bro went home a brother's mate joined me and he knew blondie quite well. Feckin hugh house and she told me she'd kicked hubb
  23. What was Black Star like? Heard there was only 7 songs on it.
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