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Everything posted by harryrod

  1. http://s1278.beta.photobucket.com/user/harryrod1/media/bella8-11-2012.jpg.html?sort=3&o=1#/user/harryrod1/media/bella8-11-2012.jpg.html?sort=3&o=1&_suid=135534880326309086448688839306 Try this and let me know if it works and what you think.
  2. Thanks i do more lamping than ferreting because i dont own any ferrets at the minute. what time of night do you think is best
  3. it was the camera i will try my best to get a proper photo tommorow.
  4. This is my new bedlington x whippet puppy i also own the full sister to this puppy. What age do you guys reckon i should start taking her out working. http://s1278.beta.photobucket.com/upload This is the full sister. http://s1278.beta.photobucket.com/user/harryrod1/media/sugar8-11-2012.jpg.html?sort=3&o=2#/user/harryrod1/media/sugar8-11-2012.jpg.html?sort=3&o=2&_suid=135534699319609456338430169492
  5. Here is my brown and white cocker spaniel girl. Doing well any tips. http://s1278.beta.photobucket.com/upload
  6. This is my bedlington x whippet small but does her job well very clever and lamps well. http://s1278.beta.photobucket.com/user/harryrod1/media/sugar8-11-2012.jpg.html?#/user/harryrod1/media/sugar8-11-2012.jpg.html?&_suid=135534573408707836250453979486 see if this link works sorry if it dont.
  7. I live near cambridge in suffolk but im easily happly to drive a bit and not botherd my bitch is a worker and only standing 18tts upto the back aint measured to the shoulder blade. My dog is a bedlington x whippet but want some 3/4 whippet 1/4 puppies if that makes sense. ill try to upload a picture
  8. want a whippet for stud for my 18tts pay good money for the right dog
  9. Hi there i have a cocker spaniel bitch brown with a white bib and white feet. I want to know how old they have to be before you can start trainning them thanks
  10. any one know what breed them dogs are on the left.
  11. want to find out any solutions for the magazines and how many shots per tank please ?
  12. what breed is the dog on the left is it pure bread ?
  13. I have a whippet x bedlington very quick and know what shes doing any nice stud dogs ???????????????????????????????????????????????????//
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