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About harryrod

  • Rank
    Born Hunter
  • Birthday 14/03/1998

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  1. Ok mate sorry I never replied that would be great if you coudl
  2. thanks guys but the rapid parts are hard to find aint they... and there really old now ! and yeah something like that
  3. Been waiting angers to get me space on FAC. And was going to get the air ranger but like the wolverine b type in FAC in .22 what's people thoughts can get much info on it ! Thanks
  4. well seals and parts i cant find out what size tank the mk2 have does any one know ?
  5. changed me mind want to get the daystate air ranger what would yous folks recommend air ranger in .22 at 40ft pound or in .25 at 60 ft pound what do you think will be the best just for general hunting rabbits etc AVB THANKS ....
  6. ok thanks alot what rapid mk2 at 30ft/ib is that with a 400cc cylinder i dont no nothing atall about theobons
  7. Thinking about buying the daystate huntsman regal xl at 40ft/ib they say it does 31 shots i dont know just basically want it for rabbits and pigeons etc would any one say this a good gun for the job and what pressure do is recommended many thanks ....
  8. cheers mate do you know were i can get any parts from thanks
  9. Does or has any one had any experience in a career 707 ...... What's people thoughts and does any one know where any parts are available thanks
  10. My whippet x bedlington bitch which is two years old never took sad times but oh we'll. that's life.
  11. They wanna get a life the police for worrying over shitty crime and go and get the pedophiles
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