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Everything posted by Its_grim_up_norf

  1. i was robbed on a train once....about 7 quid for a sandwich and a can of coke
  2. did he knock over some dogs like? im not sure i understand your angle. The only reason he got such a harsh sentence is because it was big cigar smoking business men that the money came from. robbing from multi million pound companies and nobody gives a shit. I care my tv gets taken from my living room....but if currys doesnt get the TV's it ordered because some bloke has stopped the lorry on the m1 and took them, i don't give a shit.
  3. a criminal is down to perspective in my opinion. tony blair has f****d over more people than ronnie biggs, hes destroyed more families, and killed more people. not quite a gun to their head but he definitely had a hand in it...the other hand was round george bushes cock. Hes a bigger criminal than ronnie biggs in my opinion and he's not spent a day in the big house. would he be classed as a criminal..? Not by many. even hitler only took his country to one war, the lying war criminal b*****d.
  4. i know it sounds daft but its the detail like putting ribs on it that make me think 'wow' i struggle to cleanly cut a brick in half with a hammer and bolster never mind that sort of stone work. real nice that mate, makes a change from seeing staffys on wall pillars at the end of drug dealers drive ways.
  5. I got married after 20 years you cant rush these things well played sir....well played. Let the relationship age like a fine wine
  6. ive bit the bullet and bowed to pressure and bought her a ring to pop the question.nowhere near a grand though im a pauper at the minute haha! been with her 6 years mind, and got a young un and a house. so its not as if im a daft kid doing it early to a bird i met in magaluf in the summer
  7. 6 lads i grew up with ended up in the yorkshire regiment. 2nd batallion at blackpool, but the 2nd batallion (green howards) got disbanded and now they're getting scattered into different battalions. so theres a bit of tension there, upset they've been disbanded, and split up and thrown all over, obviously an adjustment period. But i know for a fact that they dont deal with things like this. An officer at 2 yorks a couple of year back apparently over the course of about 6 months to a year lost the hearts and minds of pretty much everyone. got a bit of a mutiny of his own in the field, and s
  8. bongo got shut down recently because of this http://www.gazettelive.co.uk/news/teesside-news/club-bongo-assault-im-scarred-6254381 among other things. supposedly being reopened. mad that place when it kicks off. directly next to the cop shop but that doesnt stop it. cans of red stripe flying all over the shop haha!
  9. Signed and shared on Facebook. Bird I can guarantee you mate, the government knows its on the brink of something big. If they don't deal with that case in the harshest way possible. They will start something big. Beyond their comprehension. If those two scumbags get anything less than a lifetime in jail, until death do us part. There'll be public outrage.
  10. Are you now?? Lol... hes never there hes always in leyburn that lad.
  11. will keep an eye out up east cleveland way for you. dispicable stealing a mans dog.
  12. he didn't one of the other two did i know some of them turned it off. but you still have a video of one of your oppos doing what will be classed in a court of law as a murder...should have had the sense to do the right thing and delete it. thats the only reason they got caught, and its not him getting sent down. Some friend.
  13. If i may be so bold as to say there may well be one or two lads in the country who still hunt foxes, deer or hares with dogs (shocking i know and there certainly wont be any on this forum Im sure) but somewhere I'll bet theres one or two lads that still might course hares, fox and deer. If those lads go out, do their sport, and go home. and somebody reports them to the police....unless the police actually see them doing the act, they would struggle to get a conviction. However if those lads, take videos and pictures of them coursing hares, deer and fox , and leave them on their computer.
  14. i actually had man u on to lose, it was chelsea who let me down. stoke had a blinder. they didnt look too good, then crouch scored a scrappy one, but they stepped their game up and put two cracking goals away.
  15. on theyre way to hit the british barracks in gibralter. helped by the Spanish e,t,a no doubt. yeah they planned to blow up a 'changing of the guard' ceremony i think...which is obviously wrong, terrorism. However what Im pointing out is, they were terrorists, who are the taliban? United Nations? if its ok to do it in the middle of a crowdedvstreet, outside a petrol station, no questions asked. Why isnt it ok to shoot a terrorist, in the middle of a corn field, nobody around, who five minutes before was shooting at them, and he's already wounded...?
  16. im not asking for this lad to be let off, or saying wether i agree or disagree. im just asking for there to be a little tiny bit of similarity or an 'accross the board' when sentencing. that dispicable c**t of a 'human' who killed baby p after a lengthy term of abuse, only received 6 years...whats worse? killing a defenceless toddler by punching him to death culminating in his tooth ending up down his throat, after abusing him for months on end.....or kiling a taliban soldier? like scothunter said, no different to what the SAS and SBS have been doing for years. the gibralter 3, gunned down
  17. i f***ing wish it was given to him posthumously...c**t
  18. I don't like fence sitters scot...say what you really mean mate
  19. . One mans terrorist is another mans freedom fighter. It all depends on your viewpoint. how could adams be a freedom fighter ffs.he surrendered arms lol We could do with some good ol fashioned RA justice over here. Thin some of the wannabe drug dealers and part time gangsters out a bit.
  20. as for the point about boxers...wether it be UK, on the continent in Europe (usually eastern europe) or in the south american/latin countries...Usually, the best boxers, come from nothing. Poverty stricken places. In the UK we've had lads come from the north east, north west, scotland, the valleys, and the east end of london. All poverty stricken areas. Theres a few up and comers at the minute, breaking into the pro ranks, got a lad called josh leather from just up the road, simon vallily from m'bro and bradley saunders from up county durham way (is he from hartlepool..?) but generall
  21. everton have been having a blinder. Im glad though because i like martinez. i liked moyes til he spoke down to him in that interview 'everton can manage themselves' aye well why weren't you doing such a great job over there then? mid to bottom table club until about march. If you go to the bottom leagues and pick a team at random, put them on to draw it bumps the odds right up usually. then instead of putting one tenner on one bet i put ten one pound ones on. more chance of winning and when one big one comes in it takes 3 days for the adrenaline to wear off haha!
  22. have some of that moyes you patronizing tit...martinez is doing a better job than you did, so far. and you might be getting sacked before long

  23. no such thing as common sense in the betting world. i put a bet on the other day, ticked the wrong box...and it came in got home and read it and i was like 'b*****d i didnt want blackburn i wanted blackpool...' then i won haha! i was over the moon.
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