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Everything posted by Its_grim_up_norf

  1. haha why...? dont get me wrong we used to make stuff but i just dont see why chlorine gas Black powder was the best with my mate whos father owned a farm, plenty of out buildings to use as a lab and then open spaces to blow stuff up.
  2. one popped up about foot away from me whilst i was surfing the other day. ive not had a fright like that since the first time i sat on the toilet and the seat moved. kept doing it too, it was unnerving especially when it brushed my foot on the way up...a lot bigger close up
  3. Good video mate. Variety of game and a variety of guns too. Is that an air arms s410 and a browning b525?
  4. Nivea, cool something can't remember the exact name. I end up stinking at work anyway, especially if there's a big site/shutdown on the go, grafting 8 til 4:30 at least, 12 hour shifts at most. So don't bother at work, or if I'm out with the dog after, or out shooting there no point. If I go to the pub or out on an evening with my mates or lass then I will use it.
  5. either that or suddenly every litter on preloved has them as a parent. There must be a tick box for 'khan jihad lines' when you're advertising them on there now theres that many that are from his lines.
  6. newlyn harbour penzance the other day....firing! notice the surfer paddling out bottom of thepic haha! Got some stones on him
  7. Ah the old beatwithadeadrabbittechnique text book stuff...
  8. it only lasts a minute or so then it needs more light, mind just training the dog to return when the lamp goes off will work too No yours is a decent idea mate. The one that reflects when a lamp/searchlight hits it is no good. Bad enough sat covering the dogs eyes So I've heard anyway, from the lads round here. I use permission. All the time.
  9. How you gonna run off and hide when the keeper comes..?
  10. Came in from work to find out that mine was in my daughters rabbit hutch earlier licking the rabbits face whilst the rabbit sat and let her. Took her down the woods like old yeller. There's no hope for dogs like that She's the same age as yours. At the minute were doing a bit of retrieving. She sits and stays but apart from that I'm getting her in the woods or out in the fields and moors and letting her roam to her hearts content. Taking everything in, and learning about the world is more important at a young age. Basics yeah. But just let them be a pup.
  11. Im not reading all that. Can you shorten your ad mate, just summarise or something..? bullet points..?
  12. I thought that, had a mooch over them through to marske the other day with the pup. Loads of gorse and loads of holes too. Best bet would be to get them on one of the open fields, or in that little valley. She's bred . SIRE deerhound collie greyhound and DAM saluki collie whippet grey. She's bright as a button, more credit goes to her with how she's come on than me really she picks stuff up no bother. Hopefully come good next season for me.
  13. I never seen owt when i went over upleatham the other day but there was a few people about so no doubt already moved on. might try and get out early see if theres owt about. Yeah i know theres a few lads round here that have dogs. serious dog lads and the tracksuit brigade too. lad from skelton th other day suggested the dunes between marske and saltburn, supposed to have a few on and be good for the dog running up and down hills. sounds grand to me mate id appreciate that a lot
  14. aye best places ive been are up that way, over towards moorsholme. round scaling dam, lockwood and over up towards the jolly sailor. depends on what game you're after tho doesnt it
  15. Looking forward to next season getting myself up there to be honest. Either of you lads fancy showing a new comer round there drop me a line on here or something. Plenty of stubble fields round here like isn't there. Not many bunnies.
  16. Smart pips them mate, that looks like where I was today up new Marske woods and out the back towards Skelton way. Mines only 4 month. Doesn't look like she'll be as big as them.
  17. As my old man used to say, ask a stupid question, get a stupid answer. My "mom" is too much beast even for a bull cross. You're gonna want a shotgun with at least 4 barrels for her.
  18. they only eat berries when in season ie blackberries as we have all seen fox shit thats red and got seeds in it,me and bosun seen some fox droppings with cherry stones in it,must have been raiding someones back garden Haha aye mate, but to say they "mostly" eat berries is a bit economical with the truth of our dear judi. In the blackberry season I've seen some funny coloured fox shit. That's only country foxes who have a diet like that. Towny foxes eat mostly left over kebabs and pot noodles.
  19. They mostly eat berries...? Well that explains 14 of my mates chickens being killed on none of them eaten then...because they only eat berries. I'm disappointed in myself really I should have known.
  20. I studied that as part of my Engineerin HND fuucking disaster it was. Our tutor said it was a turning point for the jobsworths No doubt it was. Unfortunately it seems to be a loss of life or bad accident that brings out legislation. They knew there was a risk of it but its ok because it hasn't happened yet. Then tighten their belts once it has. Shame really, terrible loss of life.
  21. You can thank the alpha for that mate. grass cards eh? most lads on my MIST and BOSIET pretty much just said they'd do what you said there, report minor ones so nobody got sacked. We've watched so many things about the alpha through my apprenticeship and stuff i could write my memoirs as if i was on the rig myself.
  22. what the hell do you drive mate..?
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