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Everything posted by Its_grim_up_norf

  1. im always dubious to believe what the mail prints, we're at the mercy of the press always have been
  2. I think thats how most would, i regularly vote on epetitions to bring the death penalty back, rope or injection i dont care (chair is more a yank thing) I find a lot of people seem to agree with me, so don't understand why its never addressed Maybe we should all start voting on it, next time i see a petition (i dont think there can be too many open at once, and it takes a little while for the petition to expire) I'll post it on here.
  3. saw that the other day and it broke my heart. Reading the excuses she made to the court I was praying that they both get sent down for a long time. I doubt it will be long enough. As history has taught us (baby P case) they'll probably be out in time for the next olympics. I hope a lifer disembowels the c**t like what happened in frankland a few year back.
  4. edited: fight to your last breath mate.guilt will eat you up, slowly but surely we're getting more and more rights when it comes down to this. used to be the woman every time, even if she was a heroi addicted prostitute she'd win. Good luck fella.
  5. ive got a stomp klx with a yx140 engine, upgraded carb, race cammed...like shit off a stick, and a whole lot of fun. real reliable too. plus when things do go wrong pit bikes are cheap to fix. not being too sure how old the bairn is, id say, get him either a semi auto, or a rev and go to start. then once hes got to grips, buy a decent bike. a geared bike. if hes around the 12 mark, then you can probably get away with getting a gears one straight away. stomp are good, demon, an thumpstar if you can find them but they're becoming increasingly rare. Just be careful putting him in at the deep
  6. mental ones..? yeah my pulse certainly races when they're throwing plates and cups at you.
  7. ill have that tank off you mate. tried to pm you but wouldnt go through
  8. yeah hes getting on, can see him showing a bit, but i still fancy froch. This is why i said froch wouldnt fight genady golovkin...theres nothing in it for him, and EVERYTHING in it for golovkin. He's the one i fancy to beat froch, maybe when hes beat cesar chavez jr.
  9. good post that mate, cheers. Ill apply when i have an hour spare it looks a bit involved lol. get the old ordnance survey out to get the co ordinates etc.
  10. thats what i meant...its been a long day haha! cheers mate
  11. groves will surprise a few people and gain some peoples respect i reckon. That being said, froch UD, it will go the distance IMO.
  12. wish i still had my tx200. where'd you get the buddy bottle out of interest mate? im split between one of them and a pump to do it by hand.
  13. yeah ill have that off you mate, can come up tomorrow..? from east cleveland
  14. feel like we should have a document saved on our computers entitled 'sarcastic replies to 'permission wanted' threads' no matter what forum ive been on, search buttons may as well not be there.
  15. theres always plenty of farmers on this site mate, giving permission away. wont be long im sure one will get in touch
  16. now mara, these still going? im interested in one. A girl if possible. Cheers.
  17. start sending people back to the home land. Time to go back, if you are first or second generation immigrant, back you go.
  18. looking at her profile she is campaigning most heavily against foi gras farms. She needs a hobby and a good hard shag i think....after a wash and a change out of the hemp and grass clothing she probably wears.
  19. My brother was working on the Exeter Chiefs ground a few yeas back... Big contractor on the job, he had to wear at all times, long trousers, shirt, hi viz, hard hat, gloves and goggles.. He was up on the roof in a real sun trap and it was red hot , ended up with heat exhaustion and was in a bad way for couple of days.. Site agents for big firms have no common sense at times.. The same as some of these head masters ( wearing a blazer Ffs Johnny, you should have put him in a dress lol).., ridiculous isnt it mate, the health and safety thing is stupid. But you cant argue with them unfort
  20. my post was more a post of opinion rather than 'sticking my nose in' fair play to them if thats what they want. I was more pointing out that stupid people exist than trying to do anything about it. In the same way, fat people exist but Im not out petitioning to shut down fast food places. Passing comment more than anything. I think ruby was too. Have the ones whinging all got springapoodoodledors or something and are bitter about it?
  21. they better get used to being told what to wear, im a plumber/heating engineer and get told what to wear great big thick trousers with knee pads in, and a t shirt. As i work for a reasonably big company i cant be cutting about in shorts and vest like some one man bands, but i get on with it. Im all for allowing school kids to wear shorts, we used to get away with the grey/black ones when i went to school. But i think they better have a large glass of harden the f**k up when they leave school, as they don't look far off that age.
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