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Everything posted by Its_grim_up_norf

  1. like "norf" ahaha! now ey...no need for that people who (after you quite visibly injured yourself real bad...arm hanging on by a tendon) they have one of two responses 1. 'did that hurt' or 2. Are you ok..? sometimes both at the same time...while you writhe in pain 'Yes it f***ing did and no Im not' even worse when they get arsey about you being wound up 'oooohh i was only asking Twats!!
  2. people who shorten words for no reason. perf, dece, prob...on the internet and text it is unbearable. in real life when people speak to you using these words, we should be allowed to punch them in the throat.
  3. people who drop the word basically into what they're saying, a few times in each sentence.
  4. people who squeeze the toothpaste in the middle, and mangle it up, then put it back making no attempt to sort it out...
  5. old people shopping, soon as they get their hands on a trolley they turn into mongs that feel the need to read every label, directly in front of where you need to be and show no regard for you, taking 20 minutes to move out of the way... ...to add to this, sometimes they leave the trollley there and go to the other side of the aisle are.you.for.f***ing.real..? so ive started using my trolley as a battering ram. With any luck itll be a cold winter. thin them out a bit.
  6. childrend tv presenters...epitome of irritating people who you go out of your way to let past in the car, and dont even have the common courtesy to thank you...not even the cool guy 'finger lift' nothing...c**ts people who are about 14 that wear che guevara t shirts and rolling stones, the who etc. but who have no idea who che was, or what he stood for, and can only name songs like paint it black and my generation. Doesnt count, you dont listen to them, admit it and stop making yourself look daft.
  7. people who serve you anything, but dont listen to what you say, rendering it pointless... example Me: Can i have a BLT on white please love Dim sandwich lady: Yeah...(mid convo to her mate about her other mate didnt even look at me as i ordered) do you want salad...? Me: Yeah...erm, lettuce and tomato mainly like :hmm:otherwise its just a bacon sandwich isnt it
  8. on their range rover sport, thats never seen mud in its life. That has to be linked to that one...people (usually birds) In big 4x4's that use them for the school run, thats it. gnash i had a gaffer as work that used fella instead of mate. but as a full stop at the end of every sentence. i think that one was common because you could see everybody boiling when he was talking to them 'alright fella, how you doing fella'
  9. christ yes! those that ride side by side and make no effort to get in single file as they hear you drive up behind them. people who say pacific instead of specific...i have no idea where my hatred for that one came from but there ya go. americanisms. mall, pharmacy, and people who say 'sick' meaning good...c**ts go and live over there if you want to use those words.
  10. Thought id start a thread, it made for an hour long debate/bit of banter in the bait room at work today of all the things in life big or small, that for some reason, wind the feck out of us. Thought it might make for a bit of light hearted banter on here as well...so here goes Do you know what i hate...? people who flash their headlights at you to put your lights on even though its broad daylight...wankers people who barge into your kids when out shopping, or in the town centre. its usually old or fat people, they dont half send them flying as well... Lorries that overtake othe
  11. i think everyone would think about the dog and imo the best thing for the dog would of been pts... Really appreciate your points of view lads.... some 3-4 months ago... But im glad to prove yous wrong if ever there was a picture that needs framing... seriously made up for you mate, i was on the fence at the beginning but i feel like ive had my view towards them totally changed purely on this thread. I remember saying to our lass as i read it 'aww have you heard this...' just as i flicked through the thread she'd ask me if she was laid next to me 'hows that lads dog getting
  12. i thought i was the only one looking at my facebook...that decision was in the same league as pac marquez fights, lots of people thinking they went to marquez, the rest thinking they were a draw. i only had pac winning one fight, the rest went to marquez. boxings dirtier than the toilets in the special olympics.
  13. i doubt it mate they're not heavy weights
  14. i thought that was nig nog lol nah 1930's we'd only just stopped having them picking cotton haha! that was allowed when our winnie was around.
  15. There is a forgotten, nay almost forbidden word, which means more to me than any other. That word is England - winston churchill
  16. Don't want to keep contradicting you mate but North Africa/The Middle east was the very birthplace of civilization and the way of living we all live these days. That's where people first started living together in large numbers and realised they could do other things apart from farm or hunt to feed themselves by creating goods or offering services that could be exchanged for food.. they might have started it, although I thought the minowens were the 1st in Europe. but they stayed back where it was started in a mud hut. who invented the car, who invented the steam train. who invented th
  17. Even more manly is to save time by making all your phone calls while on the bog go to No 17 can make 2 or 3 man phone calls in the space of a morning 'dad piss'
  18. I think it was you who sorted me out last time with the stream for the nathan cleverley fascade/bout/upset haha! much appreciated again pip
  19. anyone got a stream for it? ricky burns to do the business i hope. EDIT: to say However, william hill has raymundo beltran at 7/2...which i thought was worth a fiver haha!
  20. that can be fatal fran, temporarily disabled from the waist down after half an hour on the pot...at least the newspaper ends, the ipad/internet is endless.
  21. seen this as a group on facebook and quite a few of them gave me a good chuckle...thought id share it on here and hope it does the same for some of you lads an all. 1. OPENING JARS - She's struggling. You take it from her hands, open it effortlessly and pretend she loosened it for you. She didn't. Jars are men's work. 2. CALLING SOMEONE 'SON' - Especially policeman but even saying it to kids makes you the man. 3. DOING A PROPER SLIDE TACKLE - Beckham free kicks - camp. A Stuart Pearce tackle is the pinnacle of the game, simultaneously winning the ball and crippling the man. Magic. 4. SH
  22. is this a THL record of 3 whole pages before the word muslim is mentioned...?
  23. just curious lads, if i wanted a cabinet that held rifles also (as i will be applying for FAC at the same time hopefully) would a rifle cabinet hold shotguns...as i know i will need room for the scope to put rifles in it, but is that the only difference? a bit more room for a scope? shotguns would fit in wouldnt they..?
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