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Everything posted by pg123

  1. Hi mate. Guess you get up to kelbrook from time to time then.
  2. I'm just down the M65 near to sunny Darwen.
  3. Nice bit of shooting and some good work from the dog!
  4. Welcome pal. You sound very much like myself. Where abouts in sunny Lancs are you??
  5. True. I was thinking a 4 or 5m long row of shrubs would block out any movement from the farm for birds sat on the water. Can anyone think of cheap shrubs that don't get too big?
  6. Cheers. I like the idea of planting a short strip of cover to block out the odd bit of movement from the farm. Just need to research cheap fast growing bushes now.
  7. Hi I was hoping someone with a bit of experience could advise me on a flight pond. Next year I have chance of taking on a small pond for duck flighting. The pond is only small (about the size of 2 semi's on a modern housing development) and is only about 50m from the farm house. The pond is at least at the rear of the farm and most of the day to day activity takes place at the front so the pond is fairly quiet. Being so close to the farm would wild birds come near?? I was thinking of releasing half a dozen call ducks and setting up an auto feeder in the hope of creating a small duck sh
  8. Fair enough. Thanks for the heads up.
  9. Do you mind me asking for a few more details? How many birds down, how many guns and what size of bag do you get? The first year we put down 40 ex lay hens. They fecked off! Second year 75 with a return of 41%. We are in our 3rd year and put down 100 birds. The rain hammered them up here, but good shelter seems to have held them well. We have 2 flight ponds and feed for wild duck and have a reasonable head of wild pheasants too. We shoot 3 to 5 guns. Walking the boundaries first, then 2 drives from the inside to out if that makes sense. Followed off sometimes with a duck flight. The
  10. Do you mind me asking for a few more details? How many birds down, how many guns and what size of bag do you get?
  11. Only get down there every couple of weeks at the minute. Cant say I have ever seen a wild duck around......
  12. Would releasing say 20 - 30 ducks and feeding the pond and streams bring in a few wild ones?
  13. If I visit kelbrook on a Saturday I go at 9am when they open.
  14. The land is mainly fields used for grazing & silage. The ground isnt well kept and the hedges are all 2 or 3m wide.
  15. Mostly Kelbrook as I find Saturdays fit in better with the family. I have shot at Rishton once and plan to get down there in the new year.
  16. Has anyone been a member on a very small shoot or heard of a syndicate being run on a small farm? Would 50 acres be too small for say a 3 / 4 gun syndicate releasing enough birds for a few days rough shooting? The farm in question has no real woodland, just 1 small pond, a couple of streams and some thick hedgerows.
  17. In between Blackburn & Darwen very near to the motorway.
  18. Hi pal, nice looking dog in your photo.
  19. If you don't mind me asking how good a job does the terrier do at flushing? I fancy a dog at some point in the future but my Mrs ain't a big fan of dogs. Something smaller like a terrier may prove easier to get clearance for.
  20. What type of dog? Rough shooting / flushing dogs or picking up?
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