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About Gerard40

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter
  1. Well done Jim. I would take mine but there are too many wombat holes for them to explore.
  2. My main dog Milo 4yr old stag/whip/staff is a demon on red dogs. He will sometimes roar at a fox before he nails it. Its like hes phsycing himself up to dive in. He actually yapped chasing one yesterday while chasing a bolted fox over a fence then around a tree 3-4 times.
  3. Maybe i could bribe Stabs into getting me a few back copies if i give him a couple of beers and listen to his stories.... HAHA.
  4. You must be weird hanging around a dogging site mate.
  5. I googled dogging after someone laughed about the name...HAHA
  6. Would love to take Milo over there mate. And i hope to see you again next year. I think Sam is heading back home soon aswell, will be out all day tomorrow with him and the dogs. Should be another good day. It was real good to meet you.
  7. Glad you enjoyed yourself mate, will try to get u out again. Spent the afternoon walking a new property, we saw a couple of foxes but there is just too much cover. Will get better organised and go back there.
  8. Yep organised hare coursing was banned years ago, but there are heaps of hare about. You can shoot them or dog them. I shot a couple tonight for the dogs. I think that they are a pain because i hunt foxes. They just wear your dogs out. It was not uncommon to shoot 20 hare that are pushed from a swamp with the hounds while chasing foxes. I think the only Saluki over here are show bred stuff, i may be wrong though.
  9. If you want to help me with the hunt club next Saturday CP, your welcome to come along. I know how much you like digging.
  10. It was a good day out, will talk soon CP.
  11. Yesterday it was catching 4 foxes with the dogs. We had one dog fox that was really in a hurry. A course on a day time hare is good, even tho my dogs arnt hare dogs. As stevemac says a good long chase on blue flyer is good.
  12. We had a great day out today with CP. I will let him post pictures and story. It was good to meet you mate, hope to catch up again for another hunt maybe?
  13. Great looking Russells mate. I like the white dogs.
  14. Nah Cp, we are out west of Melbourne. If you want to google map it its Wingeel, Victoria.
  15. I know Griffith and Hillston. Griffith is surrounded by orange plantations. Its also famous for the mafia. I have family up at hillston. I was out on another part of the property, its 10000acres, on Sunday. We slipped and slid around all day and got a couple of foxes, its not supposed to be too cold but it might be wet and the wind can be very lazy!! The young huntsman from the local huntclub will be out with us, he is only out from the UK until your season starts i think. Just bring your gumboots... Its real hard to get good cold and wet weather hunting gear down here, the people that
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