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About PJWmids

  • Rank
    Born Hunter

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  • Gender
  • Location
    west midlands
  • Interests
    shooting my hw99s and r10 mk2. cycling, keepin my horses and chickens

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  1. What's the best size fox trap to use, I've been looking at 48 inch and x large 61 inch long cage traps? Do you use the 48inch with success?
  2. Hi is there anyone in the West Midlands area, South West Birmingham, shooting foxes, as I have a fox problem and don't have the means to dispatch them.
  3. I was told of a local vets that would do a castration for under £40, does it significantly reduce their smell when there castrated? As the hob I have stinks quite a bit lol
  4. Whats the reasons behind people choosing to have a vasectomy rather than castration with there hobs? I've read you can use a a ferret that's had a vasectomy to bring a jill out of season, is this not possible with a castrated hob? Also do people think the ferret looses it's hunting edge once castrated? Sorry for all the questions I was wondering as new to ferret ownership.
  5. I'm feeding raw chicken, but filled up a bowl of dry, I'll just top it up when it's gone.
  6. I was in wilko earlier getting some more hay and saw this so I've got some to try, anyone else use it? I put some down he tried it but prefers his chicken wings.
  7. I've checked on him and he's still with us, and the tick in his ear as come off so looks like the spot on did the trick, gave him some more chicken that his tucking into now so he's still got his appetite
  8. Well I've just bathed him, I thought he might have freaked out and gone for me, but he seemed to enjoy it. I've put some frontline on and put him back in his pen with some more chicken hopefully he'll be OK and that tick will die off!
  9. I've had a go at the ticks this morning, found five removed four but one is in his ear. I don't know how I'm gonna get that out he won't keep his head still long enough to get a grip of it. Any ideas?
  10. Well the Mrs came back with chicken wings so he's tucking into that now. Thanks for the help guys. Any other advice or info will be appreciated cheers.
  11. Well where he's being kept used to house my daughters bunny lol he's got some fresh hay down and sawdust which I had left from before the bunny died lol he's curled up in it and got a water feeder and bowl of water and he will have a drumstick once the Mrs gets back from the shop. So he seems OK, just the ticks that were worrying me. But I suppose they are a hazard to working ferrets. I was worried about the ticks breading in my garden and my dogs picking them up though that's why I want to treat it asap.
  12. I've had a good look at him now and he has at least 3 ticks, I've ordered o'tom tick twister, but could I use frontline cat spot on for fleas and ticks on him as I have some to hand? I'm also gonna go get some chicken drum sticks will one a day be sufficient?
  13. Thanks for the supportive comments. I found the ferret whilst out this morning strolling across the road. I've no experience with ferrets nor had any intention of getting one, but at present I have one and when I said it's in a cage it's actually a two tier hen house with run. I was looking for information urgently as stated regarding food an such as I don't know when it was last fed.... Thanks again.
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