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Everything posted by jukel123

  1. Here's my wife holding a couple live MUSKRATS after a hunt! Those muskrats bite a heck of a lot harder than silly little brown rats!!!
  2. Very interesting. Your mink are a lot tougher than our UK ferrets. Many of our ferrets won't tackle rats, especially if they've been bitten by them in the past. Still can't get my head around the way you train mink. Well done. Some of you American lads are a lot tougher than our Uk lads too. I for one would not dream of picking up a live rat-that goes for a tame one, never mind a wild one. Hate them!
  3. There's a member on here ( ky99le) who has an imported Aussie staghound with a touch of bull. It is trained and used exclusively for pigs. You can see the dog on a thread started by "ratkilla'. The thread is entitled 'Staghound' Could be ideal for your purposes.
  4. I don't know Darcy, nor have I read any of his books. But he seems a decent, knowledgeable guy to me. What's the problem EDRD were you thick at school, a poor reader and therefore have a deep-seated jealousy/resentment towards all that fancy book learning stuff? You should try reading mate. You can learn a lot. Surely part of the attraction of this site is that you learn from others. Don't be so bigoted EDRD.
  5. Nearly every post in this thread mentions life threatening/fatal injuries. To me it's cruel to run a greyhound on rough ground, especially ex track dogs with no experience of running except sanded tracks.
  6. I've got permission and gear I would have killed for when I was younger, but come a windy night I have to force myself out just to remind myself i'm still alive and kicking. Mind you, once I've made the effort to be out the old magic still returns.
  7. If anybody was lucky enough to own an all rounder you could only expect it to be an all rounder for a limited time. Let's say three or four years at the most. You couldn't expect a dog robust enough to lamp all night two or three times a week to also catch a daytime pre -ban hare when it's six or seven years old. A working dog of any sort doesn't reach its best until at least its second season ( more likely its third or fourth). All rounders, if they do exist ,are only at the full extent of their abilities for a relatively short period of time and only then if lady luck is on your side and y
  8. Really interesting thread. Another question. What are like in kennel? Noisy or quiet? Do they have any guarding instinct?
  9. How would you describe their temperaments? Are they driven/hyper as you would expect from the Malinois blood?
  10. OK, but its head's very small, horns are a bit girly, not marked up. Does it take teeth or just chew? Has tough skin but what about wind? Methane?
  11. Thanks roosika,where can I get hold of replacement tubes?
  12. Just ordered a mark 3 from Gamekeeper John and some ammo . How long will the tubes last for? For ever? Or do they were out? Is there any advantage of tubes over bands? Is it difficult to change tubes or bands? Sounds daft, but what's the best way to practise accuracy?
  13. Good the young lad is sorted now, well done to the guys involved Have you told the fella down the pub about the decency of the Scots lads? Like This Back to top Quote MultiQuote
  14. Sorry if it's been covered before but a friend of mine called a dog a jacker when in my view it had run its heart out and, in my view retired honourably. Hence the argument. It wasn't my dog by the way for all you amateur psychologists out there .
  15. You could try going to your nearest livestock market and hand out cards stating you will respect crops, bow and scrape etc lol. If they can see you in the flesh and you can point out what's in it for them, you should get something. If you can lend a hand at harvest/busy times that really goes down well. Good luck.
  16. I can never get my head around this term. Is a dog only not a jacker if it pursues its quarry at all costs and only comes to a standstill when it collapses? To me a dog is a genuine dog if it gives 100% on each run. If, after a course,the quarry is getting further and further away and the dog figures it is not going to catch, stops and then returns to the owner absolutely shattered but is ready to give 100% again after a suitable period of rest, then in my eyes it's not a jacker. If a dog runs its heart out one day and then runs half heartedly another day or picks its runs, that to me is a
  17. Sorry for being thick, but how does the 'gypsy slip' work?
  18. I've heard a few 'cursing' greyhounds too mate. Usually when they've backed losers all night.
  19. You are right Bird, there's not many of those 70s heavyweights who don't speak with a slurring voice. They've all suffered some form of brain injury. Victims of their own bravery a lot of them . Particularly Ali-a crying shame. However, he says even if boxing did cause his Parkinsons's (let's face it, it did) he would do it all again and I believe him.
  20. This unseasonable weather is weird. Just had a nosy round my wildlife garden with a lamp. There's still newts and frogs moving about and I live in Scotland. Read the other day that in Cornwall the frogs have already spawned. Crazy.
  21. My favourite of all time. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QY1jzjTjIhY
  22. This is my favourite. Thompson, a cruiserweight who, incidentally stopped David Haye, had been battered, outclassed and humiliated for 9 rounds. The ref was going to stop the fight, Thompson's corner were thinking about pulling him out. Then Carl 'the cat' Thompson comes up with this. He had balls of steel this guy. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UW1geLyh1Ck
  23. I was watching rooks inspecting their nests in a nearby rookery this morning. Through my glasses I could clearly see them rearranging twigs and cawing. I've noticed them do this before. It seems as though they are inspecting/claiming nests all through the winter. Does anybody know exactly what they are doing? Anybody know of any books or studies written about rooks?
  24. Great offer mate. However there's a possible fly in the ointment. One pup died of parvo, the other died of a severe worm infestation. Vets are by no means infallible. What if they both died of parvo, but only one pup was correctly diagnosed? It would be better, for safety's sake to get the pup vaccinated against parvo before it goes.
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