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Everything posted by jukel123

  1. Better that though than the dog 'potentially' ripping into some toddler when it's new owner hasn't got a clue and can't control the f****r. Not saying it would happen, but a lot of people haven't got a clue about dogs in general, especially how quickly any dog can go 'into' one in a split second, and with any powerful type of dog the resulting damage is going to be bad. A neighbour of mine invited us in to see their new baby. She was gibbbering about her GSD 'guarding' the baby. Sure enough it was pacing around the pram looking alert. I put 2 and 2 together and said the dog was attract
  2. Not looking for an argument. Not dissing bull breeds. Just think ia lot of unsuspecting/innocent people get landed with big dogs whose temperament is not fully assessed. This particular dog fall foul of the trades description act.lol As a result terrible shit happens- http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2489252/Lexi-Hudsons-grans-fury-animal-charity-rehomed-bulldog-killed-girl.html Rehoming kennels need to be a lot more responsible/cautious.
  3. Pointer cross my backside. Another big dog, temperament unknown placed in some unsuspecting home possibly with children. Re-homing staff should be made criminally resposible when rehomed dogs turn out to be biters. http://www.preloved.co.uk/adverts/list/3359/dogs.html?keyword=lurcher Sorry, it's 'Cathy the pointer cross' I'm on about.
  4. Add beddy to a whippet and all you get is hairy whippets that hold the rain and get snowballed up. They are far less obedient too. seen a good few smooth coated crosses as for obedience dont know about that seen some good whippets but there not for the ground i run me dogs I'm only winding you up Northernlite. My whippets would freeze to death where you hunt. That's the big problem with mine. Although they will work in driving cold rain, after an hour or two they look so miserable i generally pack up. They seem to feel hard rain like pin pricks. Definitely a downside for the breed
  5. Add beddy to a whippet and all you get is hairy whippets that hold the rain and get snowballed up. They are far less obedient too.
  6. not many failures in greyhounds i have had some good whippets and i have had some shite I blame the owner. Seriously, I've never come across a poor whippet. Even show bred will catch rabbits and some are realy game. I've got two Mike Brown whippets mother and daughter and they've got more guts than is good for them. Then you obviously havnt seen many whippets work ........ Oops this is danger of getting bitter and twisted. I stand by my original post:-there aren't many whippet failures.
  7. not many failures in greyhounds i have had some good whippets and i have had some shite I blame the owner. Seriously, I've never come across a poor whippet. Even show bred will catch rabbits and some are realy game. I've got two Mike Brown whippets mother and daughter and they've got more guts than is good for them.
  8. There aren't many failures in whippets. The vast majority will end up good rabbit dogs. The same cannot be said for lurcher litters. There's usually a lot of litter wastage. There's not many failures in greyhounds either, probably a few more than whippets. So here's a thought. As soon as you add non whippet or non greyhound blood you get a lot of poor lurchers, If only somebody would come up with a strain of tallish well jacketed lurchers that would throw as true and honest as whippets then there wouldn't be any need for this section of THL. No more discussion needed.
  9. Thanks for the pms lads. THL at its best. Would I get another Hancock? Na-worker to worker next time. Am I under the thumb of the Mrs and the kids?- Would I have a collie saturated dog again? I would sooner smash my nuts with a hammer. It's been interesting the amount of lads who also say they have suffered with collie types. Some collie types, but not all, are wired to the feckin moon.
  10. Something simple and laid back. Always fancied a deer/grey. But getting the right blood is difficult. I'll take my time.
  11. Had to put Kip my Hancock collie/grey down yesterday. Fourteen years of purgatory I suffered with the fecker. I can't believe I'm rid of the b*****d. Yippee. The mrs and the kids thought the world of her. I feckin did not. Here's a list of the things that pissed me off about her. 1) She was HYPERACTIVE. Never settled for a minute. Always circling, always wanting to play fetch.Always watching you, wanting attention of any type. Even when I tried to get her into hunting mode she would fetch a fecking stick when the ground was crawling with game. 2) She was extremely sensitive to noise : jet
  12. http://punch.photoshelter.com/image/I0000JTV6wQYDeOw Yeoldhunter you are the stranger. Whats's worse you are a stranger who's tried something different. Expect a few more half bricks from the THL community.
  13. Wow so it's not a wind up. They look surprisingly light framed. What's their temperament like so far?
  14. Mick Cawston topped himself. A real shame, he was a brilliant artist.
  15. Not after a bitch of mine caught her collar on barbed wire after she jumped a fence running at full speed. She ripped open a horrible wound. I was miles from anywhere and in the middle of the night. Got her to the vet and she had to have more stitiches than a tattie sack. I vowed I would never let that happen again.I blame myself because i was told it was not a good idea to run with a collar on but ignored the advice I got a bollocking from the vet for getting him up and a bolocking from the Mrs for costing a weeks wages for the vets fees. But the worst gullt trip was seeing the bitch i
  16. If you intend to shoot over your cocker then you can't expect it to be steady to game if you run it with a lurcher. A cocker should stay within gun range and not chase game. You expect the opposite of a lurcher. As soon as your cocker sees your lurcher tearing after a rabbit, he will want to do the same. Too much temptation for the cocker-in my opinion it's a sure fire way of ruining a potentially good working dog.
  17. Pre- ban, which was the hardest course for a lurcher, a fox or a hare? Pre- ban my 3/4 grey/collie caught plenty of hunted up hares-not many given 100 yds law I admit. I've never been into coursing foxes in daylight or at night.But the foxes I've seen lamped on video all seem to have two dogs onto the fox. Even with two dogs, the fox seems to be very difficult to nail. So, which is the best at evading capture, fox or hare?
  18. Dog farts, dangleberries, vomit,hair, dirt and general dog odourbelong in a kennel not in the house. i have mine in on very cold nights and for a treat, but most of the time they are in insulated kennels.-rugged up in winter. I think dogs kept outside are more obedient, there's no distractions for them. I think they are more focused on work. Jmho.
  19. Sounds good, have you got a link?
  20. Is that the one with Richard Jones in it..... Bill Clinton makes an appearance playing a super stud.
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