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Everything posted by jukel123

  1. Good point. I never thought of that.
  2. http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/boxing/35892327
  3. Me too. I ruined my first dog by ignorance-- letting it get into the habit of hunting up when the lamp went off. I vowed it wouldn't happen again. Let them have their puppyhood and then insist on obedience all the time.No need to be physical or a bully-just bond with the dog and let him know what's required.
  4. I'll second that. Spot on. Did Jazz turn out as good a bitch as Bird's Buck Bunnys?
  5. jukel123

    Hughie Fury

    24 stone or 26 stone? Neither I would say, just playing mind games for Klitchko. Too obvious Tyson. Fury says 'Mike Tyson lost against everybody who fought back'. Aint that the truth.
  6. I would love to have seen 1) the dog run 2) The reaction of those seeing him run-presuming he was a good un and knew how to pace himself and box the hare in. If he was a good un, he must have been a revelation and worth a lot to the owner if only in prestige value.
  7. Wonder if they nicked it? Not PC I know. It's a joke! I'll get my coat.
  8. That photo got 48 likes up to now. Is this a record for THL? Wonder why we all like it so much?
  9. When I worked in the woods we used to come across a lot of wood pigeons' eggs. I saw my mate put a couple under his cap saying he was going to boil them up later. I snuck up behind him to smash them on his head. Before i got to him the bugger turned round and smashed half a dozen rotten eggs in my face. The two under his hat were just bait to get me into range.
  10. Im sure i heard on Talksport last week that fella cashed out for 29 grand......i thought it was a bad move myself no guts no glory and all that. Would it be the biggest footballing achievement.....im not sure its as big as Forest winning the European Cup 2 years running after coming up from the second division a few years earlier.....but it would certainly be great for modern day top class football. Yes probably not as big an achievement as Forest's or perhaps Celtic in 67 (winning the European cup with all the players born within 30 or so miles of Parkhead) but given the wages they a
  11. Is your bitch from Platts? Have you stated her yet?
  12. Really hope they do it. If they do, it will surely be one of the greatest sporting achievements of all time. Not my team, but 'come on ye foxes!'
  13. I thought the same... Malinois/Gsd crosses?
  14. Google Osbourn and Natalie Rowe. He says it's a line of salt on the table. She says it's coke and she provided other services. She has invited Osbourn to sue her if she's telling lies. He never has.
  15. Very true. What's so annoying to me is that only 26 per cent of the population voted for them. Yet we're stuck with their 'grind the poor, make the rich richer' policies. That's not democracy. The 1.2 billion they save by screwing the disabled is exactly the amount they are giving the rich in more generous capital gains tax. Obscene.
  16. Feast for the eyes. that pup mate.
  17. Looks intimidating as a pup. will be impressive when it's older. Should be good on lion, buffalo etc.
  18. Necrophilia? Not my style. Dead boring. Necrophilia. No way. Dead boring that mate.
  19. Cricket box? I was looking forward to that.
  20. A lot of lurcher pup breeders have a vivid sense of imagination when they describe their pups breeding. There could and usually is, all sorts of breeds in a lurcher pup's background.
  21. Katchum you are a ginger plummer owner. PS before you top yourself you might want to giftt your dogs and gear to a responsible owner. PM me I'll collect them tomorrow.
  22. The worst insult you can aim at a member in this section is to call somebody a 'messer'. Whats' your definition of a messer?
  23. Sulking, peed off or stressed. choose any word you like but bitch the older bitch obviously isn't happy at the moment. She's just going to have to put up with it. I would say the odds are that she won't kill it but eventually accept it and, since dogs are social animals, she'll be glad of the company in the long run. It's just a matter of time. I accept what you say about the pup's confidence taking a hit, but lip curling and snapping are part of the pup's socialisation and the pup will understand and accept that. Keep us updated Sweeney. As has been said the key is to get them out togethe
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