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Everything posted by jukel123

  1. My bitches have twice had big litters. To help the bitch I split the pups into two lots and alternated them on the bitch every 2 hours. On each occasion i was on holiday so had the time to do that. I also gave them mince from my finger just after they were two weeks old. I don't know whether this was a good idea or not. Max and Skycat are the ones with the genuine knowhow- but it worked for me, no losses and no runts.
  2. Vet needs to go to Specsavers. If he'd been scanning ewes and he got his sums so spectacularly wrong there would be irate farmers after his blood. Pregnant ewes are fed according to the number they are carrying. If a ewe carrying triplets is fed the same as one carrying a single lamb or vice versa it would lead to increased lamb or ewe mortality. i would ask for a refund on the price of the scan-that's not unreasonable.
  3. The wolf is a 'dropper' in my opinion. Unsporting.
  4. What behaviour is he trying to instil here? I could understand if he were training greyhounds to chase from an early age, but what's the reason for 'imprinting' them on the plastic cannister?
  5. Some absolute stunning birds there taz. I take my hat off to you.
  6. Took me ages to work out how that breeze block stayed up without collapsing.
  7. Never seen them climb trees like that. You could take roosting pheasants with them.
  8. Should look like these -maybe lighter framed with the saluki blood. http://www.thehuntinglife.com/forums/topic/334331-anyone-else-working-malinois-x-greyhounds-or-similar/
  9. Looking forward to watching Cruyff's development Bunnys. Keep us posted.
  10. He doesn't own up to using a collar, but you can plainly see it. Very effective even so.
  11. http://www.froglife.org/info-advice/spawn-tadpoles-behaviour/
  12. Seen this? Somebody posted it on here some time back. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NVzbP_oGKlU
  13. http://www.midwestigrescue.com/ig-training-help/house-training-your-ig/ Ill pass on this breed.
  14. I spoke with a guy walking a pack of small dogs including two italian Greyhounds. I said i liked the Italian Greyhounds. He said and i quote."You can have them if you want, I hate them'. He said they were the dirtiest house dogs imaginable and had to be crated even during the daytime. He could only let them out of their crate to relieve themselves in the garden. If they were allowed the freedom of the house they just fouled anywhere. His other dogs were house trained. He said the problem was they hated the cold (he lived in the North east) and they would not go outdoors voluntarily except
  15. Maybe I'm a negative,old sod, but I think he had a highly inflated view of himself based on his playing ability and excellent punditry. He goes to a country with no knowledge of the language, La Liga, or the players within La Liga. He says his mission is to enable Valencia to compete with the two Madrids and Barcelona. He actually 'guides' them from mid table to 6 points of relegation and the biggest hiding from Barcelona in the club's history. He wins three league games during the whole of his tenure. He's done himself, the fans or the club no favours at all. If he wants to manage, do so in
  16. Fair point, but punditry is different from the real thing. A case of 'vaulting ambition which o'er leaps itself'.
  17. What a surprise. He gave up mega wages at sky and a national newspaper to got to Spain. He won 3 league games in four months.. Too much ego not enough ability. Silly boy.
  18. What he actually said was"if you keep beating him like this,one, he's going to get hurt,Two,if it's going to a decision,why hasn't he stopped the fight?............Now you've not got to take him out to the face,you've got to take him out to the body." That to me shows he's worried about the lad.
  19. Some good points Gnash, you've actually changed my mind on the situation. However i still maintain Eubank snr had genuine concern for Blackwell's wellbeing given the pounding he was taking to the head. He surely had Michael Watson in mind. Of course his main concern would be for his son but an examination of his words and his actions prove to me at any rate that he was worried about NB. Of course Eubank isno saint,everybody could see the hiding the lad was taking and was concerned.You'd have to be a robot not to be.
  20. I find Saunders very difficult to like. He and Fury were behaving like a couple of embarrassing 14 year olds who had had a sniff of the barman's apron ----making complete arses of themselves.
  21. Eubank senior said:"if you keep beating him like this,one, he's going to get hurt,two,if it goes to a decision, why hasn't he stopped the fight?I don't get why, so maybe you shouldn't leave it to the referee. Now you're not going to take him out to the face, you're going to take him out to the body.' My interpretation is Eubank is frightened for Blackwell's safety and doesn't want Junior to inflict any more head shots. I think he should be given credit for this. I don't think anybody is to blame for the situation. Personally i was wincing every time Blackwell took an uppercut. His head was s
  22. I don't think that's true CJ. Eubank senior was banging on the canvas at the end of the eighth round urging the ref to stop it. His words and his actions have been widely praised. He was obviously mindful of the damage he did to Michael Watson in the early nineties.
  23. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/boxing/2016/03/27/nick-blackwell-rushed-to-hospital-after-fight-with-chris-eubank/
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