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Everything posted by jukel123

  1. Saw 5 hares chasing each other thus morning only about fifty yards away from me.. Could have shot at them and given the dogs a retrieve but it would have been unsporting. They showed no caution, they were totally intent on mating. Daffodila are starting to show and rooks showing an interest in building. Crazy for January.The seasons are definitely changing.
  2. My old man was a good snarer.He even tried snaring red deer in the 50s. He used telegraph wire.Tripped them a few times but never actually caught one. He was a great joker too. If he came across someone else's snares he would put two or three rabbits in the one snare and then listen to the stories in the pub after. I remember somebody was snaring on our patch and checking them at night. He covered every one with human shite. They lifted them and fecked off somewhere else.
  3. Never sold pelts. What price did they get back then?What price now?
  4. Ditto, only the fish we caught were salmon.Very lucrative until farmed salmon fecked the price. One salmon was worth a week's wages. To me we were forced into it by Maggie. Maggie's groupies are at it again-working over ordinary people. Game dealers my end paid up to £2 per pound for venison. Rabbits were hardly worth bothering with, hares and pheasants were better coin. All legal and licensed of course.
  5. jukel123

    Big Frank

    Are you suggesting steroids have something to do with Bruno's and AJ's physique? .
  6. The reason he was so flat footed was because he did not walk until he was 5. He was born splay footed. His feet pointed out the wrong way. He reckoned he couldn't balance properly with his hands held high, maybe that was something to do with his feet as well. If only he had the temperament to go with his skills. Difficult to smoke and train.
  7. I am from a military family going back four generations socks. Unarmed civilians can't fight against bombs and bullets. Civilians are always victims in warfare. If I were in Syria constantly bombarded with bombs from different countries I'd be the first to get my family out. I know the popular belief is that all refugees/ muslims are benefit scroungers/paedos/women molesters.Some of them will be dodgy b*****ds for sure. But the majority are genuine refugees and decent people. They are not trying to con anybody when they are floundering with their kids in the sea as you were suggesting.They
  8. If it bothers you that much get yourself over to France as a voulenteer in refugee camps ........ I've donated a tenner to them via my phone. I feel sorry for them but I'm not mother Teresa. I thank God I was born white and a brit. Just luck.Doesn't stop me helping out others down on their luck. If it were dogs and not people struggling in the sea there would be an outcry of sympathy.
  9. I don't know whether it will happen but the fight I'd like to see would be Haye V Aj. At the present time I think Haye would be too much for him, which is why the fight won't happen shortly, if ever.
  10. The sea bed is not flat even in the shallower water near the shore. The depth varies . There are holes and rises. The same is true of rivers and even lakes and resevoirs. Anybody who has done any wading when fishing will recognise this. These people are escaping bombs and bullets. I think they would rather have their old lives back rather than risk their kids' lives in dangerous sea crossings. My reaction is always thank feck it's not me or my family. It's Burns night tonight. The fella that penned the expression:'man's inhumanity to man'.
  11. Exactly, what's the problem? A course is always preferable to picking up a squatter.
  12. Maybe she's using her brains. Maybe a few squatters have bolted just before a strike so she is now trying to put the odds in her favour by disturbing the squatter so she knows which way it's going to run? I had a collie cross that used to hop from one front leg to another just before she stuck squatters. Maybe it was the same tactic in a different form?
  13. De Mori has had 34 contests, 2 losses 2 draws.
  14. That was a Mr J.C. Jeremy Hobson.Anti terrier work but has written books on working terriers. Such is life, if you ignored the hypocrites in this game you live the life of a hermit, LOL. I don't buy it but my father does and gives it to me. I refuse to read Mr Hobsons articles, no matter how good a heading. Just looked him up - pseudo snob,. Be careful using words like 'pseudo' on here mate, you'll start a lynch mob! Haha.... Those paediatricians are the ones to watch-string em all up along with the immigrants
  15. That was a Mr J.C. Jeremy Hobson.Anti terrier work but has written books on working terriers. Such is life, if you ignored the hypocrites in this game you live the life of a hermit, LOL. I don't buy it but my father does and gives it to me. I refuse to read Mr Hobsons articles, no matter how good a heading. Just looked him up - pseudo snob,. Be careful using words like 'pseudo' on here mate, you'll start a lynch mob! Haha.... Those paediatricians are the ones to watch-string em all up along with the immigrants
  16. You are all forgetting Brian Plummer. In hindsight we can all scoff at the crap he wrote but at the time he ignited a lot of interest in young lads.He was my first read and then Daergi. How much does CMW pay for writing an article? How does it compare with an article for The shooting Times and other magazines?
  17. jukel123

    5 2 Diet

    Recommend this. Lost two stone in two months.Basically you eat feck all two days a week-really feck all. Less than 500 cals. Sometimes I eat nothing.The other five days you eat normally.Although I've also cut out obviously fattening things most days. Some days I just eat and drink what i like. Suits me because I'm a kind of hair shirt personality and like the challenge of eating nowt all day. Although I couldn't diet sensibly every day of my life. I don't feel weak with it. Feel as though I've got a spring in my step and have confirmed I've still got my tadger-I've just seen it.
  18. you and your brother keep good stock.
  19. I thought minshaw dogs were mainly lamp dogs which were not really interested in foxes pre ban.?????????
  20. Do you really believe that Bosun ?.....i think it was his first world title fight against the Frenchman i forget his name now but i remember him getting off the canvas to stop him he was also very honest in his defeat to Carl Thompson so i dont think he lacks heart....i just think some fighters are too intelligent for their own good !....Haye is a knowledgeable,astute and articulate man i think a fighter like him can often let his head rule his heart......us thick fuckers convince ourself we can beat anyone,its a desired trait to feel unbeatable but its not realistic......i think Haye is just
  21. Fuji, do you reckon Minshaw dogs had more stamina because of their border collie blood or because they had collie blood plus something extra? Question for anybody : which breed has more stamina/wind-- border collie or saluki?
  22. gvc have you still got those malinois first crosses? How have they shaped up?
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