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About nigelg

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  • Birthday 15/09/1960

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  • Interests
    Stalking DSC 1 & 2, Roughshooting and sea fishing.
  1. I have a tikka .243 fitted with a pes moderator. I thinks its quite and have had comments at the range how quite others think it is. Nigel
  2. Belting pic. You have caught that( what the hell you doing on my patch) look that these great deer always seem to give.
  3. I use the peroxide cream and it works well. Its a lot more controlable so you dont get splashes on the antlers. Works better on freshly boiled skulls though. Nigel
  4. I have recently compleated my DSC2 so hopefully at the end of the process. I agree that for us average earners its an expensive route but with the way society as a whole is becomming more concerned with qualifications for everything i feel a lot more landowners will want to be seeing evidence before letting stalkers loose on their land. That aside i enjoyed the process and learnt a lot along the way. Also met some great blokes to boot. So i feel it was worth it but glad its done so is the bank manager. Nigel
  5. regardless of race religion colour etc. the system in this country failed there is no way someone like this should ever be allowed to keep any animal. Another instance of soft justice. Nigel
  6. Hello Just Joined the forum so here is my introduction. I have been shotgun shooting for around twenty years so have a fair amount of roughshooting experience. I Have been stalking seriously for around five years I have both DSC1 & 2 and am more than happy to help people into the sport if i can be of use. Thanks Nigel
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