Hi Stephen, i brought a laser range finder about 8 years ago, great bit of kit, it takes the hard work out of it, & aids pin point accuracy, if you've got spare funds get one mate, atb Nick
Try Falcon direct (01323 844760) rang them myself two weeks ago needed a hammer spring for my fn19 raptor they said all seviceable parts are still avalible, i sent them a self address stamp jiffy bag & they sent the spring free for charge, atb Nick !
Hi everyone, could any of you give my some pointers on uploading a profile pic. I've tried but computer says its to big 116kb, any advice greatly recieced, atb Nick
Hi Lee & welcome to the forum, do a bit of ferreting & long netting with a mate of mine, he's not on here as he don't do computers but if i can help in anyway just ask, but we're base up the top of the duchy (Bude) atb Nick !