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Everything posted by roystoncrankted

  1. why do people interfere when people are trying to sell pups if they are not interested why leave a sarky comment thats why people are put off from buying them ok iff they look poor ok if not why not keep the feck out
  2. dont like these but the stamp of this dog may have changed my views on them
  3. so a red is faster than a hare .....dont think so .....but they could be the fastest deer ...like i say i dont no ...... no hare is 45 mph type in google worlds fastest mammals and there is the top ten to look at
  4. just looked on worlds fastest mammals red deer 42 mph same as agreyhound fastest recorded
  5. in my eyes for speed roe everytime although them fallow shift a bit
  6. sorry to hear that why did he only get 18 month though
  7. 38lb it was stuck in the cellar of my local mc donalds
  8. prob owned by a smack rat that got into game for a excuse to go out robbing
  9. my dog as hurt its back feet so i havent been able to run it so i came up with the idea of taping some couch castors to them with black lamping tape he know is back at full strentgh and can go a bit faster down hill i have to carry a scroddy to scrape mud out of them and wd40 them after every run but at least hes out again
  10. WELL collie crosses sick of hearing about em a know how billy casper felt in kes am sick of hearing about german bikes
  11. paranoia is a lonley place you obviously never been to barnsley then been a speight of dog thefts around are area and advertising picts of dogs not a good idea paranoia dont think so sheep chaser lol sheep chaser , let me put you straight on 1 thing , i'm that handsome i don't need to chase sheep they flock all around me , i'm spoilt for choice..........never lonely put that cog thats dropped out of ya head on ya avatar back in ya head and get out and tend ya sheep handsome welsh dreamer you
  12. paranoia is a lonley place you obviously never been to barnsley then been a speight of dog thefts around are area and advertising picts of dogs not a good idea paranoia dont think so sheep chaser lol
  13. collie cross bag of shite id rather have a cauliflower on a lead
  14. send a pm to samba a think he knows him very well he will tell ya as he knows everything about everything the old porn tash dog man him
  15. no its are lass when a met her now i couldnt get her on full screen its amazing how they grow when they move in lol
  16. lad from leeds had a white one in a pipe a few years back mentioning no names as you will prob all know him well known in game
  17. i think we should all be very careful putting picts of our dogs for all to view more so the light fingered lot that seems to be on the up very recently iam very reluctant now to put up picts in case they take a fancy cos it wouldnt take long to find out where some one is from etc with the loose tongued few on here SO BEWARE
  18. picture of one of dogs from local paper hope they catch em and hang em
  19. all the grizzly bears in the neighbourhood had best beware when these two come of age
  20. and hes still as good at pool just took a pound off me tonight and a was leaving ball at other end of table to try and wear him down to no avail
  21. keep taking it out if it still barks get shut
  22. lets have a vote who thinks they should let the slack jawed yokel back on things have been so quiet without him and the strories well seem to be lacking a punch come on darcy forgive and forget lol
  23. not been funny mate but that dont look 22lb excuse my ignorance if it is but to me ive had one at 15 that looked biggr than
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