just being nosey but what was the last one
it was a woman with her skirt up with a omar simpson picture drawn on her bald bits. to think all the dead tackle knockin up and down on avatars and a get complaint over that hahaha
its easy for all the dole boys to say but when ya grafting every day they are invaluable to have. we would all love to stop at home and walk dogs every day
dont worry about them get on with it if we worried about them we should pack in made my day seeing them in strike been sorted by the yorkshire miners ahahahahhahaha and in london on march as the beautiful south said CARRY ON REGARDLESS
i used to use sa37 and mix meat and allsorts up with my dogs dried snap and to be honest it did no good if anything it was in worse shape than if i hadnt gave it them you get most of the vitamins if not all in most of the dried foods today
i have two pups bred same way about 14 weeks old mad as hell and strong as feck when i let em out with my sprocker pup they both terrorise it it as bits out of its ears and lot look similar to yours
yeh watched it dirty as fek makes me wrench when a worm pups out and kennels full of writhing round worms no bean shoots and noodles that night gip gip