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Everything posted by roystoncrankted

  1. ive eaten badger on a recent trip to altinkum in turkey its a sort of taste like chicken and lady skat :sick:
  2. what rubbish roystoncrankted you dont have any mates so you must be lying!!! and you wont either iff ya keep having ya builder turn up at six in morning to start on ya kennels in pissing down rain then turn ya mobile off and wake up at ten oclock peeking out of ya dirty windows looking like a ferret coming out of a bale of straw ya rodney wunt you hahahhhaahahha
  3. i would never keep two dogs in together under any circumstances i had a mate who had a very good terrier get killed by a lurcher a few years back and they were kenneled together for years it only takes a minute for a working dog to get fired up over the least little thing and then its either too late or a big vet bill
  4. nice tattoos mate AYA ALRIGHT hhaahahhaha
  5. did you get fixed up witha legacy mate just seen a old post from last year
  6. that dont happen very often cos they cant be bothered to get up out of bed and them that do usually cant drive now and again one appears that has a bit of suicidal mayhem in is head and catches one or two usually the little scrawnys that cant hit back
  7. its mad but starting to steady down a bit now very inteligent it knows every thing ya say to it just started working cover and overall im well chuffed with it
  8. iff you can get hold a cibie spotlight shell from a scrap yard use the shell with a rubber hose for a handle wire it up ya self then put some perspex on front then use a micro switch these re what we used in yorkshire for many years and cost very little to make but were excellent lamps wish i still had one in fact a think am guna try and make one and compare it with lamps of today the cibie shell enables you to get a high wattage bulb from most car spare shops
  9. two people been to see it today so dont know if still available will ring ld tmoz and let you know
  10. try prudential i always end up with a good quote off them
  11. are u still chasing sheep round with gaureteed collie grunt dog ha ha know who ya are now big red and i thought to have a name like that ya should have seen a big red in the flesh not in comics
  12. my mate had a little black bitch called mugsy
  13. i have heard there would not catch a fox in a telephone box thats one of my statements and its copy righted so i will sue iff you continue to use it without my permission mr big red
  14. still for sale and im guna try and get a picture on tmoz for any one interested
  15. ive just got rid of one on a y plate you must have plenty of money ive never had a greedier motor my old suby gl turbo was better on fuel. mind you i liked to fry it most turbo models have head lamp washers
  16. Rupert please do not tell me you were in the gaurds? Me Visual aid technician Window Cleaner what the hell is that on your avatar mate that looks weird
  17. i used to work in the city buying titanuim for a big company but now im a carer for subaru willy who had a accident.i love the job but its a damn site harder than i expected but its worth it to see is smiling face when a fetch him is dozen cream buns up to bed every morning
  18. fifty quid tops roll easy as owt get stuck in budgie seed maybe sixty at a push if ya test it
  19. SUBARU by far best all round only gripe petrol consumption
  20. is this out of honey and golly mate
  21. i will post a picture over weekend of this pup then all that have looked and not replied will realise they could have missed out on a hell of a beast of a pup
  22. you've got to be joking "roystoncrankted"....i've seen both beddy and collie crosses kill foxes..plenty of times... check out the breeding properly if it kills foxes theres some bull some where in its blood
  23. ive never seen anything other than a bullcross that could actually kill a fox. collie cross etc bedlington etc waste of time
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