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Everything posted by roystoncrankted

  1. dont you mean a buck or a doe i know someone who has a black and white ferret,if your intrested read it again gay lad got to be white der hahaah
  2. spaniel cross terrier bitch pup for sale hundred pound repeat mating will make excellent bushing dog pm me for phone number
  3. wanted dog or bitch ferret got to be white barnsley area please pm me for phone number. wanted for a friend thanks
  4. anyway time for bed i will sleep soundly knowing im yorkshire. the place where the best hunting men live in the country a well known fact
  5. yes i heard about that spaniel ted,the litter brothers are all doing well on hares too preban of course i heard sprocket had 4 out of 4 is this true in the same feild three out of four fourth one was slipped too far
  6. i dont know anyone who drives that actually bothers running hares so all you hare men have nothing to worry about there easy anyway to catch my spaniel regulary caught them preban in open fields
  7. dont forget the dogs ted will you got none sold em all am that fat a couldnt be arsed walking em al get some more when weather gets better though
  8. well folks its time to fire up the suby tit her up with petrol oh not forgetting the bolt croppers and the night vision goggles happy hunting everyone
  9. why not walk then , don't get me wrong i believe in each to his own and all that ...... but why feel the need to drive a 4x4 after your chosen quarry and then chuck the dog at it ????? because you walk 20 mile half fecking fecked just for some lads in a moter to pull up and say alright lads you had much you say i one or two runs they laugh and say feck me we just had 14?has for chucking the dog at something,useing a moter to get up to stuff is no differant imoa than sqeaking a fox right in just to slip the dog for other peoples comments on damaging crops,i knew someone who was getting pr
  10. correct fit as a butchers dog cos we eat sheep not welly bob them hahahhahahhaha :clapper:baaaaallllllllllaaaaaaccckkkkssssss
  11. you should have your own programme on tv. fat and lazy whats up with adding to insult by saying out of work fat and lazy as well dogs cock
  12. yes thats it blame the driving boys every one i know who drives only drives on land they have permission on and would never venture onto land where they dont have permission
  13. am telling ya now theres giraffe in that black dog
  14. Dog in the pic above not owned by me, {though i did breed it} the lad who owns him started him on the lamp "Gentley" at around 7 month of age, Other pups in the litter are also working already, ferreting,lamping, ratting, all good stuff for young pups, Dogger26672 I`me in stoke mate. Thanks Samba Yis Mars. i bought a subaru estate turbo many years back from a terrier lad from stoke think pete was is name
  15. might be a bit more expensive as i might have to buy a pair to get the pockets i could also put lg on them with some sequins
  16. does any one else use this soon to be patened idea whilst out coursing recently i noticed my dog turning all the time to see where the other dogs were. so i thought to my self ill try some blinkers like horses use. i had loads of old jeans so i wripped off the pockets and made some i have three sets one in dolce and gabbana one in levis and one in evisu . im thinking of selling some shortly so watch this space they will be about 3.99 a set. its amazing how much better and focused my dog now is
  17. i once coursed a hare round your end missed it and saw chris crawling out of your arse correction you took it round the field in the suby with no tax and test . till its tongue was out then slipped six dogs
  18. where do you live im from barnsley and it certainly aint every day life
  19. I dont think you're doin it right :tongue4: is bird is that little he has to crawl into a ball like a cat
  20. better be quick before the mods delete it
  21. i was out lamping preban in a field i slipped my dog on a rabbit it missed the rabbit and got on a fox we lit up. it missed the fox thought it was over when we lit a roe up and it got on the roe which also got away now that sounds like a bullshit tale yes but that did actually happen and i had witnesses to say it happened so no matter how far fetched storys sound im always sceptical now unless its a spiderpig tale then thats another thing iff ya pass scarboro beach in summer watch for is ice cream van and try one of is famous horse shit tasting cornets :sick:
  22. was that the bloke that said his dogs done 20 rabbits a night.? why do you say that do you think it is not possible to do twenty in a night ???????
  23. if it went hard it would have to have it
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