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Everything posted by roystoncrankted

  1. im getting a bull cross shortly ive got the bone head as well watch out for me at them game fairs fronting it up to all and sundry i will think im as hard as hell NOT. you could say that about staffy owners nearly everyone as tattoos and a pot belly. silly post
  2. if im not mistaken you need a licence to prescribe them so a cant see any one saying yes ill sell ya some on here unless they are a vet ?????/??/?/??/?
  3. call it hoy new a old man that called is that name
  4. no calling down birmingham out of back of a escort van subarus wernt about back then neither were the fancy lamps only homemade with radiator hoses as handles those were the days hahahahah
  5. once did six out with the lads in one night but a know a lad who as done over ten in one night and that is a regular occurance for him
  6. theres only one cross and thats a bull cross no bull no good ask any yorkshireman that went out pre ban and they will tell you we burn em out faster than lewis hamilton does tyres and before ya start slating its only my opinion and as for the comment about twats i know hundreds of dog men with bull crosses and not many twats amongst them just good lads
  7. cheers for that pal thought had ask just to see if it had happened to anyone
  8. as anyone ever heard of a fox taking and killing a pup out of a kennel as i have just got a recent pup and the thought entered my head whilst laid in bed listening to it sing shakira shakira at two in morning that a fox could easy get in my bodge jobbed kennel???????
  9. i once saw that happen after ten pints and some mushrooms ahhahahahah
  10. HOW MANY DO YOU WANT LADDIE IVE SENT U MINE YOU NEED TO GET YOURSELF A DOG AND GET OUT MORE BOYO hahahhaha got two on order mate one off willy and a spaniel off shep am guna be back at top o tree shortly and there will be plenty of posts then for all and sundry to read ahahahha
  11. you sound like ya know what ya talking about subaru silly. sorry subaru willy can i have ya autograph if a send ya me address ahahahahah
  12. go on girl give him some ha ha
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