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Everything posted by roystoncrankted

  1. personally i think a excellent first dog would be a bull greyhound saluki greyhiound if from good stuff will give you years of fun and big bags
  2. them pictures would make some excellent prints
  3. why dont we all sell our houses and feck off to northern ireland and feck the government
  4. looks like ya dog as drank some of delboys radio active chinese restaurant paint
  5. be careful i had one like that make my pup jack
  6. will ya take a pound for the dog and it will be twenty inch by time ive done running him samba
  7. ive got a forester turbo nice to drive and loads of fun but i must admit im now sick of calling in every garage a pass greedy as hell but fun to drive
  8. subaru legacy turbo all day long there aint many keepers and traffic cops that can live with them have to agree though the old 1800 gl estates took some beating ive seen them with front ends hung off and still managed to driver hundred miles back home
  9. yehar im moving to la la la la america. do the groundhogs bite bad are there teeth fox like
  10. lovely beast are lass just said wish your tongue was that big love
  11. treadmills are an invaluable tool to have for a working dog more so if ya work a lot. its ok for the dole boys to post lazy barstewards they dont have to get up and graft for a living so in my opinion they are a great tool to have although its a art getting the dog to run on them with out strangling the selves
  12. make a cadgy and tie it to the back of a bmx then ferry it around at high speed and it will get used to it and if it is sick it wont go in car thats how a train mine
  13. lean mean speed machine looks a picture of health
  14. good dogs dont go out of site its bang and over quick and fast even the big boys should be over in a dash if not ya got the wrong dogs sorry lads my opinion
  15. lyn perry bet that it can drink for england then hahahah good old ivy tilsley
  16. before the ban as this ever happened to any one and this aint bullshit. i and a few mates were lamping we were on a rabbit which reared off only to see a fox so we managed to get the dog on that which also reared off uncaught only to see a roe on the edge and then we set off after that all three escaped but all this happened in the same field told this tale many times much to disbelief of quite a few people
  17. dont bother putting a bigger lure or spinner on as ive had jacks on lures twice as big as the jack just be thankful ya catching keep on and the big one will come my biggest to date is 17 pound not a monster but fun to catch before that came loads of jacks
  18. try some bread on a big hooook that works well for me and dont forget the nike trainers for a fast getaway if not stick a spinner on and catch at will
  19. all the best dogs always come out of a none worker to worker any one knows that
  20. three words on the subject BAG OF SHITE
  21. BET chiv and co. got wasted thought you would of gone with em matey working mate he rang me pissed up talking crap at seven
  22. anyone got any pictures of dogs from yorks show to post terriers or lurchers or just the lads pissed up and enjoying there self
  23. looks like american werewolf in london wouldnt fancy been in a motor with it >it looks evil
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