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Everything posted by roystoncrankted

  1. i know for a fact he has bred out of dogs that wont even work unless they have a pit lamp on there head with a dog behind pushing it on, FACT
  2. can any one tell me if they have ever used cass creek electronic goose calls and if they are any good for calling wild grey geese
  3. theres drivers and thes f*****g screw drivers and your the latter.it must be sumat about nissans cos willo the wisp cant drive is proper either.two tyres and a new set o wishbones yehar damn my britches
  4. ya shouldnt be mooching about anywhere wi dogs until ya find out the diff between fox rabbit and badgers sets in my eyes could end up a costly mistake just my opinion
  5. just shows you know f**k all as is a few lads on here no exaclty how it is bred as one of them sorted it for me so take ya inexperienced ideas and views and go talk shit on someone elses post why do you get drawn into it just ignore there sarky comments you know what its worth boyo
  6. one of beagle pups was a red and white bitch and a lt merle coloured bitch cross with spaniel but do look like beagles
  7. i drive like that every day so a suppose am used to seeing that kind o stuff
  8. its not for flies its for is twisted mind poor old jennna al be covered in burns when hes had her walking down the lane in school clothes hahahhaha
  9. parvo doing the rounds round here at minute so had be careful where ya go and whos kennels ya go to visit
  10. nice looker but depends what ya want him for looking at frame guna be a big strong dog might be too heavy for all rounder type of dog id go for me self though
  11. cos am a reformed character man ok man.stop squeazing ma melons man
  12. is it true ya got fired for hiding twenty meat feastdeep pans in ya under crackers and ya only got found out cos ya hadnt eaten for ten seconds and needed to eat FOOD FOOOD hahahahhahahaa no reply mmm he must be eating
  13. is it true ya got fired for hiding twenty meat feastdeep pans in ya under crackers and ya only got found out cos ya hadnt eaten for ten seconds and needed to eat FOOD FOOOD hahahahhahahaa
  14. il be rich one day though ted and have a jeeves to drive me about lamping yes i must admit your the best entrepreneur i know mate and if i ever come into money i wouldnt hesitate into ploughing money into ya many money earning schemes . id love to see ya on dragons den especially with the donkey wi ice cream van attached to saddle on scarboro beach. or the puma trekking trail up cat babbleton way with guide mr carter telling tales of you and is escapades armed with a bag of plaster hahahahhaha
  15. we all no why they call you tubo ted because your arse goes when its warm, faster than everyone elseshaha hahhaahahahahahahahahhahaahahahahahahahahaha did ya know spiderPRICK saves all is horse teeth under is pillow and a little dwarf comes and gives him petrol money for them every morning hahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahha
  16. we all no why they call you tubo ted because your arse goes when its warm, faster than everyone elseshaha turbo you athersley rat eater
  17. i can drive on ploughed fields like jesus walked on water the dont call me turbo ted for nowt
  18. land cruisers are a pile of shite subarus all day long theres drivers and thes screwdrivers and spider pig is def a screw driver. they seem good on fuel cos tank holds about thirty barrels of tit try losing someone in a cruiser dont think so. driven by wanna be alan turners big eared farm boys and cranks enough said. just thought had stick my oar in been to trickys ryu today said hed been out wi ya
  19. he forgot to add hed been on the stella all day and had fell asleep in a field o mushrooms and poppys
  20. What is mono on mono?....and its ok to double up if your female? mono on mono = one on one... ...and its ok to double on your females... maybe i shouldnt of commented on this thread with me not being a foxing man....but i would of thought if you were a foxing man you would like to have a dog that can do it on its own ,,,,,not doubled up....surley a dog that can do it on its own is twice as good as a dog that needs help in doing the job...just my opinion,,,,, so they dont double up on hares then when ive watched coursing im sure theres two dogs running???
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