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About roystoncrankted

  • Rank
    Mega Hunter
  • Birthday 17/06/1967

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  • Interests
    jogging daily .gym daily . boxing hour a night .

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  1. dogs sold, the boys in love!!

  2. this mans a proper BOY RACER !!!!!

  3. i know for a fact he has bred out of dogs that wont even work unless they have a pit lamp on there head with a dog behind pushing it on, FACT
  4. can any one tell me if they have ever used cass creek electronic goose calls and if they are any good for calling wild grey geese
  5. theres drivers and thes f*****g screw drivers and your the latter.it must be sumat about nissans cos willo the wisp cant drive is proper either.two tyres and a new set o wishbones yehar damn my britches
  6. ya shouldnt be mooching about anywhere wi dogs until ya find out the diff between fox rabbit and badgers sets in my eyes could end up a costly mistake just my opinion
  7. just shows you know f**k all as is a few lads on here no exaclty how it is bred as one of them sorted it for me so take ya inexperienced ideas and views and go talk shit on someone elses post why do you get drawn into it just ignore there sarky comments you know what its worth boyo
  8. one of beagle pups was a red and white bitch and a lt merle coloured bitch cross with spaniel but do look like beagles
  9. i drive like that every day so a suppose am used to seeing that kind o stuff
  10. its not for flies its for is twisted mind poor old jennna al be covered in burns when hes had her walking down the lane in school clothes hahahhaha
  11. parvo doing the rounds round here at minute so had be careful where ya go and whos kennels ya go to visit
  12. nice looker but depends what ya want him for looking at frame guna be a big strong dog might be too heavy for all rounder type of dog id go for me self though
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