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Outlaw Pete

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Everything posted by Outlaw Pete

  1. I'd love to get my hands on that dresser! Criminal shame it's just being left there to rot Trouble is, I'd never get it against my wall. Look at the height on the f**king thing!
  2. My f**king head's reeling. I can barely even comprehend what I've just read about, in Ohio. A f**king SIX MONTH OLD BABY !!!!!! Jesus F**king Christ! Now try telling me there's a f**king god! This takes some reading.
  3. Shame they hadn't been so efficient with Nazi War Criminals.
  4. I feel another quote from " A Town Called Malice " coming on here ....! " Stop dreaming of the quiet life, it's one you'll never know! "
  5. Some guaranteed badgers there. What the f**king hell is wrong with Photobucket these days? I upload a picture and it shuffles it into the middle of the deck somewhere! Couldn't find it!
  6. That's cool, Lurch. What are they then? Haven't got the 'heel' to appear 'normal' rabbit, hare, squirrel, what ever. No where hear long and narrow enough looking either. Christ, as said earlier; I'm only in here for the craic Mink or otter, maybe? Again; I like the roundness of these prints, for non dog. But, we need a size. No webbing though, is there? Either foot. Mud just too dry to take it? Dunno. I'm loving this though! Anything that gets us scratching our heads and Thinking must be good, surely? I take the dogs up the lane. See then stop to examine and sniff someth
  7. For your first question, Scot; Did the Extermination Camps exist? " NO!!!!! People were queuing up to get into Auschwitz! Coming in by the train load! They were having a Gas!!!!! " (Bleep! Bleep! Bleep! Bleep! Bleep! Bleep!) ..... And, your answer is, in fact ..... err ..... F**k! Let me just confer with the panel of judges here ..... Yes! And I can now confirm that You are, " Scothunter " ............... Holocaust Denialist Mastermind 2013!!!
  8. No. Sorry, mate. Windoze 7 is trying to take control of all my peripherals through this new computer. It' won't let me access my external drive. What scaler have we for that picture? Only, with the size and depth of the claws there? My guess is badger. Obviously having walked on half baked mud. I'm not trying to come across as some authority here. I'm just adding my own opinion as I feel it might help the mix. And I have photo's of 100% badger on half baked mud here. I just want to directly compare them. Anyone just plain Know their badger tracks, help us out here? I've stopped b
  9. WXM; Let me just check them against the badger tracks I have in my collection ..... Again, it's been a while since I even bothered myself with larger tracks.
  10. Paid; That left hand, down facing print? That would make me pass gas. Until I saw the clear, shaped, claw marks. That to me ~ without trying to track down the original site ~ is a rear foot? But, yes, it has a breath catching roundness to it.
  11. Yes, as do St Bernards. And, of all things, I have one living near to me. Free roaming. Three of us have stood and discussed it as it pounded around the fields above us. This shit really does happen.
  12. What source says that's a cat print, Socks?
  13. Yep. Same thing here, mate. With Karen Keating. Of course, she's done a Jimmy now. Beyond their clutches. But, dear f**king lord! For the utter filth she inflicted on me? They'd have thrown the book at her! Karen Keating RIP <--- In My Dreams!!!
  14. Eh??? What, you're assuming I knew that? I can promise you I didn't. And, now I do, it pleases me because that'll mean more pheasents around this couple of farms. That's nice, because we don't touch them here. We only have wild birds, so it'd be good to see them build up a bit.
  15. He's got a mate!!! Just been out there and a glimpse of 'white' out on the field caught my eye. Looked through the hedge and there they were. And, boy! Is she a pale one?! Like a sun bleached cardboard cut out. Still don't know if she was off the nest for a feed, or what. I'll just leave them in peace now though. I can't be doing with poking around in that fence line. I love it when the lanky little poults appear and have a dust bath on my turning space
  16. Kruby; I used to have a mate who was a Blacksmith. He reckoned he could make a safe above Police specs (Thicker steel and heavier locks) for less than the commercial ones. Possibly something worth looking into?
  17. There's always that possibility socks. I'm also starting to realise how interesting the location is, to me. Did you give us a date? (Sorry, it's all getting lost in a sea of multi quoting and horseplay here) Best I can really do is to suggest, as above, you have a squint at Google. Any tracking web site should show you the differances to look for in cat / dog. And I believe you'd have a better eye for that photo. Because you know what you're looking at, if that makes sense?
  18. Hily; Would you believe I've, just this afternoon, fitted my rubber band to the door of my recently made trap? It's just a wire mesh cage and, yes, I'll be propping the door up with a stick and lying in wait at the far end of my length of string My only real concession to being a long since grown man with access to insider information is my Catching Box. I've knocked up a crafty box that enables me to remove small birds from my traps without having to shove my arm in there. Absolutely minimises the stress to them and me. It's brilliant! But, yes, the bit of stick and length of strin
  19. Socks; I've managed to off load that photo and look at on my full screen here. I believe, in the original post, you said the one on the right was your bitch? It would seem obvious that was a slip of the tounge though as the one on the right is obviously by far the larger. Anyway, the short answer is, as Paid points out; There's very obvious claw marks. That, as a rule of thumb, denotes other than a cat. And, from this point, I'm not going to try to bullshit you, or sneak off to Google and come back refreshed and spouting expertise. It's been years since I was active in this sphere. I
  20. Depends, mate. Type of cat. Type of kill. But, there's some points to be expected as indicative. I've looked at a LOT of photo's of slaughtered sheep in my time. Once I spotted the tell tail sign of what Only a cat tends to do. And, I don't mind admitting it; I f**king shit myself! It was just so irrefutable. As much as I tried to refute and even get it refuted by international experts. Put simply? I was looking at shit that Dogs, foxes, badgers, rats, birds, Human F**king Beings simply Are Not equipped to do. Something only cats are known for. And this wasn't done by any moggy
  21. See? Someone's asked a pretty irrelevant question; What have puncture wounds to the neck got to do with anything? And someone replies that the throat was eaten out. So? What has That even got to do with the initial question? Sit and think about it for a minute: 'Were there marks on the neck?'. Answer: There Was no neck!' (So, how are we to know there were ever any wounds to the neck?) What would do that? Having examined your question? That's pretty easy. " What would eat the flesh and stuff away from the throat to the spine? " Shit loads of things would. Dogs, Foxes. Ba
  22. Sorry, WXM. That's just more of the same old. " The moors are just across the road. " " We have tracks in the garden snow. " I mean! I'd like to down load that shot and examine it. But it won't let me. Much more to the point, I'd like to have got there myself, before the scene was trampled. Never really going to happen though. No. We just have a posting on FB. No verifiable facts. More chinese whispers. Personally, I don't try to extrapolate anything from that sort of mumbo jumbo. I'd simply repeat: Absolutely Nothing about that photo suggests cat.
  23. WXM; Absolutely nothing I can see from that shot suggests cat. Any more details, please? I don't touch FB.
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