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Outlaw Pete

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Everything posted by Outlaw Pete

  1. How interesting's that? Jesus, spend a lifetime observing birds and they still go, " Hey! Watch me do this. Bet ye never thought we did shit like this? " Protein though, isn't it? Those young need to pack it in to pack it on now. Frog would be a hell of a bonus. Bit grisly for the poor old frog, eh?
  2. That Dalmatian one's saying; " What ....?! " That sawn off Malamute's f**king terrible! " Look. I was a Malamute and look what the bastards have done to me! "
  3. 4th July, 1999. River Conwy. I saw a genuine, wild bred, Red Kite. No wing tags. No chopped chickens. Just this gorgeous specimen of the genuine article. Used to have them in London at one time. Shakespeare or Pepes, somebody like that, wrote of them swooping down around London Bridge.
  4. About as south as it gets, mate. New Forest. Seen them there myself in 2000.
  5. Rare enough, mate. Certainly a bird well worthy of note. I saw mine at Conwy. 2/7/99
  6. You bast@rd!!! That's it. I now, officially, hate you for ever! I've actually walked up my own Quail, here. (Yes. I've found and seen a wild quail! I was on sedatives for a week!) But, Corncrake??? I don't honestly know which is More the Holy Grail? I heard, on a radio, some years ago, that the Crake's were coming back to my area? Friend confided, year or two ago, that he reckons he'd heard one. I ever see one, I'll probably mark the spot with a flag pole
  7. I think I'd be cracking them out like a popcorn machine! And this is exactly my point, look; These are absolutely life defining moments. Hundreds of people will pay hundreds of pounds to have these experiences. If golden eagles ate sheep? There'd be shit loads of f**king eagles. Thriving on all the sheep in Wales, eg. And everyone would be familiar with the sight of them flapping off with bleating woolly backs. Just isn't happening though. Just the few pig shit f**king ignorant who prefer to believe what their fathers told them. Because their fathers fathers told them! F**king '
  8. Not so much now that the people of the Highlands are starting to recognise that there's more money to be made from the people coming up there just to See them than there ever could be 'Lost' to some Crofter who swears to god that every 'missing' lamb has been carried off by one. What's a lamb worth? £36.00? And Lee and his posse roll into town. Dozen or more hungry, thirsty guys, in need of a bed for the night. Descending on B&B's, pubs and corner shops like a plague of locusts. £50.00 a piece pumped into the local economy. Then gone without leaving a footprint. And back, twice a yea
  9. This is it, isn't it? They are a stunning looking bird! To see one, for the first time, is quite the experience. But, believe me the f**king novelty soon wears off when ye engaged in virtual hand to hand with the b*****ds on a day to day, year to year basis! Christ, I f**king hate them! Crafty b*****ds have even sussed out where I get now. They've snuk off over the river to get away from me. Just sneak into my lands to piss me off! Know I'll put a charge through their nest, if I can reach it I f**king Despise them!!!
  10. Would I be far wrong in guessing you're referring to that 'Comedian' who latterly appeared with the same name? I must admit; I've never seen nor heard that guy performing. I've just caught the name because it happens to match that of my old mate.
  11. Malt; Having seen a true Eagle; Doesn't it put the f**king Buzzard into perspective?! Eh? We grow up, seeing buzzards. We watch one soaring and thing; Must be a buzzard. Could be an eagle though ..... Then we see an eagle. Game F**king Over!!! Once you've seen that thing with the wing span of a double decker bus, you Know you've seen an eagle!
  12. Choughs? South Stacks. Anglesey. Same day as I ticked my first and only UK Hooded Crow. There was ~ then ~ this solitary bird living there. Took my breath away. Possibly even more so than the choughs. Now? Seeing a 'Gray Crow' just fills me with anger! I despise those f**king things on the same, visceral level as cats and mink!
  13. Pest, as I call her, is in the kitchen, licking 'her' log. (The one I chop their meat up on. She likes that ) I, meanwhile, have been consulting my records. White Tailed Sea Eagle? 19th Dec. 1999. Cockley Cley, Norfolk. That was the young bird. Flown in from f**k knows where. I'll never forget throwing the door of the motor open ~ some good soul who'd given us a lift down from Titchwell ~ only to have it missed by about a millimetre by someone passing at a around 60mph! I threw myself out the motor. Ripped the legs of the tripod apart. Eye to eyepiece. Shit myself!!! That
  14. You're not going to believe this, Sussex. But, five minutes ago I'd just put my chops 'n chips on. I rinsed my hands and reached for the towel. That made me face the upper glazed back door ..... Flash!!! F**king male sparrow hawk shot by!!! If it comes in threes, I'd best watch out for the Gos' or f**king Osprey next!
  15. Believe me, Fireman, I (Obviously, I'd have thought by now?) have absolutely no personal problem with aviculture. In fact, some of the stuff kept and bred in captivity gives me a screamer! I'd f**king Love to visit these shows and see these amazing birds, calmly hopping about their perches. It'd just be so cool to see them close up That said? I'm absolutely Not one of these 'Listing Ringer' types. I've no wish what so ever to go to Israel and ring unheard of species. Just to add names to my list. I'd sooner ring a million Starlings from my own boxes, and learn about what they g
  16. Oh, that's rubbed in alright, mate! F**k me, I'd be scurrying around on my hands and knees, trying to find them! What a shame we can't team up. I could sit on the back of your quad and you could slip me on the runners! " Goooooarrrrnn, Pete!!! "
  17. I just looked up. One of those things of fate. God alone knows what goes past here whilst my eyes are reading what you've written. Or I'm typing some shit myself. Couple of minutes ago though, I was gazing out the window ..... Oh, look! There's Pat! White shirt shining in the sun shine. Does he never stop? Flash of white / grey. Is that a wood pigeon? (Automatic, unconscious answer from the brain? 'Don't be a c**t! Get the wing action on it!') Bolt upright. Plot it's likely flight path. Lock On!!! There it goes!!! No more a woodie than I am! You f**king beauty!!! Look at th
  18. Dave; I really wish I'd kept a bloody record of where I bought my own aviary from. It's made of black, powder coated mesh, welded to a square tubular steel frame. You pick and choose the panels you want. If I remember rightly, the panels are 6' high and 4' wide. I have a 6 x 8 x 4 aviary out there. Cost me about £350.00. But, that was including shipping from UK. Just pointing out that there's more out there, if you put the Google time in.
  19. I once heard of someone getting a nice little result in Winchester, back in the day
  20. I like the sound of that better Pity you never registered if it was flicking its tail. They do that. I've just been for a nice depressing walk. Absolutely nothing out there. It's like bloody Silent Spring
  21. Millet; That's some shots of those Wheaties! Strikingly gorgeous birds though, aren't they? I don't know when they're due here. Hope they come back. Though, I'm virtually counting the birds which are simply vanishing with each passing year here! Stonechats used to nest up the track. Don't see them now. Barely see a Meadow Pipit this year. Snipe are disappearing. We've just about had it officially confirmed that the Curlew is f**ked, as a breeding bird. Oh, f**k me! Did you spot it? Look at that list. All ground nesters! And we have badgers coming out of our f**king ears! That
  22. There's no bloody stopping you, is there?!
  23. I amaze myself. The more I think about it, the more f**kin people I realise I've met! I initially ran up a score of about ten. Then I realised it was a dozen. Then someone else pops into my head and it's now got to be around fifteen! Oh, f**k me! Of course; He's a member here too. He's been to my place. F**k me, how many's that?! There's peeps on here I've known for thirty years now. As it happens, I'm sat here wearing a shirt which a young lady brought me, from America! And that was the best part of ten years ago now. By and large? I've never disliked anyone I've met. Surely so
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