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Outlaw Pete

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Everything posted by Outlaw Pete

  1. Sounds like a plan, actually. Something I could do in my shed ..... Those days are long gone Try that round here now? Govt. f**king helicopter lands and there's some twat going " Now; Give me money! "
  2. Scothunter; Several decades ago I came across my old friend, Ron Lee, sitting with a motor lump between his legs. He was twisting little things out of it with pliers. Chucking these things into a biscuit tin. I asked him WTF he was doing. That was a thirty bob lump of cast iron there. Why was he picking at it?! Ron explained; " Young man " (Ron was always scrupulously polite) " The mass of the thing is cast. But, these pins are brass! Always break your scrap down and separate it! " I looked around me. At the various, distinct piles of metals heaped upon the grass. I looked, har
  3. Like I say, mate ..... Just making that last ditch effort to find another way. I've even tried 'biting' them apart with side cutters. Bast@rd things are an environmental and economical disaster. Hate them!
  4. Anyone figured out how to break them? I used to tap the old, plastic and screw, ones with a lump hammer. Like cracking a nut. These bloody things though? Anything short of tossing them in the fire?
  5. I f**kin enjoyed that! Another one I remember reading is the Australian farmer, to the tax man. Ends on something like, " So, you've got about as much chance of getting money out of me as you have shoving a pound of butter up your own arse with a hot pin! " F**king love these things!
  6. F**king hell! I knew I should've kept my f**king mouth shut! Mod's? For christs sake, where are ye? Shoot this f**king thing before it too grows into a monster!
  7. Yeah. I can see that, mate. But, obviously lurchers that 'Excite discussion' If somebody had simply said " A line of lurchers once bred by some bloke called Minshaw. " I'd have been content. I got that from the first two pages. F**k another 398 of that shit!
  8. Ah, right! I see. Just read Two pages. So, I'll just take it that there was (is) a bloke called " Minshaw " who bred some lurchers. Now, years down the line, they're as mythical and valued, by some, as " Genuine Smithfield Drovers Dogs ". That about say it? Mod's; Please feel free to lock this now
  9. Alright. Calm down. I have the feeling this can be an emotive subject? Me? Simply 99% ignorant of the whole thing. 99% because I Think they're runners? Not terriers or what ever. That's honestly as much as I Think I know though. Okay. So, can anyone please just tell me what they ~ supposedly are? Who / where / when / what was " Minshaw " ? I'm comfortable enough with Norfolk and Smithfield Lurchers. I have that. I even know about Patterdales. Buck and Breay are names I know. Phil Lloyd / Lurchers? No problem. Minshaw though? Seems to have slipped by me. Can't wait to have this
  10. I'm not at all religious. But, I get crucified every f**king night!
  11. Saw that Sky Fall last week .......... It must be me then? Well; Me and my mate. Because we both agreed.
  12. That's what I was thinking ~ with both of them. If I received shit like that, I'd be checking the doors were locked and the guns loaded!
  13. " It's This Phone ..... " Does no body else use a f**king Computer and Key Board any more?

    1. Outlaw Pete

      Outlaw Pete

      *I'm* a thing of the past, mate. But, at least I can still type, read and see pictures! :D


    2. Kay


      i use a pc cant get on with a phone my eyes cant see the buttons..lol

    3. Outlaw Pete

      Outlaw Pete

      Kay; I wonder if things haven't gone so far they're coming back? In my time, a phone was something you went down the road to and put coins in, to ring a place and ask if a person was there. A photo was taken with a camera. Later ~ much later ~ a computer was two spinning dustbin lids set in a teak wall. Oh, and a tablet was something mothers used to take.


    4. Show next comments  321 more
  14. due to the cuts the light at the end of the tunnel has been turned off.... That was actually pretty good, Alex!
  15. And here I am, having PM'd you I'd pay by cheque! Bank Transfer it shall be. In advance, either way
  16. Rhys; I've just found this a little late in the course of my day () Tomorrow though, I can get you chapter and verse on my boxes. Before I do however; I'm curious as to what you intend to do next.
  17. Midnight; Are you up for making me a Damascus, please? 3" blade. Drop me a PM
  18. FFS! And I was looking at the fourth picture across! No telling what others were looking at / referring to. No wonder we've all been confusing each other! That silly article's just showing a mish mash of wash ups from around the world! WTF Is this " Huffington Post " anyway? An international Daily Mail? I'd sooner rely on the Daily Mash for my accurate reporting
  19. Socks; It's weird, but; It seems like different people here are looking at different photo's here. Yes? See how (Was it " Malt " ?) above shows a shot of an obvious badger. (See the front paw, head, etc) Then shows a completely different cadaver in the next shot. Labeled as " Lab's Lab ". Perhaps I only examined the 'Pit Bull' shots, in the original link? I certainly know my bulls from my badgers. I'm sure most of us do. Badgers just don't have foot long, whip tails. Do they? Confusion here
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