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Outlaw Pete

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Everything posted by Outlaw Pete

  1. Came across this randomly, having spotted the link to on the main page. Nige; That is Some f**king photography!!!
  2. F**king hell!!! And I thought Ray Alan and Lord Charles were amusing ....?!
  3. The beer tastes good tonight ....!

    1. LaraCroft


      Brokeback Mountain.....!

    2. Outlaw Pete

      Outlaw Pete

      I've got Deliverance on my shelf. May watch that again some time presently :)


      Brokeback Mountain? I've heard about that! *Shudders!*


    3. LaraCroft
    4. Show next comments  315 more
  4. Yep. I was thinking about this, only last night. What if this new pope decreed that catholic kids were not allowed to eat 'Halal' meat? So it couldn't be served up in 'christian' schools. There'd be f**king uproar from the muzzers!
  5. Fenton!!!!! Oh jesus f**king christ! Fennnnn Tonnnnn!!!!!
  6. Oh FFS!!! That finally did it. Now I've just pissed my f**kin strides!
  7. What? Like ..... " Cummonnnn Macaw!!! " I don't think so!
  8. First building site I ever worked on ~ I was only a kid of sixteen ~ there was this Engineer. Every (short, actually) inch a pure bred, dyed in the wool Paki / Indian. One look at him and you wouldn't know whether to ask him for twenty Bensons and the paper, or a Chicken Korma! Then, he shouted some instruction to his Chain Boy. I honestly don't think I've ever, before or since, heard such a broad, total Scottish accent!!! I thought some c**t was a perfect ventriloquist and having a laugh, till I watched this f**kers lips move! Ken', I believe his name was. Completely surreal phenom
  9. we picked one nipper up why were you looking for more picking kids up at three in the morning you will get a bad name doing things like that I suppose you might see it that way? Personally? Water off a ducks back, mate. I'd sooner be considered many things, rather than a scouse
  10. Talking of Bullfinches; Is that thing about how you can't handle them, because they die in your hand, still doing the rounds?
  11. Way it's going? He'll be a f**kin muslim. C**ts are ready made nonces anyway. Just right for the job.
  12. I drove through there one time. Three in the morning. It was like something out of Escape From New York!!! Seriously; Packs of ferals roaming the streets and moving in the shadows. Kids, I mean! We picked one nipper up. Only about thirteen he was. He was going to someone's house to buy a case of f**king lager!!! At three in the f**king morning!!! It was just mind bending!
  13. I'll f**kin bet!!! Mate of mine used to have a full blown f**kin' Macaw! Thing scared me to f**kin death! You seen what those b@stards can do to a nut? F**k That getting hold of my finger!
  14. Well, he must've been f**king pissed, if he thought he could get away with that one!
  15. A real Colonel??? He was OC of Troopeman's 22nd Bat R/M D comp, during the Falklands! How real's That?!
  16. F**k me, and I left the wife behind when I went there! I'd have swapped that c**t for haggis!
  17. And yet Wales is too far away You'd pretty much have to traverse Wales to get to Ireland, wouldn't you? Unless you'd meant to fly? How about the Isle of Skye then? It has a ring to it, doesn't it? And, I've been there. F**k me! B&B signs are more common than street name signs in London! I don't know what there is to do up there ~ unless seeing genuine Rock Doves does it for you? But, the scenery as you travel there, by motor, is worth it alone. Scotland's not called " The Big Country " for nothing. And photo's can't do it justice. Seeing is being awed, for life! Back t
  18. Quietly reading. Lean. 'Pvrrrrrt!'. OFFS! Down with strides. " Dog?! Get over here and make yourself useful! "

    1. Outlaw Pete

      Outlaw Pete

      Have you Seen the price of those " Tena Gent (Industrial Strength) Panty Pads?


      Dog's f**king cheaper, in the long run!

    2. Malt


      You nutter!! lol!

  19. Two Japanese girls? That's real alright. And. Lab; As for the crap? Read your Marquis de Sade. Done correctly, according to him; It tastes like chicken! I think I'll stop there. I wouldn't want to inflict my own mental scars on anyone else
  20. Two f**king muzzers ask a kiddie to get into their motor and " Police say there may have been a genuine reason for them approaching the boy " Just f**king breath taking!!! Damage Limitation's started already!!! It is f**king unbelievable how far the authorities will bend over Not to upset these c**ts! If I, a white guy, asked a little girl to get into my motor; Would they say there might have been a 'genuine reason'? No! They'd pull out all the stops to find me, get me down the bridewell and give me a f**king good 'talking to'. I think I've just become officially unshockable now. Not
  21. Also, in these days of everyone and his uncle trying to get wood stoves? Carbon Monoxide detector / alarm too! Doesn't need any smoke or fire for That f**ker to kill you and ye family. I have one and it's saved my f**king life! You've never seen me move so fast! Dead asleep to going out the door like an Olympic sprinter in a split second. Buck naked and screaming for the hairy hoard to follow. Amusing, if slightly revolting image, maybe. But, better than a room full of corpses being discovered, days or weeks later.
  22. Scothunter; I genuinely believe you're absolutely dead f**king right there too! " Yes, Minister " had it weighed off. It's the Permanent Civil Service that runs the country. Not some puppet and his mates.
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