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Outlaw Pete

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Everything posted by Outlaw Pete

  1. Shame! It's Dire Straits; " Brothers In Arms ". I felt a kinship with your description of hauling your drunken body into someone else's roof space
  2. Now, That, with a door through the wall, inside the shed, to the allotment over the back? That'd be just completely over the f**king top! A man could kill a man in a rage of jealousy over such an arrangement!
  3. KPS; Sheds are real mans pornography! Just get those pictures up here!
  4. Season finale this weekend mate This is good news to me then. Because, having never even heard of it, I now see it appears pretty f**king good? Good. And it's ending soon? Even better! Because I'm a Boxed Set freak. I'm so addicted to watching all nighters, night after night, of excellent shit, there's no way I could watch a bit of TV, once or twice a week. And, as for waiting six months or more for a next series? Just f**k off! How the hell do I know I'll still be around then? So, as soon as this ends, it'll be nearer the DVD release. And I'll have it on my list
  5. Trick is to fill any such container with pea shingle
  6. Clicky. Heh! Kin ye giss who it is yit? ' Two little boys ..... '
  7. I was quite enjoying that, till it made me think of Brian May! How things can change, eh?
  8. Which do you consider the Right hole to take it up then? One of the nostrils? F**k nose ....? I'll clear your wife's sinuses then. And I look better in a red leotard than you do. See ....? How's That for a Spine Straightener? I'm not known, in the Gay Gangster World, as " The Chiropractor " for nothing, you know!
  9. You're not a Brick Layer, are you, Huan ....?
  10. Which do you consider the Right hole to take it up then? One of the nostrils? F**k nose ....?
  11. Any of you guys provide horse hair, for your birds nesting requirements? I mean shed / combed out fur, obviously. Not yard long mane or tail hairs.
  12. Good luck ..... He said that just like Marco, in " Taken ", look!
  13. I wouldn't bet two bob against you there, Gnasher. Two Rotties " Ate " a nine year old girl, that time. On the beach. Remember that? Had the whole " Pit Bull " thing even reached the Sun / Mail readership at that point? Whatever. That was ages ago. Nothing happened. Rottweiler sales probably peaked for a minute. This, latest, case? Mirror, I see, has now run this story. And it's flashing photo's of dogs which one might assume were some of those involved? Hmm. I've seen some APBT's that could be taken for " Staff's ". But few enough SBT's that looked quite like these ones. Then
  14. And ..... Who says she was upstairs, in the bath, when he kicked off Again ....? Baby's dead. He's banged up. She's now free to go seek out another of his type. Start the cycle over again. Just saying .....
  15. had a quick google,they are either malnourished looking or the darkhaired one had more plastic surgery than some uk celebs,. Should've just clicked the link I provided and saved yourself the bother. " Malnourished " ?! Actually, I'd say that the girls I've been looking at were probably about as " vegan " as I am. And I'm closer to 'malnourished' than any of them. And a shit load of them had dark hair.
  16. heres 2 i made earlier Christ! That was f**kin revolting! I find it disturbing that you even know where to find such pictures!
  17. Great! Now you've done it. You watch; Every inbred chav scum wannabe f**kin Gangsta out there will now want to be seen hanging around street corners with a leather harnessed Hippopotamus!
  18. I could beat my meat over some of those " Lettuce Ladies " though. They'd be drenched in my salad oil!
  19. Sly, how they've stopped any comments or ratings. So, that means it just stands. Unquestioned. No critique. The viewer simply has that version of the matter and that's that. Sweet. How about I get my mate to film me, writhing on the ground. We can put it up on you tube. Disallow comments or ratings. Post that I'd just been kicked the shit out of by a bunch of hunt sab's who'd run away as my mate approached, getting his camera out Bit of imagination, I'm sure there are all sorts of entertaining scenarios we could come up with. Simply say sab's did it and block all recourse to denial
  20. Cheers, Tomo. Christ almighty, what a c***! And previous for Manslaughter?!? Who was that? Another girl??? No soft targets for the prick where he'll be spending the next eight years then. And thank god the poor girl's had the balls to f**k him off. Respect to her.
  21. Anyone got a link to this story, please? I can't seem to find it anywhere.
  22. Hang about a minute ....! How about if they ship in these untold numbers of immigrants. Pay them the tax payers money, by way of benefits. Then, they bitch and scream about how Benefits / The Welfare State are bringing the country to its knees. So, they scrap the welfare system. All the immigrants f**k off else where. Where ever they can still suck some blood. Tickets paid for by the government (Tax Payer) What ever. The natives are too destitute to go anywhere. Those unable to fight in the gutters for a minimum wage paying job? Tough! They can simply crawl off to the recently
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