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About fursty

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    Rookie Hunter

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  1. Could be the case I guess. I read on the night vision forum that it’s to do with the screen supply issue, but that could just be the marketing story...
  2. Apparently these changes are due to a supply issue with the screens they have been using, so they’ve stopped the xm30 and xm38 for now and are only making xm30’key’ and xm30’S’, the 30’S’ will have a screen from a new supplier.
  3. I’ve no experience of those units. I take your word for it, and looking at the prices I am sure there are big differences. I was just replying to a question about the Axion series, not the XP series which I know nothing about. Which one have you bought, or intending to buy out of interest? There are different reasons people buy thermal. Someone doing a bit of foxing will need something different to someone who is involved with search and rescue operations for instance. I made my choice based on my needs and the Axion XM30 suits me and my budget.
  4. Have you compared the xm30 and xm38?
  5. The difference between the xm30 and xm38 is the diameter of the lens. 30mm vs 38mm diameter. And the base magnification of the xm30 is 4x whereas the base mag for the xm38 is 5.5x. This means that the xm38 will give you a slightly better image than the xm30. But the price difference between the two is about £300. I was wanting to spend as little as possible on the unit, but wasn’t prepared to accept the smaller screen of the cheapest, xm30 ‘key’ model, so I opted for the xm30. As long as the landscape allows a good view it’s amazing how far you can pick up heat signatures with the xm30, and I
  6. I guess that’s a good sign. I’m assuming you’re getting it from Blackwood Outdoors? With the H.L discount they offer it’s the best price I could find at the time I bought mine. It’s well worth waiting for.
  7. Of the three axion models, the ‘key’ version has a different, smaller display. This means your eyes will have to work harder to view the image and identify what you’re looking at won’t be as easy as the xm30. For that reason alone I decided to buy the xm30. It really is a great bit of kit. There are some good reviews on YouTube, comparing the three models. Worth watching before you make a choice.
  8. Glad you enjoyed it. I agree about the machine gun; seems a bit excessive! But like most things, maybe I shouldn’t knock it ‘till I’ve tried it ?
  9. https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/m0001ycw Includes mention of working dogs, hunting and some interesting observations. I found it interesting and thought maybe one or two of you might as well.
  10. Hi Tyla, thanks for sharing your experience of this. Out of interest how long after the amputation was your bitch back up and running? Did the procedure involve repeated visits to the vets afterwards?
  11. Thanks, bone radiol has been mentioned to me a few times now, seems to be good stuff, can’t hurt to try so I’ll get some from eBay and give it a go. Will be speaking to Sandra Osbourn too after Christmas and following whatever advice she gives me.
  12. Thanks again, your help and advice is much appreciated.
  13. Thanks Phil, that’s good advice. I will speak with Sandra too but I imagine her advice will be along similar lines. Had a very helpful chat with Whitevanman earlier and got some useful pointers from him as well. Great to have the support of good people on this forum.
  14. Much appreciated all of you. I’ve contacted Whitevanman and will get in touch with Sandra. Best wishes and thanks for your help.
  15. Hi folks, 5 year old lurcher bitch has dislocated front outside toe. Toe has been popped back, rested and apparently healed over about four weeks but same thing has happened again. I’m prepared to write off rest of season now and rest her but apparently this can happen again and again. So I’d like to speak to a specialist about options, possibly amputating the toe, removing the nail etc. Any advice/phone numbers for a specialist in or near Devon would be much appreciated. Thanks.
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