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About bugs_bunny

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    Rookie Hunter

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  1. best of luck with the pup....a mate of mine bought his cocker out with the whippets last weekend,what a dog,a real cover lover.
  2. every body does things differently,and thats down to own experiances or advice given,i personaly give my whippet the back legs,and the rest is ferret food,never considered trimming the meat off the bone,maybe somthing that could be worth thinking about.
  3. theres plenty of lads use beddys for bushing an ferreting....on the bedlington forum theres more used for this than earthwork,just becuase you wouldnt use one as a busher doesnt mean others cant.
  4. remember havin to watch it as a kid.....jr was the man,no doubt about that,iv been watching the new series on channel 5 when it was on just to see ol jr in action.R.I.P,and thanks larry.
  5. still plenty of cover here in most spots,the places we have be able to get to so far certainly not holding the numbers they did last season,the only plus side is we still have plenty of land to go at yet once the cover has really died back,lamping has been hit and miss,though last nite was clear and still and we had plenty of squaters out in the middle of feilds,was nice to get some decent runs for a change.
  6. good read,an pics,thanks for that.
  7. handy little dogs whippets,lots of good stuff out there inc mb stuff,the breed hijacked by some turnips last few yrs who want to make a name for themselves,knocking out pups like its going out of fashion.still the whippet will be around longer than them thank god.
  8. would like to see the beddy xs make a bit of a come back in popularity,best of luck with pups.
  9. good pic of the dog fella,think iv only managed one shot of my whippet with a bunny between her teeth....the more pics i try to take the worse they get.all the best
  10. nothing wrong with getting them out ferreting when they young....lamping can wait
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