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Everything posted by fatasafool

  1. fatasafool


    I like huntsman white he's a funny bloke.
  2. fatasafool


    Is there a link for this ?
  3. fatasafool


    Love it when they play the " we are a minority race , we are misunderstood " card SCUM BAST.ARDS
  4. Looked like a belting time had over there , didn't realize checked shirts were still in fashion , must dig out the wardrobe lol
  5. always had that down as a wheaten lol
  6. quite nice I'd imagine
  7. is it me or is tommy c a ringer for MARTY FELDMAN lol belting piece of research there lazy boy :D
  8. Not watch the beach volleyball then??..no always AA cups
  9. Tennis birds are the fittest for me
  10. you sure it wasnt lynx your taking about? the night just got better and better, lol.. balmoral 002.jpg balmoral 001.jpg thanks t for correctly spotting my spelling mistake ....so did you rent them two r what , you make sure you have rain coat on you don't wana bring anything home to the happy home :D
  11. either a finger up his ass or he's on some heavy shit. Lol
  12. Always been Brazil ,, 1970 seen to that go for 3_1
  13. fatasafool


    Sums up this place really... Sad
  14. Can't read polish mate your not meant too , its for shining your shoes
  15. for f**k sakes i've had goldfish longer , and by the way its GROUCHO MARX ya thick c**t
  16. fatasafool


    never leaves that poor feller alone
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