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Everything posted by fatasafool

  1. some chance he should change his name but not all of it lol
  2. think hes hacked into your head baw , swear he knows what your about to post you like using that wee pic Paul
  3. think hes hacked into your head baw , swear he knows what your about to post
  4. feel sorry for the post mistress that had the sawn off shoved in her face trespass in pursuit of --no cert. unsecured firearms and ammo. and an altered firearm ... it's just first impressions stick
  5. nice one PHALLUS your a funny guy , ha ha

  6. hope this is gonna be universal , P ;)

    1. paulus


      butt plugs??

    2. pip1968


      i think he means muslims lol

  7. feel sorry for the post mistress that had the sawn off shoved in her face

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. fatasafool


      Just a wee dig at the Irish bud ;)

    3. tommy.c


      no one afraid of anything here jonny boy, i can assure you that pal!!

    4. fatasafool


      Aaarrgggh. Face to face Irish boys

    5. Show next comments  9 more
  9. not seen artic for a while or darcy aye pass the buck pauly
  10. Can hardly hold on to their perches , UGLY fookers
  11. Scottish banter ,too right
  12. would have to be on drugs to leap like a gazelle fs
  13. so hot meat was right well I never yeh got my first coursing dog here shes only 2. its a fecking easy this game i dont know what all the fuss is about for fu*k sake fruit flies live longer :D
  14. so hot meat was right well I never bet ya the phones are red hot
  15. so hot meat was right well I never
  16. or a mixing c*nt i guess you didnt make the great dog man list aswell shows how deluded baw is , he mentioned. ICY lol
  17. What is susposed to have happened ?
  18. Great minds think alike eh hound dog
  19. Any clips of lucus running in Ireland lads
  20. he serves mainly coursing bitches but lucas himself deadly on foxs he carrys them back to ya alive lol he has served some top bitches the crow probably his best forley cup winner. You don't see forley cup winners come to ire to get lined.hardly DEADLY if he carries them back ALIVE
  21. is your mountain over hunted tom or just short of hares ? id say both!!lol , looks like proper ground for them to thrive !
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