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Everything posted by fatasafool

  1. knew that was coming 3/4 collie grey and a deer/bed grey. I hunt hedgehogs do ya still cook them in clay baw ?
  2. Spit it out , or I'm ringing baw
  3. Seen my first this evening ( well house martins ) but ya get the picture
  4. If moneys right ya never know wedge
  5. i believe everyone has a right to reply, more so when big allegations are made see your side is out in force this fine morn
  6. Warning unprofessional comments will follow No neither can I, get a f*****g grip ya clown, and shut up spouting utter bollocks, f*****g RETARD.YOU SOUND LIKE SOMEONE I KNOW YA CLOWN...GO TO BED YA RETARD place is turning into a circus fs
  7. just paulus and his pals having a laugh ,, the4y're good at that
  8. club Tropicana drinks are freeeeeeeee fun and sun shine there's .... ...

    1. walshie


      A big barman in a vest waiting for...

    2. fatasafool


      Enough for everyone ........

    3. low plains drifter

      low plains drifter

      Wont be enough when all the daywalkers off here get there

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