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the patman

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Everything posted by the patman

  1. just heard on news about a young lass that was killed by a hit and run driver. the courts have said that the driver can stay in this country even though he is an illegal immigrant and was a banned driver when the accident happened. no wonder this countrys fooked the government has no back bone if that happened to a brit abroad we would on the next boat home.
  2. just looking for some advice got a webley vulcan last night very cheap and a few field target trophy pellets, had a few shots to check zero which was very accurate and then came across a decent sized bunny waiting for a lead injection one good head shot sent him to the grave paced it out to 25 yds. question 1 what benefit would i get if i changed the spring to a gas ram.question 2 should i stick with the field target pellets or try a few different brands thanks john. will put a picture of gun up later
  3. this country is a farce him an thompsom should have had their necks stretched after james bulgers murder. whilst on licence venables was caught with drugs surely that was a breach of his licence conditions now this with the child porn and only a 2 year stretch. cant imagine how james bulgers parents feel after hearing the piss poor sentence given to this piece of low life scum hopefully some one inside will get to venables and administer an painful end to this sick paedo hangings too good for the likes of him.
  4. thanks for that shay will look into it
  5. cheers shay been after a decent gun for a bit now but funds arent to clever got a couple at mo an old vulcan and a westlake the westlake performs better than the vulcan but cant hit a thing with it with scope on but just using open sights dont often miss but vulcan shoots well with same scope?
  6. hi everyone just wondered what your thoughts were on the hw35 just been offered one for notes
  7. just had a notification off face book about this show but its showing the location as the bay horse pub sutton in craven is this the same show
  8. ive had the same problems with a few that i have sent comes back with same message spoke to one of the people i sent it to and she said that she was having problems with her computor receiving emails and to try again this time it sent ok so god knows what the problem was
  9. hi mate there both bitches theres a picture on doglost
  10. has anybody lost or had 2 rottweilers stolen over the weekend round leeds these were picked up on the m621.a friend of mine picked them up at about 1am sat morning they arent micro chipped and had no collars on.they are both in good health and being cared for if anybody knows whose they are pleae contact me thanks john
  11. Excellent song have you heard richard thompsons original version
  12. its not just the money and time either basic horse health and husbandary is essential if you are going to own a horse .ive worked with horses all my life and learn more every day . some colleges offer horse care courses on an evening our local one includes both stable management and riding plus basic horse 1st aid andreconising common ailments such as colic and mud fever .
  13. Been to feed dogs this morning to find two terriers stolen last night one is a red lakie bitch about 14 months old the other is a 23 months old jack russel bitch brown and white i dont have a picture of her as she only arrived last night.This has to be somebody that knows us and i presume finding the jack russel aswell was a bonus for them. Ive reported them to the police but what good that will do is anybodys guess.Any info regarding these terriers would be grateful.After having my pups and the bitch stolen i considered giving up all together with dogs couldnt see any point putting time and e
  14. Just wondering if any member on this site has lost a lurcher today around doncaster.Had a phone call about it today off a mate of mine he had seen it running loose on a busy road and had managed to catch it he rang too see if i knew any lads that had lost one,ive seen the dog tonight and its been very well looked after and is very friendly he rang doncaster police but they didnt want to know but put him in touch with the local dog warden fortunately some one has reported a dog missing and the owners have contacted my mate hopefully this is going to be a happy reunion. not giving a description
  15. Stolen last night 4 year old patterdale bitch 13" tts this is the mother of the pups that were stolen on the night of the 9/10. reported it to police but as usual they couldnt give a toss.Has anybody had any more luck with dianeleeds she joined the sight regarding some pups she had acquired i gave her a description of mine but was told that they werent mine but not seen any more posts from her regarding these pups?????. Had a text message last week regarding attempted theft of horse tack. Was at a meeting last night and a mate of mine had the same text but had received another one regarding d
  16. Stolen last night 4 year old patterdale bitch 13" tts this is the mother of the pups that were stolen on the night of the 9/10. reported it to police but as usual they couldnt give a toss.Has anybody had any more luck with dianeleeds she joined the sight regarding some pups she had acquired i gave her a description of mine but was told that they werent mine but not seen any more posts from her regarding these pups?????. Had a text message last week regarding attempted theft of horse tack. Was at a meeting last night and a mate of mine had the same text but had received another one regarding d
  17. Stolen last night 4 year old patterdale bitch 13" tts this is the mother of the pups that were stolen on the night of the 9/10. reported it to police but as usual they couldnt give a toss.Has anybody had any more luck with dianeleeds she joined the sight regarding some pups she had acquired i gave her a description of mine but was told that they werent mine but not seen any more posts from her regarding these pups?????. Had a text message last week regarding attempted theft of horse tack. Was at a meeting last night and a mate of mine had the same text but had received another one regarding d
  18. thanks for messages been in touch regarding pups but unfortunately not mine back to square one
  19. Ive signed my dog up for benefits. I think he's eligible and got a good chance of getting it. He's black, lazy and has no f*****g idea who his father is!
  20. thanks for all replies not holding my breath about getting them back but making some more enquiries today. never advertise my pups on here too many arseholes that like to pull a thread down. if i find out whos involved dont worry there names will be on here.
  21. hi mate, how you doing? the little pakis next door have just challenged me to a water fight !!!!!! just thought id let you know while im waiting for the kettle to boil
  22. i wonder how many will own up to likeing navy cake or port hole duff
  23. Went to feed pups this morning only to find kennel door wide open 5 patterdale pups stolen last night 8 week old 4 dogs 1 bitch. Thought mother to pups had been taken aswell but found her shortly after. Totally f****d off.Reported it to old bill but there not worth a wank not interested.Some body knows where all these dogs are being passed onto and probably knows whos nicking them.
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