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Everything posted by WoodsmanJim

  1. I'm glad we're all friends again . I wasn't actually offended by you pianoman, or anyone really, I'm just a sensitive soul when I'm tired! S'all good Jim
  2. Just me being over sensitive then! Sorry bud. I'm a bit sleep deprived! Jim
  3. I'm not exactly sure if you're having a go at me or not there Ghillies? I surely hope not. I hope you don't think I'm ignorant, 'buzzing on stupidity' or giving any kind of attitude at all! I wasn't, and I'm certainly not trying to cover anything up. As the person who started the thread I think I'm well qualified to state what the point of the thread is. It was a question about safety, being responsible as a shooter and trying to ascertain as much information as possible to help determine a safe shot from a not safe shot. With the sole aim of avoiding an unsafe situation, maximising safet
  4. In my opinion, it's not academic at all! What you've just said is exactly the point of the thread, and was the original question. It was never a thread about accuracy or how far can I shoot quarry from (Lord knows there are plenty of those threads already on here!) Knowing how far your pellet will travel if you miss an elevated shot is essential to knowing whether or not the shot is safe. A backstop doesn't have to be a solid thing. 700 yards of secured, fenced in, part-of-the-permission empty space is a perfectly reasonable 'backstop' if your pellet will only go 400 ish yards. If you have
  5. had me too! I was thinking "man, that's some stone cold shizz that is!" then I clicked the pics........ nice one! Jim
  6. I'm not familiar with this mag, but from your description it sounds like a great idea! I wonder why AA never realised this? Jim
  7. My mrs's old house mate once put a few bottles of champers in the freezer for quick chilling. short time later we took one out, drank it and forgot about the other two till the morning. One had frozen solid but was fine, the other had exploded and filled the whole top of the freezer with champagne flavoured slush puppie!! It would've been lovely but it had 1000's of bits of glass in it don't know why one went, but not the other one. Maybe an inherent weakness in one bottle that the other didn't have. Jim
  8. Not a rant at all Skot, you make a fair point. Any variation in any aspect of shot to shot comparison will see greater difference in results the farther your shooting. That stands to reason, as is perhaps why a lot of shooters don't notice any difference, maybe they're only shooting to 30-40 yards. Cheers, Jim
  9. ok, now I feel dumb....... never thought of turning tin over... thanks though! I've been reading around the subject and there are many that seem to think it makes no difference anyway, and not only that but that lead being so soft can't be manufactured to such exacting tolerances, especially when they're then thrown into a tin 500 at a time! Besides, doesn't the measurement refer to head size, and it's the skirt that deforms, catches the air and does most of the grip into the rifling so has the greatest effect on accuracy anyway? I know the head grips the rifling a bit too, but tha
  10. Hey guys. I see some of you have pellet preferences even down to 1/100th of a millimeter in diameter. My question, as per the title, is how do you know what size you have? I can't find tins of Diablo Field that say anything other than 5.5mm and don't list the size to the second decimal place. So are you guys measuring every pellet with a vernier/ micrometer to find the ones you want? If so, that's very dedicated! I'd genuinely like to know as it does seem to make a difference for some of you, so it might for me! Jim
  11. I think that's exactly how it works. I assume the calculation takes into account the time it takes the sound to come back from the target too. It uses the pellet weight, type (roundhead/ pointed etc.) and the BC of the pellet among other things, so I reckon it must be a fairly complicated algorithm within the program. You're right though, assuming one measures it all out accurately and inputs the correct info, with that level of info it should give quite accurate results. I have a bit of time the start of next week, so should get my comparison vid done and we'll see first hand! Jim
  12. From the vid the developer has posted on YouTube it looks fairly reasonable as a basic alternative to a proper chronograph. It's worth remembering that all chrono's vary slightly from one model to the next anyway so if we're talking about using to tune a gun to 11.9 ft/lbs, that's unnecessarily risky whichever chrono you're using. But I certainly wouldn't use this one as gospel if your gun is even nearly close to the limit, it's simply not accurate enough. If you can't afford or don't have access to a decent unit, get a gun shop/ gunsmith/ your local club to do it for you on theirs. But for ge
  13. there's Strelock. Jim edit* what's the issue with the download of CG?
  14. I'd loved to come to this, unfortunately I'm indulging my other passion that weekend at a major Vauxhall car show which is already booked and paid for. Oh well, next year! Jim
  15. Well most of the bits are here now, I'm just waiting on the battery from china. I did hash up a 12v PS from 8 D cells just to test everything. All seems to be working well, the short range visuals are fantasticaly clear, I'm yet to test it past about 20yards but im hopeful. Just working out a design for mounting it all as low profile and as quick attach/detach as possible at the mo. Pics/ vids of progress soon! Jim
  16. Just get a cheap office lamp and have it above the chrony. Will provide all the light you need and help with good results. Jim
  17. Am I the only person who stopped reading the actual posts on this thread after page 2 and just scrolls down the left-hand side looking for the new descriptions?!! This, and the "tie a dead cat to your dog" thread have gone a long way towards redeeming the General Talk section after months of miserable argumentative threads! P*ssing myself at these!! Jim
  18. Not voting is as stupid a protest as can be made in a democratic system. All it shows is apathy and laziness (whatever your actual feelings may be is irrelevant). Your vote wont count for anything. You'd be far better to go to the polls and spoil your ballot paper. Write a great big "ABSTAINING" across the whole card, or "NO-ONE" or something like that. That way your vote will actually be officially counted as a 'no vote' and your message will actually be heard. We have a system, use the system properly and to your advantage rather than just ignoring it. Jim
  19. I have one, it's great. very sturdy and I have no reason to doubt its accuracy. Good bit of kit. Jim
  20. You can download programs that will clear everything and then re-write over all the drives a dozen or so times with gibberish. makes everything untraceable. I don't know any specific ones I'm afraid, just google it. Jim
  21. That would be extra awesome! I have a couple of 501b's knocking about, one of which is an 850nm IR, but it has rather poor range. I'd love to build a drop in to make it better! Do it Scramble, do it now! Jim
  22. Top info there Scramble, many thanks! Jim
  23. Well, after reading a lot of the threads on here and on other forums, and also watching a LOT of videos on the subject I finally felt I knew what I wanted in a NV set up and have decided to make one. I have plumped for a 940nm illuminator as I want to be as covert as possible when in use. 940nm light has some other implications, mainly in the types of camera and lens required. Not all can 'see' 940nm wavelength light and have a 850nm max. So if you're going to do this it's important to make sure you get parts that are compatible with each other! Here's the illuminator I bought,
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