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Everything posted by WoodsmanJim

  1. I'm not the only one then?! I had to go through 3 before I got one that worked properly and even then I just couldn't get on with it. Everyone telling me Hawkes have the clearest glass/ great quality for the money etc.. just don't seem it to me. I've got an MTC Viper now and love it to bits! Would never go back. My mate has a Hawke on his 97 and I reckon its the blurriest scope I've ever looked down! Maybe just my eyes though as he loves it and can't miss with it. I'm an MTC convert for good now though. Jim
  2. I feel no more at home than when I'm in a proper old broadleaf woodland. I'd love to buy one one day and live in it, surviving as much as possible from the land and the trees. Basically I'd love to be a woodsman. And my name is Jim. Jim
  3. As title really folks, I could do with a decent 4 gun cabinet preferably one that meets current standards as I might put in for SGC sometime in the future. I also need some charging kit for my AA S410. After a bottle of at least 7L capacity and 300bar ideally with gauge and whip. So what have you all got going spare that you can tempt me with? Jim
  4. I have tested this against my Chrony F1. Not surprisingly its not as accurate as the F1 and I found it very tricky to get it to actually get a reading. I gave up the comparison test after about 10 mins 'cos I just couldnt get enough shots where it was registering a measurement. I found it worked best when placed downrange about halfway between the shooting position and the target so it can hear both noises (the shot and the pellet strike) roughly equally. Its ok for a rough guide but not good enough for tuning purposes or close-to-the-limit guns IMO. Jim
  5. Thanks guys, it certainly was a great feeling to be back out. Nothing like going for a wander with your trusty rifle in you hand eh?! It felt especially good as we'd been struggling on that ground before the break, so to go back and be straight into getting some in the bag was very pleasing! Jim
  6. Well it's been a while, but after months of dirty nappies and a whole new routine I finaly got a chance to hit the golf course again tonight. Just got back and couldn't wait to share! Arrived about 7:15 and immediately noticed loads of bunnies hair off the car park! Had to wait for the last fella to finish on the driving range/ practice area but managed a nice kneeling supported head shot on a 3/4 grown. Now I know nerves can take a while to stop a rabbit twitching, but this thing wouldnt sit still after being shot, so my partner put a follow up shot into it's noggin. I went to retrieve it an
  7. I put a titan xs in my old gamo cadet, seem like decent springs. Well finished, decent quality and not too expensive. What's not to like? Jim
  8. I've shot the Nemesis on a couple of occasions, one (newer model) was fecking awful to shoot, however the much older version was as sweet as silk, That's good then as I bought mine about 15 years ago, I always thought it was pretty decent, albeit with a slightly clunky trigger, but then the only other pistols I've shot are the Webly Tempest and the Browning 9mm! So not much to compare it too. Thanks for the replies chaps. Jim
  9. Sorry to thread-jack a bit, but was just wondering what folks thought of the webley nemesis? Particularly Phantoms thoughts! Jim
  10. Haha! Bit long to type all that like, reckon I'll stick to Jim I've probably lost a few brain cells since it was measured as it was back at uni over a decade ago.
  11. Well I'm a Christian and my measured IQ is 144, maybe case not so rested. I find it interesting that people who believe all of existence is a cosmic accident and all known life occured by chance (not to mention fish miraculously growing legs and learning to walk) think that believing it all might've been created by a deity is somehow ignorant. Each to their own though I suppose. Jim
  12. As title says I'm looking to swap my brand new Sidewinder scope for an MTC viper or possibly better with a bit of cash your way. I bought this scope new from valley arms only a short time ago and only used it on the range a couple of times. Lovely scope, brilliant reticle, it's just not quite for me. Can't put my finger on it, I just haven't 'clicked' with it y'know. A mate of mine just got a viper and I like it so I finally decided to try and swap. What you got then folks? Jim
  13. Also, Stig, those crates are amazing! I'll take some off your hands bud. How much?
  14. This thread has brought me much joy! I'm not alone. I've just moved house this week and even I was amazed at the amount of 'useful stuff' I have collected. Skip diving is a favorite of mine, recently found enough brand new boxed carpet tiles to floor out the garage and whenever I go to the tip I always have a scan around for good stuff. Usually find some too! I'll find a pic of my garage from a month or two ago, it's a shocker! And it's definitely hereditary, my dad is a champion hoarded of the highest level and my inspiration! Jim
  15. Download chairgun from the Hawke website (its free), put in all your theoretical figures for your proposed gun and it will tell you all you're asking on the 'range card' function. Jim
  16. My Mrs is a GP, I just showed her this thread and she said "if that guys is serious and not exaggerating I'd have had him down a&e immediately"! And believe me mate, she doesn't dish out sympathy easily!! Why the heck would you ask on a hunting forum if those are your symptoms and not just go straight to the fecking hospital?? Hope you're ok bud, sounds rotten. Jim
  17. Hi, I have a Nikko Sterling Mountmaster 3-9x40 AO mildot if you're interested? I'd love to try a SR12 so perhaps we could do a deal. Jim.
  18. Henry Ford pioneered the assembly line method of building cars. As part of this he tested all colours of paint for their drying times, and chose black paint for all model T's as it was the fastest drying paint and wouldn't slow down the line as much as other colours would have. Leading to his now famous quote, "You can have your car in any colour you like, as long as it's black!" Jim
  19. If the rugby half is first there won't be any footy players left standing to play the second half!
  20. If you still have this at the time of me posting this, I'll have this gun at the asking price. I have cash and can collect on friday as I live on the Wirral. (I'm away on holiday in herefordshire till then). I'll send you a PM to confirm this. As long as this rifle is as described and works as it should, please consider it sold! Jim
  21. Hello and welcome, 'tis a good place here. I'm sure you'll find what you're after here, whatever it is you're looking for!! Jim
  22. I often see people at the ranges cock, load, and if a springer close the barrel, then INSTANTLY click the safety off before settling into a shooting position. I was always taught (by my elders and by my firearms instructors) that the safety should only be set to 'fire' at the last moment once the target is acquired AND the shooter is ready to take the shot. I also see folks waving barrels about when bagging/ unbagging their guns or filling at the ranges. Makes me cringe. Again, I was always taught to keep the barrel pointing at the ground, raising it only to bring it to the firing position.
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