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Everything posted by WoodsmanJim

  1. Yes I know a whole bunch of you lucky buggers are there this weekend for the meet, however I wasn't able to make it down. As fate would have it I'm holidaying with the family only a few miles away from there next weekend and was wondering of anyone might be there then? I can't quite fathom from the website whether it's open every weekend or every other weekend. Does anyone know? Just wondering if it's worth me slipping the gun into the car for the trip. Jim
  2. Cheers guys! clearly I have much to learn about catty's! Guns I understand, catapults I'm new to. Only solution is to buy another rig for the dankung tubes and compare the results! Jim
  3. Well I got some dankung 5080 tubing, felt lovely to draw. Unfortunately I managed to lose the pouch I'd saved from the old set and with no scraps of leather lying about couldnt find anything to make a new one with. After a few days of "keeping my eye out" about the house for something to use for pouch material I just thought sack it! It'll be quicker to just buy some more bands with a pouch already on! So I did, they're cheap enough so not a bother. I ordered some Barnett Cobra tubes, supposedly red "power" tubes. Well I must say they are certainly a stronger draw than the dankung ones! They a
  4. My mate and I managed to get out again this morning to the golf course. Arrived about 6:15am and were shooting by half past. After last times adventures we took some decent lamps with us this time and tried our luck with the bunnies just off the car park. I was sure I made a good hit on one decent sized one, as was my mate who was watching my torch beam, but could we find it? Could we buggery! The nettles were waist deep and it'd been about half an hour from shooting it to being able to and retrieve it (didn't want to blow our cover and scare all the other bunnies away!) I was sure I marked th
  5. Cheers for the heads up! I missed it though as I was working this evening and only just saw your post. Thanks for trying though! Jim
  6. that's great news! must be a relief for you. Some lads on here seem to be at it for years trying to gain a permission. Just goes to show not to burn any bridges when you leave somewhere, you never know when you might want to go back! Good for you. Jim
  7. My TX200 MkIII .177 shoots: Accupells 7.9gr at 782fps Crossman Premier 7.9gr at 774fps (tight fit) JSB Exact Express 7.9gr at 786fps However, it shoots: AA Diablo Field 8.4gr at 812fps JSB Exact 8.4gr at 819fps Edgun 8.4gr at 817fps Strange, as I would've expected it to shoot a higher velocity with the lighter pellets. Perfect example! Thanks for sharing your findings, they make pretty interesting reading. It weird isn't it! I'm sure it has much more to do with pellet design and therefore how efficiently it 'catches' the air from the piston, than it does to do with pel
  8. MTC's are the way forwards, in my opinion. better than anything else in their respective price brackets. I have a Viper and it's ace, and yes I've tried some other big brands too. Jim
  9. no, there no bleed valve. I think I'm beginning to see why the hose assembly was only £16! hmmm. Is a bleed valve absolutely necessary from a safety or damaging my gun point of view? or does it just make it easier to disconnect? To be honest, from my diving days we used to decant from larger cylinders into pony cylinders or DSMB mini cylinders directly using the A-clamp neck valves with hose and no bleed valve as I remember. Had no issues either. Jim
  10. would a gauge on the bottle not just show me how much pressure is in the bottle, not what's in the gun? Jim *edit* ok, i just consulted youtube! Clearly I'm approaching this from an ex-divers point if view and not an airgun point of view!! will read up some more..... Jim
  11. Thanks for the advice guys. However I figured I could get away without a gauge on the bottle. Ther's one in the gun which will mean I can make sure I'm not over filling it. I just won't know how much is left in the bottle, but after a few usage and fill cycles I'll know how on average many fills I get from 232 bar and just have it refilled when its getting close. Or I just use it till it won't fill the gun anymore and then refill it. If I could be bothered to do the maths it's reasonably easy to work out how many decants could be done before equalisation occurs, but as the actual figure will d
  12. Sorry Ronnie, these went to a mate in the end. Thanks for the offer though. Jim
  13. Just thought of share abit about my adventures into the 'dark side' of airgunning, buying a PCP! Haha! I recently aquired an Air Arms S410 Classic, kind of by accident. My mum (yes, my mum!) wanted one so when I saw one for sale in here for a decent price and local to me I went to see it. Well, after holding and shouldering it there was no way I was letting my mum have it! Trouble is I had no PCP charging kit as I've only ever used springers. Now I used to dive as a hobby years ago so had an old, scabby, well out of test 232bar 12L cylinder knocking about which was half the battle, but ev
  14. aah yes, I see the weaver clamp now, I was looking on my phone yesterday so the picture was smaller!! haha! thanks for the info, I'm looking for a QD attaching type so thanks but this isn't the one for me. Good luck with the sales though. Jim
  15. Thanks for the quick reply! I'll get some of those ordered. Good man. Jim
  16. Bit unaccustomed to the catty world so was hoping you chaps could help me out a bit. Whilst clearing out my garage for a house move I found my old Black Widow that my dad gave me when I was a teenager, he'd had it for a few years before that so it's quite old! Maybe 30 years old? Needless to say the rubbers were perished completely so I need new ones! This is where my confusion begins, I read about theraband red, silver, black, barret tubing, this that and the other etc... What should I use? I'm pretty sure I right in saying I need tubes rather than flat bands as they need to push over the m
  17. Few more details on the bipod please. Attachment type, leg length, maker? Can I have dibs on it pending the above info? Cheers, Jim
  18. OK, here are the switches I have: I do have the third dial for this panel, just not in the pic! Also the clocks: going on eBay prices this lot is probably worth something in the region of £70-£90 ish. if you take the lot and collect you can have it all for £40 which if you consider the binnacle switches go for about £6 each and there's all 8 of them, means you're basically getting all the rest of it for free! Jim
  19. it's not a hard and fast rule that, assuming all other thingsare the same, a light pellet will travel faster than a heavy one in any given gun. OP you're right that how the pellet fits in the barrel and the design of the pellet make a difference. Sometimes a large difference! These things do not follow logic and all guns are different. The best and ONLY way you can know for sure is to test as many pellets as you can through your gun over a chronograph and make sure that they all give figures less than 12ft/lb. I agree with AirgunGuy, not really a grey area at all. We know how the Police f
  20. afraid I've not got the steering wheel, rear wiper motor went long ago still inside the back door! The switches, I'll have a proper look at which ones i've got left and give you a price. it'll be cheap though! I'll do that tonight and try and get a pic too. Jim
  21. Basically I'm having a massive clear out of garage and have a large selection of bits and bobs from an N rev Disco that I stripped last year. Drivers door, both back doors, bonnet, full carpet set with sound deadening, wheel well liners, front grill, headlights, glove box, binnacle shroud, dial set, all interior switches, map pocket/interior light panel, steering column surround. All exterior panels are dark metallic green. If you collect by end of play this sunday you can have the doors or bonnet for £10 each. Carpet set £15. The other stuff for beer money. Wirral based. Any landy lads or
  22. Hi, where abouts in south yorkshire are you? Jim
  23. BP 100kg SQ 110kg DL 186.5kg All at 73kg body weight and 5'7" tall. Not squatting that at the mo as I've been out of training for about a year. Got a couple of massive beast mates who compete at strongman events, most recently in the Wales' strongest man, so I always felt very small when training with them! Haha! Jim
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