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Everything posted by WoodsmanJim

  1. Today I finally managed to get down to the range to play with the S410 that's been gathering dust whilst I sorted out the charging gear. Well, what can I say?!! What a gun!! This is the first PCP I've owned and had a whole day to play with so I know many of you will know this but it's new to me, but how easy are they to shoot!! Now I've fitted a bipod to mine which makes it even easier, but after 20 years of playing with springers I couldn't miss with this thing. Ok so it was only at 27yards but this is a 10 shot group... Unreal!! makes me look far better than I am reall
  2. Good work on the greys I'm hoping for a bigger bag of greys when I go out on Sat, I have a plan! Jim
  3. Arrived today. For 15quid it's a pretty decent jacket! Many thanks Jim
  4. Had this with a rabbit a little while back, quite distressing but just one of those things unfortunately. Some of them just seem to be almost immortal! You did the right thing with the follow ups, it's all you can do. Jim
  5. Now I know a lot gets said and debated about this particular shop on here, so I thought I'd share my experience for no other reason than will become obvious. I was travelling home up the M5 today, the M6 looked horrendous from all angles so I thought I'd hop off at J2 and take the opportunity to see the shop for myself. First impressions were good, I like a shop that has a good selection of kit and a variety of price points, and this place has tons of stuff from budget to high end. Nice. I was greeted nicely and within minutes the lady in there (Tracy?) had brought me a cuppa an
  6. +1 for pics please. I'll pm you an email address to send them too if that's easier. Jim
  7. Aye, I'll have a large one 'n all. Payments details please! Jim
  8. Imagine if they'd done this in England and the householder had threatened to smash the lasses head in then come out with a knife. They'd have shit themselves, called the police, householder would've been arrested for threatening behaviour with a deadly weapon (or somesuch), media would have jumped on it either declaring the production company irresponsible or the householder a violent sponger or both. Public outcry at mocking the unemployed (regardless of whether she was actually unemployed or just on a day off), the whole welfare state argument would flare up and it'd go on for weeks.
  9. Haha! You're welcome Daz, good trend you started there SJ, unfortunately I didn't get to eat this one either as my mate had prepared the curry and I didn't manage to get round to his house as planned. He sais it was pretty tough but tasted halfway between duck and pork. He'd poached it for hours, I think I'll try pan frying the next one. I'll be making sure it get some of the next one too! Jim
  10. I've had both MTC (viper) and Hawke (tac30 sidewinder) have stuck with the MTC. Build quality is not comparable, the Hawke felt cheap, the MTC is very sturdy. I'd say the Hawke 10x half mildot is he slightly better reticle but the SCB is very useable and still does the job well. Overall, is never go back to Hawke unless they seriously improve quality. Just my 2p though! Have a look at them both, you'll know which one you like the feel of instantly I'm sure. Jim
  11. Hi, more info and a pic please. Can I have dibs on this please depending on details. Can collect this Friday if it's what I'm after. Jim
  12. Mate, you've had your answers. You're just asking the same question. If we've not given the answer you were looking for, or hoping for, try rephrasing what you're asking. And try using punctuation, it'll help know exactly what you're meaning. Jim
  13. That's cracking that is! Great look on his face, top stuff. Jim
  14. "full wrap" haha!! love it. Pics are a must! Jim
  15. I can't answer the question of what your aim points will be at various ranges, you'll need to work them out through shooting targets at differing, but known, ranges to see the differences in POI. As well is this there's software like chairgun or strelock etc. It would be impossible for me to know precisely. I can only answer the question of checking zero against a known "aim off" point at a target at a known range that corresponds to that "aim off" point and is other than your zero range. Which I answered in my first post. Only you can know which "aim off" points correspond to what ranges
  16. In theory your right, you could do it that way, but it wouldn't be as accurate. Any variation in poi will be far less at 10yards than at 30, so it might look to be very close to the mark at 10 yards but when shooting out to 30 yards that variation will be magnified and poi could be out by more than what could be deemed acceptable. Better to check zero at your zero range. Other than that, what set up are you using? 2 mildots hold over at 10yards from a 30 yard zero sounds very odd! Is your rifle very low on power? Jim
  17. I must say having seen previous 'relationship advice' type threads in here I'm amazed this has got to 2 pages with only genuine and caring replies! You're warming my cockles THL! Good on you all. OP- as has been said, life's to short to be miserable. You say you've made your decision, which is good. It'll hurt for sure, but if you're really not in love, then it's the right thing to do for both of you. Most of the pain will probably be in starting new routines, new social circles etc. As humans we're mostly creatures of habit and value the familiar, adjusting will take time and sustained ef
  18. Great cause this, this'll be my 3rd year doing it myself. I'd love to join your team Davy, but I'm afraid I'm already captain of my own band of fuzzy musketeers! Are you going to try a different look or stay with the 'porno' tash? I'm thinking of trying a 'pipe smoker' this year! Jim
  19. Haha, good stuff. Thanks for keeping our trophy warm last year by the way, we like to lend it out once in a while so you can all see what you're missing out on all the other years. Jim
  20. Hollow points are just as accurate at shorter ranges but lose stability quicker, so beyond about 20yards not much good for hunting. Hence why ratting guys seem to like them, good stopping power over short range. Dome heads carry more than enough energy and impact to do the job to much longer ranges where they are able to also maintain their accuracy. Although there's still a shop near me that insists hollow points only for hunting, and dome heads are for target shooting. But they also don't stock any rifles in .177 as they can't sell them! In the managers words (and I quote "all the lads
  21. Hi All, A friend of mine has a Mk1 Airsporter S which seems a bit down on power. He's recently dusted it off after a long lay up in the attic and it seemed to be firing well. Still fairly accurate and, based on firing side by side with my HW90 and comparing pellet speed and impact noise on the target, seemed to be making good power. It was then mistakenly fired dry with the pellet tap in the up position. since then it seems down on power and sounded different. we put it over the chrono again and sure enough it was down from 520fps before the dry fire to around 490-500fps. I'm thinking the
  22. Welcome to THL, nice choice of rifle, poor choice of rugby team! Haha! I'm sure you'll find the info you need on here. Jim (life long Tigers fan, and yes I'm actually from Leicestershire!)
  23. What size is each section please? Is it the galvenised steel mesh with box section framing?
  24. Thanks for the kind comments guys, With regards the grey, I thinks just the way it's slouched and the camera angle to be honest. It wasn't very fat when laid out, neither was it milky when I skinned it. I did shoot a really fat one about a month ago that I think was probably pregnant but I lost it to a fox before getting it home, which was perhaps for the best. Would hate to skin and gut something to find a load of young inside it. Jim
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