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Everything posted by WoodsmanJim

  1. Depends how big the cylinder on your rifle is. Jim
  2. There's no law that states air rifles can only be used on pest/ vermin species. So just because something isn't on the general licence that doesn't exclude it from being a legitimate air rifle quarry. What you can shoot when is governed more by game seasons, so as long as it's in season you can shoot it. That said, animal cruelty laws exclude causing unnecessary suffering in despatching animals. So as long as you can kill an animal cleanly and humanely and it's in season OR on the general licence then you're ok legally. This applies to any class of weapon. When it comes to what can be killed
  3. A good and sharp little knife. Which knife is subject to much discussion!! I use a No.6 Opinel, needs a few quick runs on a steel regularly to keep dead sharp but that's hardly a chore. It'll take a lovely edge and cheap as chips, so if I lose it it's no biggie. Good luck and don't forget to post your adventures! Jim
  4. I too have their neoprene gloves and LED cap, both dead cheap and work great. Will keep an eye out again, cheers. Jim
  5. Ah excellent, with screw on you world is your oyster! I hear very good things about the twink stuff but never had one myself. Just make sure the thread is correct, they're not all the same but converters are available. Good luck and happy shopping! I love Diana's myself, got an old 52 which doesn't have a thread cut on the barrel so my choices are slim. Jim
  6. As it's a spring piston rifle a bipod won't really help much. Sure you'll be able to rest in on stuff but if you try and shoot of a bipod it'll screw your accuracy to hell and back as it won't be able to recoil consistently. As for a moderator, do you have a screw thread on that barrel? This pic isn't too clear (on my phone so small screen!) I suspect you'll need a push over type rather than a screw on type, beyond that I don't know much about the options. I have a Range Right multi-fit on my hw90 and it's seems to work alright. Jim
  7. I toy with the same question myself. I was a .22 man all my life, until i saw how much faster and flatter a.177 is. I use .177 now. My permission is a golf course, so lots of open flat-ish areas to stalk about with only a few light hedgerows of coppices of trees for cover. The rabbits have been lamped and poached so much they're VERY skittish and often it's very hard to get to withing 35/40 yards for a good shot. A nice FAC air rifle would give me a much longer effective range, could be .22 and still have the fast flat trajectory of a sub 12ft'lb .177. Which in my mind makes it the best of bo
  8. 3000maH doesn't mean it'll power a torch for 3000hours! It means (in theory at least) it will power something that has a 1milliamp draw for 3000hours. A cree LED torch will draw a hell of a lot more than 1milliamp so subsequently the run time is reduced accordingly. Some 18650 batteries from China can be fakes and poor quality apparently. Although I've bought the black and red ultrafire cells (2800maH I think) from China before and tested them when they arrived, they charged well and held charge properly and run my Cree torches for 3 or 4 hours of intermittent useage. Jim
  9. Usually red and white are sound channels and yellow is video feed. So that makes sense that your yellow one goes to your NV unit. Without seeing your exact unit and what plugs it has I can't advise specifically, but any microphone should do the job, you'll just need one with the correct red/white phono connections. Most pc mics have a 3.5mm Jack on, but you could possible get a conversion plug to go from 3.5 to phono. Then it's just case of finding one that fits into your rig nicely with not too much wiring. Jim *edit* to add links: a regular PC mic + something like this http://www.eb
  10. http://www.thehuntinglife.com/forums/topic/305450-down-at-the-range-with-an-s410/?do=findComment&comment=3420556 There you go, not much of a review but in short they're flipping amazing. Beautiful to look at with proper sporting lines. A joy to shoot, as accurate as you could ever need. Very high quality gun. I get useable shots per fill in .177. Hope this helps. Jim
  11. Interesting stuff! Thanks for taking the time to test and share. Jim
  12. Another vote for the S410, I have one in classic length and it's fantastic. Consistent power for odd shots per fill. Not the cheapest option mind, but 2nd hand bargains can be found. Many people rate the ultra very highly too. Jim
  13. Cheers Mole, I'd read it was based on the sidewinder, so it's interesting to see them side by side like that. I guess they didn't change too much of the design apart from the cocking mech, near identical! still don't know if that's a good thing or not. It's probably sold now anyway. Thanks though mate. Jim
  14. Strangely enough I took this picture outside his shop just on Friday as I can never find his number when I need it! Jim
  15. Don't know about Manchester, but if you can get over to Chester then Dave Duncan is worth a call, he's in saltney. I'm sure there will be some good lads nearer though, someone will be along shortly with more info I'm sure. Jim
  16. As mentioned the fine details will depend on your accurate info being put into chairgun so I can't tell for sure down to the yard, But it's sounds like you've put everything in properly and that ret chart looks like it in the right ball park. Now get out and test it to see how close it is! Jim
  17. Had ages hours out this evening, trying to mix it up as we nearly always go early mornings. Gotta keep those pests on their toes! Anyway, we were on the course for almost 4hours and barely saw a thing! Those we did see on the lamps were very skittish, although we did see a fox at one end of the perm so maybe that explains it. Or maybe it was just a bad time of the day? Then I realised there were fireworks going off everywhere! I'd noticed them of course (can't bloody miss them!) But hadn't put 2 and 2 together. There were a couple of display going on nearby. Has anyone else noticed quite
  18. Great little torches, I have two and if the bulbs ever go I'll just buy a new one. I've replaced the drop ins to get different mode features (3 mode does my nut in!) Makes no sense though does it?! The body makes a good base for upgraded internals as long as it's a real UltraFire, one of mine is a fake and doesn't quite fit together the same, still works though. Jim
  19. Cheers Mole, tbh it seems suitably well priced I think he's going to chance it. The only reviews we can find are favourable and I did point out to him that if it's not what hoped for he'd be able to move it on without losing money. Jim
  20. Think that links wrong bud, goes to that "hunters are scum" FB debacle!
  21. No one got anything at all? Good or bad? Might steer clear of it then. Jim
  22. My above reply is assuming you have a scope with the reticle on the second focal plane. If you have a first focal plane scope the reticle will also get bigger and smaller as you change the mag, so the mildot values stay the same. Jim
  23. The mildot values will change at ALL ranges, including zero range, if you change the magnification setting from whatever it was when you zeroed and calibrated. The centre crosshair will be unaffected as your POI at zero range whatever magnification your on. Jim
  24. As title really, got a mate who's looking for a PCP and seen one of these at a decent price. Anyone got experience with them? Are they up to much? They get good write ups in the airgun mags, but we all know they're not always to be believed! Thoughts please! Many thanks, Jim
  25. Don't worry Pernod, I havent got rid of my springers! Keeping the hw90 and the Diana 52 forever and will still use them regularly, I'll always be a Springer shooter at heart. Jim
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