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Everything posted by WoodsmanJim

  1. I have a Diana 52 in .22 flavour. It's my favourite air rifle I've ever used. Ever. Solid, high quality build, very accurate, yes it's heavy by comparison but it just saves you a bit of gym time! Buy it, you won't be disappointed. Jim
  2. Glad you like it, and that the review was helpful. I'm still loving mine too
  3. Tomburras, I'm waiting for these to come back in stock http://www.ebay.co.u...984.m1423.l2649 I know this will fit my torch, not sure about yours, would probably be modifiable in some way if it doesn't. You could try heading over to TheBudgetLightForums, the guys there seem quite knowledgeable on these things - yes there is a whole internet forum dedicated to buying and modifying cheap torches. they go off into crazy levels of techyness at which point I get confused and zone out a bit, but you'll probably find your info there. hope you get sorted, if you do will you let me know please so I
  4. It's a good question, however even with the new bulb this is still not as bright as the lamps people use for shooting rabbits/ foxes at night. So ,although I personally have no experience of lamping, I'm assuming this light would still be of use. It's very heavy to mount on a rifle though, so best to be used by a second person spotting for you. James
  5. Didn't work on mine Paulus , shame 'cos I thought you'd saved me a load of ballache for a minute there!
  6. As the title suggests, I've just invested in a 3watt CREE LED upgrade for my Mag-Lite 4D. I'm currently updating/ upgrading all my lighting solutions and this seemed like a fantastic way to keep an 'old faithful' torch up to date. I bought my bulb through eBay from a seller called thetorchsite, it only cost me £13.50 and arrived in just 24hrs! (I'm in no way connected to the seller, just seems fair to give credit where it's due!) I ordered it in the small hours of Friday morning so imagine my suprise when this dropped on the mat today I was so excited I couldn't wait to finish
  7. It will very much depend on what type of torch it is and what kind of bulb it has etc... I'm also trying to do this to a cheapy chinese made 'ultrafire' copy. It currently has 3 modes hi/ lo/ flash and I just want on/ off. Having done some research I believe for my torch at least (cree type led) it's a case of changing the 'drop-in'. This is the part of the torch that houses the led and the control chips etc. It lives just behind the reflector cone and has one end of the battery terminals on its rear end. I've not yet found a way of changing the light modes with out changing the entire dro
  8. I agree that it's very sad to not be able to be proud of our country, but consider this: our history has been largely made up of going out and plundering the world to create our 'Empire', then it slowly got taken back and we're just a little island again. Don't get me wrong I'm very proud to be a white Englishman from a military family, my heritage is VERY important to me and I'll defend it vehemently!! But to a lot of the rest of the world we're the original gangsters, rapists and theives. I'm not saying the modern way of things is therefore OK, and the whole 'Black' prefix on everything and
  9. Sounds genuinely idyllic! Glad you're out and about again. regards, James
  10. Cool, thanks guys. I think basically you've confirmed what I was thinking; that's it's pellet design and behaviour that can skew the calculation somewhat, rather than actually changing the power output of a rifle (which remains a constant) as some people incorrectly think. Moxy, I realise I over complicate things!! haha! :laugh: sorry, it's a habit I have in order to try and completely understand a subject, when as you say, it makes little odds when the powers-that-be have decided this is the way something is done, so that's just the way it is done. Although I'm not sure it makes little
  11. Thanks chaps, although Roy, I think your answer is pretty much what I was asking as the question, I guess what I'm looking for is an answer as to why? (if that makes sense?! ) Barry, I can't quite follow your answer. It's worth me saying I understand how to calculate power from weights and velocity, that's not what I'm asking. What I'm asking is why do weight differences in pellets produce different measured power outputs? When according to the laws of physics, that factor alone shouldn't make a difference. (I don't think! ) Let me use an analogy from another area of interest I
  12. I was wondering why do most people seem to state the ft/lbs of a gun with a particular grain weight of pellet? i.e. 11.7ft/lbs @ 13.5gr. Having paid a little bit of attention in science class at school, I would've thought one figure was not reliant on the other as a finite statement. Here are my thoughts, could someone help point out where I may be wrong please as this is something I really want to make sure understand before I have my rifle tuned! As I understand it there are 3 main measurements involved in ballistics testing: -ft/lbs (power) -fps (projectile speed) -known weigh
  13. Don't know if this has been told before, but it made me laugh so I thought I'd share. Might be a few folks here who appreciate it! A farmer named Sid was overseeing his stock in a remote moorland pasture in North Yorkshire when suddenly a brand-new BMW advanced toward him out of a cloud of dust. The driver, a young man in a Brioni suit, Gucci shoes, RayBan sunglasses and YSL tie, leaned out the window and asked the cowboy, "If I tell you exactly how many cows and calves you have in your herd, Will you give me a calf?" Sid looks at the man, obviously a yuppie, then looks at
  14. I don't know if this is just adding to the confusion or not, but the law makes no definitive difference about whether the gun is in your car or slung over your shoulder (in a slip or not). It just says, 'with you'. People seem to think that if it's in the boot of your car, in a bag or case it's somehow more lawful. It's not, it doesn't make a difference to the law, but it will perhaps make the plod think you take gun ownership/ public safety/ blah blah blah, a bit more seriously. To the letter of the law it's no more, or less, lawful to have it slung over your shoulder not in a bag, you either
  15. Thanks one and all. I should have of course included Ladies in my original greeting, don't want to be exclusive now or anything! I look forward to maybe posting some shots soon and gleaming as much info as I can from your collective wisdom. Jim
  16. Good afternoon Gents, Well after a few years of her being in the attic I've dusted off my old Diana 52 .22 and started enjoying a bit of plinking again. I've always enjoyed the countryside way of life having grown up surrounded by fields to play in (remember those days?) and with Spriger Spaniels as playmates my whole childhood I'm a bit of a country bumpkin. I think autumn is my favourite season. I've been shooting in some form most of my life and having spent a bit of time in the TA in my younger years I was part of the shooting teams for Browning pistol, SA80 and LSW. I consider myself
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