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Everything posted by WoodsmanJim

  1. Rangorian - I'd love to see a report of that little bunch, a great selection! Where'd you get the ' variety pack' from? Pulling the barrel through between pellets brands is supposed to help as each brand have a slightly different lead composition so will work better and more consistently through a barrel that's coated in their own lead and no others. I found that after a clean it took about about 15 - 20 shots to settle down to something worth measuring. Andy - maybe I will try the crosman's then, just to see! I'd love some JSB exacts too. hmmm perhaps my pellet testing isn't quite as fin
  2. Thanks for the replies guys, and the encouragement! Nice to know I'm not the only one Craig! Davy, I'll try outside tomorrow I shot them all standing supported as I figured this will be the most likely position when out hunting although not the only one, obviously. Shooting prone is my natural inclination although I haven't done it in a while. It seems most civvy ranges don't allow room at the shooting positions to lie flat, just having seated bays. I'll let you know how I get on! :-) Jim
  3. awesome, thanks for the quick response. Just had a quick check and my reticule stays the same so it's a 2nd focal plane job then. Looks like I'll need to do some experiments for aim points at different mags then, although I only ever really use it at full 9x mag which is what it's zero'd at too. Thanks for the help, this forum is a useful place to be! Cheers Acuspell Jim
  4. Apologies if this is a bit of a dumb question, but how do I tell what focal plane my reticule is on in my scope? I assume that taking shots from a fixed range at the same POA but at different zoom levels will tell me? i.e. if the POI changes the it must be 2nd focal plane mounted reticule. if the POI stays the same it's 1 focal plane? it's a Nikko Stirling Mountmaster 3-9 x 40 AO scope if that helps? Thanks all, Jim
  5. Now there's a thought! Nearly all cameras on smartphones are so cheap and small that they don't have Infrared filters on, making them able to see IR light. You may well find that if you get yourself a decent IR torch this might actually work! Deffo worth a try I reckon! *wanders off to the shed to find the superglue and a phonecase.......* Jim
  6. Evening all, Today I finally got round to doing some decent pellet testing with my Diana 52. Normally I wouldn't bother boring you all with the results, but they were so surprising I thought I'd share them! I was shooting at 25 yards as that's the longest indoor range I have at my disposal at the mo and all from a standing but supported position. (High plinth and a sandbag bench rest) I already had a tin of AA Diablo fields and through the pellet swap I'd got hold of some H&N FTT's, Accupells and some Crossman Ultra-mags. (Thanks Ruby16 ) I started with the Diablos as thi
  7. Lapin, absolutely yes it does. Although the fact he feels comfortable enough to broach his beliefs with us, is kind of a compliment really. As far as I'm aware he wasn't being forceful and insisting, just bringing it up privately. As someone who has done a bit of travelling about the world I have never, and would never expect to go to another country or culture to live or visit, and then expect them to speak my language and do things my way, but at the same time it'd be nice if I had the freedom to express stuff about myself. No one in that country has to do anything about what I say, but at l
  8. So how should the OP have responded to the lads request? Just done as he was told and removed the avatar pic? the op did the correct thing in my mind and asked the question on an open forum. the fact some may not like a few of the replies is part and parcel of living in a land where free speach is accepted. tollerance and understanding is a couple of words religons in general should revisit Exactly. Jim
  9. Lapin, no not at all. I think you've missed my point. I said in my previous post that the OP has as much right to have and keep his avatar as the the muslim guy has to be offended by it if he chooses to. I commend the OP for asking whether or not people thought the picture was as Mohammed or not. I guess I was hoping to reveal the irony of what the thread had turned into; nothing to do with whether the pic was of Mohammed or not and just full of people ranting and being hateful about another group of people who are ranting and being hateful. Jim
  10. Nope, not a Muslim or at the Mosque. I totally agree Paulus, and neither am I defending the hateful and massively offensive crap spouted by Abu Hamza and his types. The pics on this thread of the folks with the anti-soldier placards are other disgusting messages are rightly to be abhorred. Was just pointing out that this thread had turned into a hateful tirade of it's own, which is just as bad, and nothing to do with what the original question was asking. Free speech is both a beauty and a beast depending on which side of the picket line you are. Jim
  11. So what we have here is a guy who see's something as possibly offensive to his belief system, who privately (and politely?) communicates his offense to the offender. The potential offender asks for an opinion as to whether the picture is of the prophet Mohammed or just a arabic/musilm looking guy. He didn't ask whether it was offensive, or whether it was the offendees right to be offended, but whether the picture was of Mohammed or not. And you guys spout pages and pages of hugely offensive hatred towards a religion that if any religious freedom activists were to see could result in charges be
  12. WoodsmanJim


    Not that I want to be picky, but this isn't the UFC. This fight was at Pride 21 in Japan. It's Don Fry v Yoshihiro Takayama and yes it was a total slug-fest! Great old school punch ups like this are rare these days, sadly. Jim
  13. Excellent, thanks for the info. I'm finding it hard to get a 1/2" group at 25 yards, and there's always a stray one in almost every group, even with RWS's own superdomes. Now I'm not suggesting I'm a world class sniper, but I did used to shoot competitively in The TA and, whilst we can always improve, I reckon I've a decent technique. This maybe explains why! I've got some FTT's on the way through the pellet swap thread, and I'm trying to find some JSB exacts. I'll add Crossman premiers to the "need-to-find" list regards, Jim
  14. Right, this is what I've got (all .22): RWS Superdome 5.5mm - 14.5gr RWS Superpoint 5.5mm - 14.5gr AA Diablo Field 5.5mm - 16gr Bisley Wasp 5.6mm - (unknown weight) Webley Special 5.5mm - 13.5gr I'd really like to try out(again all in .22 please): H&N FTT Bisley Magnums JSB Exacts Accupells Crossman Premiers or anything else half decent and interesting! Ruby16, you have PM! Cheers all, Jim
  15. Just out of interest Andy, which pellet do you use in yours? have you found any to definitely avoid? Cheers, Jim
  16. As title really, just to let you know I got my gun back from Mr Duncan today and what a transformation! Gone is the sluggish fart that accompanied a trigger pull and in comes a delightfuly sturdy thump. Even cocking it just feels so much more solid than before thanks to the new piston head, polished internals and new Airforce spring. Running at 11.4ft/lbs with a 16.9gr pellet means we're all lawful and above board too. I'm currently testing AA Diablo fields and RWS superdomes for pellet choices and would like to try some JSB Exacts too when I can find some in .22. All in all though I mega
  17. Interesting, I considered a V mach kit, but without knowing anyone who'd had one in a Diana I just went for a general new spring and tune-up by a specialist chap. should improve things, but I'd love to have a shoot with a V mach'd 52 for comparison. Shame you're so far away!
  18. Thanks guys! Dogman - thanks for the advice, I have 1 shooting partner who I trust through and through. He's just had a refresh of his cabinet and picked himself up a HW97K. Once I've seen how he can shoot with that he'll be the only person I take with me. Stuart - Yeah it's a Diana 52. She's old but reliable and very accurate. A great rifle for hide shooting, not so good for having to carry about on stalks though as it's not light! The one - yup, got some early morning and late nights ahead! but during the summer last play is about 8pm so will give me 2 or 3 hours of light in th
  19. Well, yesterday I finally managed to get a meeting in to my first prospective permission yesterday and I'm happy to say that full and sole shooting rights were granted! It helps a bit that the head green keeper lives over the road from me and it was with him that I had the meeting! (it's not what you know but who you know I guess) Got permission for squirrel, rabbit, pigeon, magpie and crow as they do have quite a problem with all of them. Spent a bit of time on the range to celebrate then dropped the old 52 off at Dave Duncan's for a work over to make sure it'll be thoroughly capable
  20. and which one of these are you? non whites If it wasnt for these non whites son you wouldnt of had a country after the world wars It was these non whites that put this country back on the map after the war. Idiot... Myhates are, idiots that come out with statements like that. I should amend that to non-whites living in white countries. If it wasn't for people like you we wouldn't have got involved in the 2nd world war and Europe would be in a far better way. Really??!! Honestly, that is beyond ignorant. I'm guessing you didn't listen in history class or have don
  21. Thanks Moxy, so is there a 'vermin bill' or some such govermental piffle document somewhere? just want to get my info sorted in my head so if I get challenged by some anti/ dog walker muppet I can point them to a proper law or document. Jim
  22. I've had a gander through the general licences pinned to the top of this board and at various other government websites, but I can't find any specific info on shooting squirrels. Even BASC website just says you can all year round, but I can't find the piece of legislation that allows it. Am I just being blind? or is my google foo just weak today? Jim
  23. as the other guys have said........ £40???!!!!! :icon_eek: It looks in good nick too! having said that, I got mine about 15 years ago from the very dusty attic space of an adventure activities company I was working for at the time. They used to offer rifle shooting as an activity but stopped after the Dunblane tragedy sent public opinion of guns downward. They had about 10 rifles unused for 5 years, no one wanted them, they were just taking up space and they had no idea what they were worth (neither did I or I'd have bought them all!) So I bought the 2 least battered ones and all the rema
  24. errr, thanks Keith, I think Lewis - that's a good thought I hadn't yet had, thanks. Sherlock - hadn't thought about blood pools, it is a good point. Respect (to the land and the people) goes without saying but is always worth being reminded. thanks folks. I'll hopefully be able to put up some pics once it's going. but I don't want to rush it so it might be a while! Jim
  25. Well during one of the Chrimbo parties I went to this year I got chatting to a neighbour of mine who is a green keeper for a large golf course not far from where I live. I've been meaning to tap him up for a chat about vermin control ever since I discovered what he does for a living! Turns out they do have a few issues on the course, mainly squirrels, magpies and mixie rabbits putting off the well paying clientèle! They also have a badger problem but nothing I can do about that, for many reasons! So some time in Jan I'll be heading over there to see what I can offer in the way of help I'm
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