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Everything posted by WoodsmanJim

  1. I have a mountmaster on my Diana 52, it's the 3-9x40 mildot version. It's been great for a few years of light use, but recently since I've been going out more regularly to both the range and my permission it's been losing zero downwards. An hour or so on the range (maybe 50 pellets?) and I'll get a POI approx 1-1&1/2 mildots below the crosshairs. I'd happily put it on a PCP if I had one, the scope itself is clear and bright, it just doesn't seem to cope with recoil too well. Jim
  2. There's no "mildot guesswork" involved, it's pure science! It just means practice and having a handy little diagram of your aimpoints at various distances stuck to the back of your scope cover. Or use chairgun/ strelock (like me!) Of course for this to work you need to be accurate at range finding too, but again, practice with your AO scope and you'll get the hang of that too. Your right though, .177's are more forgiving. My hunting partner uses one, I use .22. He hates my rifle and I love the simplicity of aiming with his. But I love the involvement and skill of shooting a .22 well,
  3. Thanks for all the replies guys, good food for thought Jim
  4. thanks, that's the info I was after However, I'm after an SR12 reticle. Thanks anyway! GLWS Jim
  5. Just a word of caution, my experience of folks on this forum (especially folks like moley who commented above) is that they are VERY knowledgeable and extremely helpful and happy to share their vast experience and technical understanding. Even with newbies. You sound a little short and sarcastic in your reply. Not a good way to go about things IMHO. If you can't tell who made it with it in your hands looking at it in every detail, how is anybody supposed to give you any more info based on one blurry photo? Mole told you what he can based on what you've shown us. Perhaps some better quality an
  6. What reticle is in this scope please? thanks, Jim
  7. After struggling to keep a zero on my NS mountmaster I'm looking to replace my scope with something sturdier. Has anyone any experience of BSA scopes? A shop near me has one on sale it's a SWF (side wheel focus) 8-32x44 non AO. How sturdy are they? would it be ok on a strong springer? any help appreciated as I don't want to waste my money! or would I be better with a Hawke SR12? cheers, Jim
  8. I blame the Olympics putting everyone in a good mood, my first is due this Saturday! Someone to pass my rifle on to in time. :-)
  9. It's scientifically impossible that it's your face Lukey. Ultrasounds work at a set depth into the body, this depth can be varied by the sonographer but it doesn't 'see through' like an X-ray does. It sees a slice of whatever it's pointed at, at what ever depth the sonographer sets the penetration to. So you don't see anythging in front or behind what 's in the image, only stuff that's the same distance from the probe. hope this helps! Jim
  10. Well it's been a few weeks so we thought we'd head back to the course again. Straight out of the car things were busy, my mate got a woodie within 5mins of arriving, a lovely shot at about 25yrds from standing and the thing dropped from its branch with barely a flutter, dead before it hit the ground. 5mins later I missed a sitter of a squirrel at a ridiculous 15 yards, the thing couldn't care less that we're stood there in the open of a fairway pointing guns at it! I put my miss down to not holding over for the short range as my shot hit the branch it was sat on and it promptly scarpered! The
  11. I've noticed at my last few range sessions that my zero starts going out after about a hours shooting (around 50 pellets ish). My point of impact always drops, never left or right, only ever down. Having spoken to a couple of chaps they both, independently of each other gave me a similar answer. So I thought I'd float it out on here and see if any of you have had the same issue and what might've caused it. I shoot off a fore end sandbag so I know it's not my arms getting tired! Gun is a mildly tuned Diana 52 in .22 shooting 11ft/lbs, not a big recoil as it's a heavy gun and the tune up me
  12. or even Myxi... as in Myxomatosis.
  13. Mine is similar, Me: I've seen a nice gun for sale Her: you've already got a gun, why do you need another one?. Me: I have a .22 and I'd like a .177 as well, for the variety and for different circumstances. Her: you've already got a gun, why do you need another one? Me: I just told you! Her: But you've already got a gun, why do you need another one? Me: *puts head in hands...........* Also I'm not allowed to shoot rabbits unless they have Mixi. Other quarry is ok as long as I don't talk about it, but rabbits are a no no. Oh, and she won't eat any of it. Oh well! She's a great woma
  14. Sorry Paul, looks like you've found yourself a side line in selling on your Chairgun results! I'd buy the program myself if it'd work on my phone. Jim *edit* Just seen it's free and will work on my PC (windows 7) - winner! downloading it now.
  15. Paul, Thank you!! what a legend! That is perfect! the fps I gave you was an average one so I should've expected that to be a confusing stat. Sorry about that. The 11ft/lb-550fps is dead on. thanks again!Top man. Jim
  16. PaulEamonn - Aye, that's the program alright, however I can only find it available through Apple's 'AppStore' i.e. only works on Apple products (iPhone, iPad etc..) I have a HTC phone running the Google Android operating system, and their apps all come through the Google 'Play Store'. Apologies if this is teaching you to suck eggs, if not hopefully it'll clear it up a bit! With the features you describe though, it sounds perfect for answering this question!! If it's not too cheeky, could I ask you to use it to calculate an 11.0ft/lb .22 gun shooting a 16.4 grain Air Arms Diablo Field a
  17. can't find Chairgun for my Android phone, I've got Strelock though and as far as I can tell it doesn't tell you. You can set the angle of shot, but it doesn't then tell you how far it goes, just how that angle affects your aim point on the reticule.
  18. it's a good point Archie. Which why I asked the question I suppose. I'm trying to find out if it is a safe shot or not. I.e. if I know that I have 700 yards in front of me and my pellet will only go for 500, It's still a safe shot even if I miss. Until I find out, the pigeons are safe in their trees! Thanks for the techie stuff, it makes for very interesting reading for a geek like me Jim
  19. Archie, my thinking was 'till it hits the floor'. As mentioned it's not a question of hunting ranges, I'm more bothered about keeping all my pellets within the boundaries of my permission as is required by law. There are houses on the edges of parts of the perm so I don't want to be even getting close to having pellets land over my hedges. Even if a pellet landed with the softest of delicate feather-like brushes onto the kevlar clad hand of one of the residents, you can bet the police will be called and I'll be buggered. Jim
  20. I have searched for this info on this and many other forums and website, but can't seem to find a definitive answer. Basically, I was wondering about shooting into trees on my permission, if I miss the quarry how far will my pellet continue to travel before coming back to earth? I know exact results it will depend on angle, power, air conditions, wind, pellet, etc etc etc...... but does anyone know how far a 11ft/lb air rifle will send a .22 14.5 gr pellet given the optimum conditions? This website - http://www.jbmballistics.com/cgi-bin/jbmdist-5.1.cgi seems to suggest it would t
  21. haha! yeah, she's not pretty but she works well! The course is massive so it's a great perm, just the hours that suck
  22. Well this morning me and my buddy had our first chance to have a wander about my new golf course perm. The 5am start was not appreciated, but the beautiful sunrise and cold crisp frosty morning made it all worthwhile! sorry for the crappy phone pics! The main aim of the morning was just to get the lie of the land really and see where the hotspots are. A quick walk up the front 9 and a bunny hide out soon became apparent, but a rush of blood to the head and a fluffed shot (I think I misjudged the distance) put pay to anything going in the game bag and we moved on. Not to worry, I'd
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