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Everything posted by WoodsmanJim

  1. Seen a few shotgun vids on youtube filmed on a GroPro. They are great little things, my mate has one a turns out some cracking "in-the-action" footage. For hunting though, I'd have thought they were a bit limited. Not knowing exactly where they're pointed until you get home and view the footage is fine for some stuff (mountain biking, skiing, shotgunning etc.) but for air rifle hunting it's helpful to see what your filming and to be able to zoom in on whatever your shooting (gun shooting and camera shooting) so viewers can make out what's on the film. I see a lot of hunting vids where you don'
  2. depends very much on the the people who run the range or own the shop. I'm not sure what, if any, legal obligations they would be under once they know someone has an unlicensed firearm. A good shop would probably just offer to detune it for you. The range i use regularly has on it's sign in sheet that if they find you have a hot gun, they will throw you off the range and MAY inform the police. I guess it depends on if your being a tosser about it or not. (I'm not suggesting you're a tosser btw! ​). But the fact it says MAY, not WILL suggests it's at their discretion and they're not legally bo
  3. Which end of cumbria are you? I'm on merseyside and you'd be welcome to use mine, just might be a bugger of a drive for you. Any local shop/ range will do it for you, just if you expect it might be a little hot you probs don't want it doing by anyone else. Jim
  4. I have a Chrony F1 and its excellent. Quality is great, very sturdy. Spares can some times be tricky, when I had to replace the screen I had to order one from the USA. not a massive bother though tbh. I've found it can be a little light sensitive, but only really when chrono'ing .177's in low-ish light. sometimes it doesn't always give a reading if in a shelter on an over cast day, but in normal daylight or indoors with the lights on this is never a problem. I love it, and as I like tinkering with my rifle and because I use said rifle on live quarry out on permissions where members of the pub
  5. I would say that is definitely too close to the mark with a 16gr pellet. Bisley Mags or some other very heavy pellet would have to be a horrid fit in your barrel for that to not be plenty the wrong side of 12ft/lbs. That said, it's worth testing a variety of heavier and lighter pellets (cos that's what the cops will do) and see what your results are. Do it somewhere private though, just in case! You don't want anybody snitching you out before you've had the chance to detune the gun! Pellet weights and velocities and power levels are funny things and can vary so much gun to gun, pellet to pelle
  6. lovely looking perms those!! What a beautiful place to sit away a sunny evening. Nice to see the pics of the rifle too, she's a cracker. Not boring at all pal, nice write up Jim
  7. This is why I love this forum. Gents the pair of you! You both have PM's incoming... Jim
  8. Out on my permission myself and my shooting partner use springers. For this very reason we only ever hunt together, if one of us fluffs the first shot the other is loaded, ready and usually already aimed on the same animal to make a quick second shot if needed. It doesn't happen very often, but it does happen. I'm considering going PCP for hunting now, not only for the wounding situation, but quick second shots can be useful for other quarry that don't run or fly far once the first one has gone down, and reloading requires much less movement which is better for hunting too. Good post, a s
  9. Jamie, Thank you very much! That's a very generous offer The only problem I can see is that the rail on the gun is 15mm and I don't know of any mounts for a "normal" size scope tube that then scale down to fit a 15mm rail. Did it work well on your sons gun weight wise? I'm really not trying to seem picky about what is a wonderful offer, I'm very grateful. I'd just hate to take it off you if it won't work on this little gun, perhaps preventing someone else getting the benefit. If it will work it'll be amazing, Either way you're a legend! Jim
  10. For some reason that reply came through as a PM as well Jamie. I've replied via PM, but the short answer is No, not yet! Cheers, Jim
  11. For a small ASI Gamo Cadet that I'm doing up for my nephew and (eventually) my son. I need to put a new scope on it that will make target acquisition a bit easier. It currently has a VERY old 4x15 on it and my poor nephew just can't get a sight picture through it. The rail grooves on the rifle are 15mm apart so I can't go too big, also I don't want the scope to out weigh the gun! What have you guys and gals? I got a bit of cash waiting for the right set. Cheers, Jim
  12. What a gorgeous dog! with a mix like that it could've looked all kinds of weird, but that's cracking, and going to be huge!! Wish I had the space and money to buy him. Jim
  13. This is a better pic of the side of the piston with the leather spread down the side. and the horrid banana-spring Jim
  14. Phantom/ Tony - thanks for the Chambers tip. Just ordered and trigger spring and piston seal kit. Bigmac - that tip about the screwdriver worked a treat! bit fiddly supporting the tube, pushing on the main spring and getting the trigger block out. could've done with 3 hands! So here it is with the spring, guide and piston out: That spring's looking a bit banana like!! it seems as if the wonky spring has been putting uneven pressure on the piston and one side and the seal looks like this: not good! you can't quite make it out but there are holes right through it! Pisto
  15. Sounds like a busy evening! Good shooting and a nice write up. Jim
  16. I think he meant, where are you?!! as in you said could meet within a reasonable distance, but didn't say where you are to start with. I'm interested too know to btw. Jim
  17. oops Sorry! post up when you make it, I'd actually love to see how it goes. Jim
  18. Maybe it's just 'cos my first born son is about to drop any day, but I suddenly got all nostalgic about an ancient old little rifle that's been knocking about in my garage for years. I had it when I was little and when my nephew was visiting on the bank holiday I thought it might be nice for him to have an introduction to rifle shooting. He was very excited as any 6 yr old would be the first time they get to shoot "a real gun"!! Things didn't work out however, after my initial test shot just to check everything still worked and wasn't going to explode in the little chaps face, it lost all
  19. Mole, that's brilliant! Fry, I missed yours, maybe for the better?
  20. Nah you would give them all lead poisoning!Anybody notice today's date? Really chaps.... I was begining to think this myself! Did none of you really catch on? Or were the rest of you just even more subtle with you "joke" serious replies?! it was a valiant effort though I must say! very inventive :-D Jim
  21. I'm thinkin......... Nice try ;-)
  22. I'll find out in the morning bud, off for a range session, assuming the sprog hasn't dropped by then (which is looking unlikely) Jim
  23. Blimey, when you said pellet-on-pellet you really meant it!! Great shooting, I'm glad they worked out for you. Jim
  24. Hey Bandog, I've got some Diablo Fields and a few Accupells. I'd love to try some of your bisley mags and the BSA's. Pm me details if you like, and we'll deal! Jim
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