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Everything posted by WoodsmanJim

  1. I thought the guy was actually a decent chap. Seemed to have a good sense of humor, and although he's a big lad and took a few even bigger lads about with him, he never seemed to start out with the big bully act. Only being really tough when the job called for it and being friendly and respectable up to that point. Even when he's being tough he seemed to just be fair and take no crap. I liked the programme, much more real than the american shite we get all the time these days. I'm gonna 4OD the rest of the series! Jim
  2. I'm genuinely crying with laughter at this!! The T-rex just set me off and the Rhino had me wetting myself! Brilliant.
  3. Well today I got to fit and set up the scope. My first impressions are a bit mixed, it does feel good and have a lovely clear reticle, and I love the half-mil ties and the fully floating posts. The fixed mag is perfect for everything I'm ever going to need it for. So far so good! However a couple of issues have arisen. Firstly the illumination for the reticle seems to flicker a bit, especially on the lower settings. Almost like theres a loose connection on the switch. This seems to be getting less the more I turn it on and off, maybe there's some dirt in there that's clearing with use?
  4. an interesting bunch of facts here...............
  5. Sounds like you got plan there Davy! Just a quick question; Why the different zoom parameters for the 2 rifles? is it a springer/ pcp thing or would one be .177 and the other .22 or something like that? Either way souds like you're a Hawke SW fan! This reassures me greatly that I've bought well Jim
  6. Bloody hell Porky! I though mine was good, but it's nowt like that. They kind of feel like an enforced savings scheme thought don't they, a yearly bonus (that you've already earned, but thats not the point! Most of my rebate got snaffled by the wife for baby things, but I kept a couple of hundred quid or so for goodies. Mawders - I paid £180, which is their ticket price in the shop. I think they have one left too if you fancy it! Surprisingly I couldn't actually find it cheaper online once I got home which made it feel all the sweeter. They did me a deal on the new mounts 'cos I was buyin
  7. Wow, Porky!! I wish my rebate had been as good as that! Jim
  8. Evening all, As some of you will have seen from another of my threads I was having scope woes and have lost faith in my NS Mountmaster. I was facing a fair wait till a new scope could be funded, until a lovely thing happened in my pay packet - a tax rebate!! I love days like that! So seeing as I was foraying into N. Wales for some of this weekend I thought I'd call in at Valley Arms on the way and peruse their wares. Well after some great advice and customer service I've plumped for a Hawke Sidewinder 30 10x42 (10x 1/2 Mil-dot). And what a lovely piece of kit it is! Feels a lot
  9. And therein lies the answer. I think this subject has been done to death hasn't it? Both are very fine rifles and in the right hands can perform equally well. The 97 is apparently more tuneable, (although this may be because the TX is possibly a bit better engineered straight out the box?) Either way common opinion suggests a 97 seems to have more tuning potential and therefore has the potential to end up as a better rifle overall. But Aaron hits the key point - whats fits you best? a 97 might not be as comfortable to you and therefore you can tune the crap out of it, but it probably won'
  10. Haha! I knew not everyone would like it! s'all good though, its totally reversible. Jim
  11. If I had a proper workshop at the moment I'd attempt this. I made some sticks last year as pressies for some mates this Christmas. I made a set of 3 all from the same antler, one for me and the other two for my best mates. This would make a cool project to try and make nicely. I had initially thought it was a single stick cut along its length with a 'twist' to the cut to create the gun rest section. However looking closer I think that all the 'halves' are actually cut from their own stick, meaning it takes two lengths (and a fair bit of wastage) to create each single complete stick. I could
  12. Thanks for the feedback guys, and for the tips about scopes too! Jim
  13. Don't worry BWFC, I'll restore it properly one day. Just not today
  14. Well, seeing as I currently have no scope that will hold a zero and can't afford a new one anytime soon I thought I'd get on with a few other jobs on my gun that I've been mening to do for a while. The first of which was camo it up! After thinking about this for a while and reading a few threads I came to the conclusion that I agreed with those that said "why bother going to all the trouble and expense of camo'ing up our bodies, face, hands etc.. then wandering round with a big piece of wood and metal that doesn't match anything! As mentioned funds are tight due to a newborn in the househ
  15. which model is this please? what size tube? does come with all "as new" accessories? (sunshade etc..) thanks, Jim
  16. I give my stuff to friends as my wife doesn't like seeing dead things about the house! Particularly rabbits as she has 5 as pets. Bit of a sore point in our house as I'd love to eat it all myself. Jim
  17. I've been thinking about this very thing for some time. I use a pair of sticks for stalking but I want something for hide shooting that is short enough to use from the seated position but could be upped to the standing position if required. If it's practical enough it might replace the pair of sticks. I was thinking about getting three cheapo aluminium walking poles and fabricating a joint for them that would carry a bench rest style rest on top. Then I could rest my hand on the top and my rifle in my palm just like on my sandbag when at the range. I did think about using the pad from the top
  18. haha! your probably right. It was just an example I could think of off the top of my head. It does go to show how hard a 200 yard shot is if they had to use camera tricks though don't it! 500 yards - not a chance. The pellet would barely even go that far. Jim
  19. I don't doubt your shooting bud, but that second part sounds like the ultimate "pub fact" if ever I heard it! Did they actually hit what they were "aiming" for? was it live quarry? I sincerely hope not! If so, I call bullsh1t!! according to Chairgun my 11 ft/lb air rifle at the optimum angle will only throw a 16gr pellet 314 yards MAX!! And the chances of an "aimed" shot actually hitting anything intended at that distance is absolutely ZERO. 'The Twig' on the airgun gear show managed to hit a kill zone sized target at "only" 200 yards after about 20 attempts and only then after aimin
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